Monday, October 25, 2010

The Great Pumpkin

In honor of Halloween being this Sunday we have a little mixture of science and Halloween!
Check out the following video!

Pumpkin Physics

Lunar Update

Listen to the following link and leave your thoughts!

Lunar Update

The Last Day of the 1st Quarter!

It's hard to believe we have already completed the first quarter!
What has been your favorite part of your science class this year?  What was your favorite activity we have done?   What is something you wish we could have done in our space unit that we did not?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Meteor Shower

This week we have a chance of seeing s great meteor shower in North America, but what may get in the way?

Meteor Shower

New Dino

Check this guy out!

New Dino

The Evening Sky

What happens in our evening sky .. check out the following link!
Evening Sky

Friday, October 15, 2010


Check  out the following link.  It provides an alphabetical list of the many constellations we will find in the night sky.  Pick a constellation and give me some information about it.  Tell me it's abbreviation, it's translation, it's position in the night sky, and provide some history about the constellation for me by reading the paragraph at the bottom of the page.


Monday, October 11, 2010

World Space Week

Last week was world space week.
Check out the following link.  There are a list of questions below the paragraph, how many can you answer?  Click on each of the links to find out more!!

World Space Week

Check this out tonight ...

If you have some time tonight, head outside and check this out!!

Moon and Antares

The Moon

Do you feel you notice the moon more now that we are studying it?  Did you see the moon last night?  It was very clear and there was a beautiful crescent, hope you were able to see it! 
Read the following link to find some interesting inforation about what is happening in the sky!

NIght Sky

Planetary Update

Listen to all the information about the solar system and its amazing 98 Worlds and Counting

Planetary Science

What is meant by only a Seltzer Moon?  What would you think if life would be found on Titan?  Why should we study Titan more?  Why is Mars so small?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Once in a Blue Moon ...

Many of you have asked "what is a blue moon?"  Check out the following link!

Blue Moon

Did you know what a blue moon is?  Did you learn anything new?

Nobel Prize: Physics

The Nobel Prize for Physics was released Tuesday, October 5, 2010.
Read the following link:

Nobel Prize

Do you ever try simple experiments around your house with things you have found? 
How many of you have heard about putting a mentos candy in a two liter of pop and watching the geyser that will occur? 
How many of you have tried experiments like this at you house?
Did you learn anything new from experiments you have done on your own?

Imagine taking that creativity many steps further as an adult and creating something that would win you the Nobel Prize.  How would you feel?

A New Addition to our Solar System

Last week there were discoveries made leading up to what scientists believe is a new planet.  Read the following link and then leave your thoughts!

New Planet


Read the link below.

How stars are made

Report out something new that you have learned!