Monday, March 28, 2011

Water Shortage

Could some people face a possible water shortage in the year 2050?  Read the following link and see what is in the near future for some people.  Leave your thoughts.

2050 water shortage

Radiation reaching the US

The following article talks about radiation leaks from Japan reaching all the way to the US.  What are your thoughts after reading the article?

Radiation reaching the US

Update on Japan

This article talks about the radioactive water spills which have occurred in nuclear plants in Japan.  Read the information and leave your thoughts.  Imagine surviving such a deadly earthquake and tsunami and now face the risk of being exposed to deadly radiation.  What would you do?

Radiation Spills

Drilling to the Mantle

We discussed, in previous units, the Earth and it's various layers.  Listen to the following link and find out what we would see if we were to drill to the center of the Earth.  What are your thoughts?

drilling to the mantle

Storm Chasers

What did you think about the storm chasers videos that we watched last week?  Would you like to be a storm chaser?  Do you think it would be an exciting career?  Where would you think you would need to live in order to be a storm chaser?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Water Cycle Video

Watch the following video ....
Did this help you to understand the water cycle a little bit better?  Any questions you have?

water Cycle video

The Water Cycle

The following link shows the water cycle.  Play the game and tell me what you learned.  Did anything surprise you?

Water Cycle Game

Super Moon

Did you see the moon on Saturday night?  Read the following link to see why it was such a phenomena.

Super Moon

Why did we see this large moon?

Change in the Earth's Tilt

Not only did the Massive Earthquake and tsunami change things drastically for Japan and those who live there, it has also change the tilt of the Earth.  Check out the following link.  What are your thoughts?

Earthquake changes tilt

Monday, March 14, 2011

Water for Life

On Friday, we watched a number of videos describing Jay Z's work in his project Water for Life.  What did you learn when watching those videos?    How do you feel about this project?  What did you think about the video?
The following link provides a small recap of what we watched.

Water For Life

Earthquake in Japan

Japan's recent Earthquake ranks amongst the worst in history.  Read the following link, how would you feel if you were in Japan?

Historic Earthquake

Tsunami in Japan

On Friday we talked about the Earthquake and Tsunami that occurred in Japan.  The following link provides information on the nuclear explosions that have now occurred as a result.
Leave your thoughts.

Nuclear Explosion

This Field Rocks

Tucked in a shallow valley in northeastern Pennsylvania is a mysterious geologic feature: 16 acres of sandstone boulders. Science Friday took a trip to Hickory Run State Park's "boulder field" and spoke with Megan Taylor, environmental education specialist, about why the rocks collected there. Could you find any place close by that you could find this many rocks in one place?  What do you think about this area how did it form?

Field of Rocks

Water Cycle

How does the water cycle work?  Go to website and go through the animation to see.  Comment on the steps of the water cycle.

Water Cycle Animation

Monday, March 7, 2011

New Universe

Could there be more out there than scientists aware?  What is the newest ideas about the universe? What are the new ideas of infinity. Listen to this pod cast and give us your ideas about new ideas about the universe and the possibility of parallel universes.

parallel universe

More Rock Cycle Work

What are the three rock types?  How do you we get from one rock type to the next? Play this rock cycle game to learn more about the rock cycle

Rock Cycle

Rock Cycle

How does the rock cycle work?  What does it take for rocks to change form?  Connect to the following link and animate to find out.  Give us your thoughts

Rock Cycle Animation

What do you think?

Did the rock labs we completed in class help you in understanding the different types of rocks, their characteristics and how to identify them?  What did you think of these different labs?  Did you like doing them or not?  How would you have preferred to learn about the different rock types (yes, you do have to learn about them!)