Please go to the following link and read the article:
Hurricane Katrina
Once you have read the article, please answer the following questions:
1. How would you feel if you were forced to leave your home because of a hurricane?
2. If your home was restored and you were able to move back after 5 years, would you move back or would you be afraid another hurricane would come through the area?
I would be very unhappy and most likely depressed about having to leave behind the memories. 2: I would be too nervous about having to go through another hurricane to move back.
I would hate to have to leave my home, but I would also be terrified of going back to it in fear that there could be another hurricane. IN my opinion its great that their homes are restored, but I would not return to my house because of my past experience. And anyway it would be hard again to move from the house we called home for 5 years and go back to the new restored one.
I would feel very abandoned. I would feel really out of place! And if my home was restored, it would be really be hard to do! If you were away from home for 5 years, then you could go back... that would be really hard to go back to what you left. I would also be very terrified that another hurricane would come and take my home away again!
I am very happy that they got their homes back!:) But I would be scared that it would happen again! Wouldn't you?
yea that's was my concern I would not want to have to relive it if another hurricane came. All togethter it would be a hard decision.
It would be, if it happened again I wouldn't want to go back, just because I would be scared!
I would be really sad to leave my home. I would go back, but i would be really nervous. I wouldnt live there i would just go for a visit and then live somewhere where there arent hurricanes.
Hurricanes scare me so if I was forced out of my house because of one I would probably be in tears, so I feel bad because they all were forced out of their homes.
That must truly be terrifying to be forced out of your home, not be able to do anything about it, and have everything that you knew of at your home destroyed. But the worst part is that this family was not allowed back for 5 years. It is unimaginable.
1.I would be afraid because I wouldn't know where to go and also afraid I owuldn't be able to come back. I'd be very sad and emotional. I would probably be emotionally scarred.
2.I would probably move back even though my fear of another hurricane would be everlasting, I would still move back because it would always be home to me. I don't think I would be able to leave and never come back.
@Abby Rembold
I would be nervous to visit again too. It would bring back so many memories, it would be really hard.
@ Rembold, Abby:
I totally agree with you. Even if I lived in New Orleans all my life, I would move to somewhere with less of a hurricane history. Anyway, that is what I would do.
Yea definitly.Wouldn't it just freak you out to think about another hurricane hitting?
If I had to leave my home I would be very sad and depressed. It would be hard going back because after the five years and seeing my house after it got destroyed and then if I would have to leave again, so I wouldnt move back after the hurricane.
I would be sad because ive been living there since i waas a kid and theres lots of memories.
I would be afraid because if there is another hurricane my family and I could be hurt.
@stithc.11 (aka Sam) Yes it would be very terrifying and it would be hard to lose all those memories. I am glad they got their homes back because I'm sure that was just wonderful, one of the best things that has ever happened to them!
i would feel upset leaving being my house all my things and the memories that were or are in my house. i wouldnt go back to the same house, i would probably move somwhere else in fear, and because how long it would take to clear up all the damage.
@peters, jennifer
i feel bad for the people who went through that too. it must have been terrifying
i would be very upset if my house got destroyed i would miss my memories. after 5 years i would be scared to move back in because if another huricane came that would mean i lost mty memories 2 times and it would be scary to be in another hurricane
same with me if i was forced to move out i would be in tears too because of all my memories i left
i would fell the same way about leaving my house.
I would be very upset and depressed :(
I would also be very nervous about another hurricane coming...
@ Young,Mackenzie
I'd be pretty scared of a hurricane coming back
I would hate having my home taken away from me because of a hurricane.
I wouldn't go back but not because I'm scare but I think it would be to painful to see your old house in ruins.
I would be so heartbroken. Hurricans are so sudden you probably dont realize this is my house thats falling about untill it actually has.
I would go back, if my house was restored. If it wasnt I guess you would just have to find somewere new because then I wouldnt go back.
I would be very heartbroken too.
I would feel terrible to move from my home.Because i would never like to be in this mess or i would probably die or have a few cuts.
What is Earth Science?
It was very bad because it distroyed peoples lives and homes.
QUESTION1:I would feel really upset because we would have to pack everything and leave the house that I felt comfertable in.\
Question2:I wouldnt move back if I could because I wouldnt take the risk of having another hurrican through the area.
I would feel stressed along with a lot of other emotions. I would hate to leave all my things behind. It would be a tragedy for me.
I would be too afraid to move back. What if the house got hit again? What if something worse happened? I would be comfortable in my new life after five years.
i would not like it because everything would be gone. i would go back though cause i bet the new house i'll get does'nt have a pool.
I feel the same way. It would be hard to leave the new life I had learned to live.
What is Earth science
Austin Deller
@Petters Jennifer
I also would hate to leave my home and i wouldnt ever come back eather
1. I would be very sad and scared. It would probably be a very traumatic situation that would affect you for the rest of your life.
2. I probably wouldn't move back permenantly but I might want to visit it.
1.I would feel awful.I would be scared and wouldnt understand why it happened to me.losing all my stuff and having nothing would be unbearable.
2.i would not move back.The bad memories would haunt me.I would be frightened it would happen again.
What is science?
Austin Deller
If I was forced out of my home because a huricain I would fell horible leaving all of my memories behind
I would be scared about another huricain ya, but there is no place like home and I would deffinetly stay in my home
@ Jennifer Peters
I agree with you Jennifer, it would be very sad.
@ Sara Voigt
I agree, it would be very heartbreaking and it would be a tough situation for anyone.
I agree with you totally except on one thing. I don't want to move back because it would be too depressing to see everything destroyed.
I agree with everything. I would be comfortable in my new life and the memories would haunt me
I would mad and afraid because i could get hurt bad.
yes its just one of those things that you dont even know what to say when it happends
i totaly agrea but you cant leave you home to many memories
i would cry, and i wouldnt go back because it would remind me of what i have lost.
@ young
i agree with you and after i would feel that abandondment when it happened when i came back i would feel it again
I would hate to have to leave my home even if i was born in that house i would have so many memories there i would hate to have to leave.
i would be very unhappy if a huricane hit and we lost every thing i wouldnt want to move back because if anoter one hit.
I would be quite sad. Leaving behind all those fond memories there, and just everything else that will stay there.
I would not be afraid of another one. I would move back and keep on living life.
if i were forcd to move out of my home i would be really upset but i know it would be for my famili and i's safety so would move buut iwouldn't be happy abput it.... and as far as moving back five years later... i wouldn't... it would be a good chance to move and make a new start.
@Peters, Jennifer
I agree, it is great that they got their homes back. It just shows that there are nice people in the world, willing to help people in need that they don't even know! That is great!
@ Mauriciio,Courtney
As well as i i would be nervous too move back too.To have to go through all of that stuff again i would be depressed.
1. I would be very upset if I had to leave my house beause of a hurricane. I would be upset to leave the memories and I would be upset just that things couldnt be normal.
2. I would be too nervous to return. I probably would be happy that my home got restored, but I wouldn't want to get situated again and then have another huricane hit. The house wouldn't be the same house anyways, and I would already be adjusted to the one I lived in for five years, so then I wouldnt want to leave behind that house, or new friends I made, etc.
i would be scared too move back i would not want to move back at all I would just hate going through all of that again.
@John Dinger
I can see how you wouldn't want to move back. I would be overjoyed to move back. The amount of great memories would make that one bad memory pretty much be non existant!
I forgot about that, I would probably cry too because of the reminder. I guess basically I wouldn't want to go back no matter what.
@ bredancer2016
I would do the same thing i would move some where else.
But i am happy they got there house and lives back.
1. How would you feel if you were forced to leave your home because of a hurricane?
I Would Be Very Depressed If That Happened To Me....
2. If your home was restored and you were able to move back after 5 years, would you move back or would you be afraid another hurricane would come through the area?
NO WAY I Wiould Be Freaked Out To Live There Again!!
@Jennifer Its Freaky Right!
I agree that I wouldnt be able to leave and never come back, but I dont think I would be able to completly move back. Visiting would be enough for me. The overall thing would be very hard.
I would feel bad cuse you have to leve all of your suff behind. I would be nervous but I would like to move back into a house that i can bring know memories into.
i woulb be very unhapppy to leave my house because i would have so many memories if my hous was destroyed and i be very nevous to go back cause i be scared another hurrican would hit
If my house was restored and I hadnt moved into another one, then maybe I would go back. Its a hard decision and Im glad I dont actually have to decide. I bet it was really hard for the one man who lost his house to the hurricane, moved somewhere else, and then lost that house again.
I'm gonna have to go on another vacation again.
- Joseph Pegg
@ courtney
I would be unhappy to having to leave my memories behide. I would aslo be nervouse to move back into a house and still think of another hurricane coming through
@maricio,courtney i would be depressed 2 it would be so upsetting i would also be to nervous to move back! :)
1: I would be so sad and stressed. Leaving what my family worked so hard for and how it just would lay in rubble. It would be too much to handle.
2:Yes, i would be afraid of another huricane passing through. I mean if it happened once it can happen again.
I know what u mean. I think it would be unimaginable also. U cant do anything to save your home and 5 years later you come back. Its so sad.
1.I would feel devistated because you are leaving behind important things to you and valuble things.
2.I would probably move to a different area just to be safe cause i wouldnt want that to happen to me or anyone else again.
I would feel mad because I would leave all of the valuable things I owned and all of the memories i have had at my house. 2: I would move back to remember what it was like and to feel like I'm home again, but I would also be terrified of another hurricane
I would be in shock and would always have that bad memory in my head.If my house was restored 5years later i would not want to go back because for one I would be to afraid of being in another hurrican and for two the house would just remind me everyday of the hurricane:(
@ courtney
I would not go back either because of how sad it would be to see all my good memories in my house gone!
i totalyy agree it would terrible... and going back to what you lost... it would never be the same! i wouldn't be able to do it!!!
I would be very sad if my home got destroyed in hurricane katrina because i have alot of good memories and i would not want them to wash away.
@Superman Yes I understand that. I think it would be very hard to move back, but I wouldn't be able to keep myself away from moving back to where I grew up and lived and loved.
@Reis,Elizabeth Visiting would only work for me for so long because no matter how many times you visit it just wouldn't be the same.
@Voigt, Sara I agree with you on how its so sudden you wouldn't even realize what's happening aroound you and how the results will affect you. I would feel so like helpless because there is nothing you can do about hurricanes!
I would be devastated because you have a lot of memories in your house and then all of a sudden your memories are gone. If after 5 years my house got restored I would be happy but worried because what if the new memories you make be all gone in a matter of sec. because of a hurricane. It just makes me thinks more and also makes me sad.:(
@mackenzie:) I also agree with you, at first you would be sad then 5 years later your happy then if another hurricane hit you would go back to being sad so I would try to look at the bright-side and think at least I am with my family, together.
I would fee very sad and disappointed to move. I probably would not move back just in case another hurricane would come that way and I wouldn't have to move again.
1. i would feel bad
2. i would be afraid.
I would hate to leave my house too.
I would hate to leave my home because there would be to many memories in that house. And no i would not go back to my house or that STATE because i would be to nevouis to go back
i would hate ta leave my friends, family and all my memories behind but it would be a good thing to start over a new life and not wory to much about going threw something like that again
Jill Stange
I would be very depressed leaving what was left of my home and moving somewere else with nothing.
@jill stange
yeah since everything and everyone you know lived in a place thats now gone
I would feel pretty bad and it would suck to get cought in the hurricane in a car or worse a plane or boat, I't makes me wonder if bomb shelters are an option
i would feel really mad having to leave but i would come back right away because i would miss it.
If i was forced to leave my home i would be very upset. I have lived there my whole life and my friend lives right next door and if i could move back in 5 years i think i would move back but i would be very nervous about another hurricane.
@RemoldAbby I think everyone would be upset but i think i would move back and yes i would be nervous but i think i would stay.
1.I would really feel bad.I would more then likely cry.Only becauuse i would be forced to move out of where i grew up.:(
1.I would feel eally bad beacsue i would be forced to move out of wher all my child hood memories are.
2.I probably wouldn't bacause you are trying to make a fresh start and if another hurricane comes through then your fresh start has to re-freshed.
i would feel mad and i would start cussing.i would be afard but i would might still go.
josh parsons- I would feel like i would be changing lives because i would be in a totaly diffirent area and would have to change schools and make new friends.I would be happy to see old friends and schoolmates but sort of scared of another hurricane would come!
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yea i know me to. now that i think about it it i dont know what i would do. I wish i could talk to someone who went through it
Michael Twilling
1.I would be angry that i was forced and could not do anything about it.
2. No I would probably made knew freinds and if i did what if another one came back.
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