Monday, September 27, 2010

Living in Space II

This link follows up with the first link on living in space.  Here we will take a look at the 'new' space suit. 
What are your thoughts?

Living in Space II


Mauricio,Courtney said...

Wow that is interesting! Now people can go into space without as much trouble. But would their fingernails still fall off?? Oh well one step at a time

Anonymous said...

I couldn't do it! Not being able to move! Well, you could move! But only a little! It still would stink!! But I still think that was all interesting.

Moehring,DeeAnna said...

i like the spandex(but even tighter)idea!
but wouldnt having a tighter space-suit make you even more sweatier..???

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! I think this so amazing. People can go into space with no truble at all. would they still lose alot of bone mass? so would they have to drink alot of energy drink to have there bone mass back?

Sturwold, Kaylee said...

I could imagine it being hard to walk on space but i didnt know the suit was one of the problems

Andrew Gibbous McCarthy said...

now i think that they could discover more stuff on the moon because they can move faster and go places they havent gone before

Moehring,DeeAnna said...

@mauricio Courtney
i wounder too would your fingernails still fall off!!!!
i bet they would unless the space suit covered the hands with all the new space suit stuff(:

Sturwold, Kaylee said...

@courtney EWWWWW that would be disgusting if your fingernails fell off but it still would be cool to go to space

Taylor's blog spot said...

i wouldnt do it, id be to scared to lose my finger nails still!but that was still cool to learn

Mauricio,Courtney said...

@ Andrew

I agree that much more can be found and done but everything comes with a sacrifice! Just imagine that in the future if we didn't take risks then we would never advance.

Anonymous said...

@deeanna i think it would make you sweat more. i think the only way to not get sweaty is to wear shorts/spandex that are breathe able.

Mauricio,Courtney said...

@ kaylee I agree it would be discusting especially if it happend in the space suit while in space!!!! EWWWW That would feel horrible!

ReddingtonDavid said...

what do they mean why spraying vit on

Lamping Ally said...

That would be so cool to have body spandex ha! But its probably very uncomfortable.

Savard, Samantha said...

This would be too much for me Icould not do it with me knowing there could still be a chance of me losing my fingernailsand me loswing my bone density that just creeps me out.

Henson,Megan said...

Wouldn't the suit be hard to get off if it gets sprayed on? Also wouldn't it be not as comfortable?

Anonymous said...

I think that the new space suit is a good idea because it would make italot easier for all of the space men and women but my point is that it would make it easier

Rembold,Abby said...
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Peters,Jennifer said...

@ Thats what i'm wondering too. Would their fingernails still fall off? Will they still lose bone density?

kallmeyer, bridget said...

I think the new space suts are a good idea but how would you get the spray paint layer off?

LaGrangeBonnie said...

Wow being an atronaut isn't all fun and games apparently! That would be hard not being able to move easily.

LaGrangeBonnie said...

@ Courtney Yeah hopefully the fingernails will be the next step they take!

kallmeyer, bridget said...

I agree they could discover more stuff on the moon because they can move faster and go places they havent gone before

Greve, Julia said...

@jennifer peters

their bone density still lessens and they still lose their fingernails

Anonymous said...

that is so awesome but the fingernails im still wonderin. but i would never do that because not being able to move is a werid feeling i bet.or only a little bit of movment but still think about sit in a corner for an hour yea way to long
-sydney polking

Henry Minning said...

That was pretty interesting. That seems like it would work but also at the same time cause some problems. But i don't make the space suits, but I stil wonder if those would work well or not when they are actually in space.

Anonymous said...

if you want to go into space you have to be a neat freak,in space you have to be very neat.Our lowerbody helps ususe our bones and muscleswhich make them very strong.the heart and blood change in space,the heart has to work extra,hard against gravity to move the blood all around the space with the pull of gravitythe blood moves to the upper body and head.

Smith,Courtney said...

I thought that it woulldn't be easy walking in space but i didn't know that the space suit was part of the problems. I would also imagine that the new space suit would be diffuclut to get on and off

bekah said...

thats really people will beable to go into space and not get so hurt.

bader,lindsay said...

that was interesting now people can go into space without their fingernails falling off

Henry Minning said...

@ Bonnie LaGrange
Yea, I wonder how they train and what they would do if there was a problem when your in space. Seems like hard work

Smith,Courtney said...

@ bonnie

I agree with you

Tchase said...

I think the space-suit is a great idea. Thhe ones we have now are bulky and im guessing it would be hard to move in them. But would their fingernails fall off ?

Greve, Julia said...

@anna sanzere

if they were breathable, air would deplete from your space suit.

Henry Minning said...

@ Courtney Mauricio
Yea I wonder if there fingers would fall off. Or if there bone density would change. And how would you be able to prevent that. I wonder if they will ever find out how to prevent those things.

bader,lindsay said...

i know courtney i agree with you how are they going to get that on them and off them

Riley, Olivia said...

i hope that people can go to space and not have much trouble moving... the suit that they showed in the picture was really cool, i wish i had one...

waters,gabrielle said...

It would be cool to go in space it would be more cool to do it the new space suot.But is a little odd that a man got lost in space but at lest you made history.I would love to put on a space suot. Learning about space is fun.

Anonymous said...

Michael Twilling

not being able to see would suck espically drowning in your own sweat while on the moon

When its fixed i would love to go to space

johnson, allison said...

i still wouldnt go in space with that better space suit because i wouldnt want there to be a risk of fingernails falling off. Allison Johnson

Anonymous said...

im guessing they would have gloves on haha, I think it wuld work really well to and that it would make moving around so much easier.

Anonymous said...

-sara voigt

Zach "Hillshire" Viox said...

Thats cool i would like to go up to space someday maybe they will make it so every can someday and this is a leap forward

walter burkart said...

thats pretty cool how they have made it so small but it would be scary because there is less stuff between you and the space.

johnson, allison said...

@Young ,Mackenzie i also wouldnt go in space with those risks.

Anonymous said...

Wow! thatss cool.

John Dinger said...

that is something i did not know.i knew it was harder to move in, but i didnt know it was tha hard. i hope this new spacesuit helps us in future space missions.

Anonymous said...

wow thats alot of layers to put on i would probably get realy hot in the suit

Anonymous said...

yeah i realy dont want my finger nails cut of

Andrew Ehrman said...
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alyssa weber said...

I think it was very smart to improve the space suits

alyssa weber said...

I totaly agree
I love my fingernails

Andrew Ehrman said...

Thats amazing even if there is a tear in the space suit IN SPACE its not life threatining.

Anonymous said...

@jake, hah yea i dont think anyone doesnt want fingernails, and i know. If its tighter than spandex then wow thats tight...escpecially if u have something like spray painte on u under it

Anonymous said...

sara voigt...

Anonymous said...

yea thats cool.

Natalie said...

The suit sort of looks like someting a motorbiker would wear. It looks more comfortable though.

johnson, allison said...

@sanzere anna i still think you could loose bone Mass even with the new space suit.

Anonymous said...

i dont know because i mean you have special equipment to exercise with up in space just so u dont get weak
-sara voigt(:

Thorp,Jayden said...

I think they should stay with the old suit i think it wold be a lot safer when the people are working in space.Why because the face mask wouldnt fog up and you wouldnt sweat as much I think and you wold be able to move freer so that is what I think.

Anonymous said...

Joseph Pegg

That is so cooooooooool.
Ihope they don't take their helmet off because they will chock to death.

Thorp,Jayden said...

@ Courteny Mauricio
Yeah thats what i woulkd want to know would their finger nails would fall off in the new suit?

cirkovic, daniel said...

Wow. We are really making good advances. Good to know. I would be scared if I were that asturonaut that had to feel his way to his ship. What if you would float off? Can you fall off the moon? I wonder.

Jenkins,Tom said...

the opening sounded like the captins log from star trek!
still cool thogh

cirkovic, daniel said...

@John Dinger

I hope it helps. All that hard work to make that suit to go to nothing would be very sad.

Dupont, Noah said...

That fixes one thing. It doesn't fix the fingernail loss or the the bone density problems. At least you can move better in space. About the tear not losing any oxygen, wouldn't you freeze or overheat, because in space its freezing, and the sun also makes some parts super hot. I'm somewhat confused by it, but it also makes sense to me.

Calderon, Heidi said...

WOW!!! this was like AWESOME!!
you can actually go into space without alot of trouble.. but the thing is that would you still lose alot of bone mass?? Will your fingernails still fall off???
That is just sounds very weird to me.

Anonymous said...


Joseph Pegg

dacoda said...

oh cool know we all can go witout are fingersnails foling off

Dupont, Noah said...

Yeah not being able to move is frustrating for me. That and other things, like not being able to do something, being helpless. It just frustrates me to no end!

Haden, Mark said...

Tom do you like space. I do.

MooreKassidy said...

Theree is ony one rason i wouldnt go to space,and that is because i am scared to loose my fingernails! It cool that they have a new suite but iit still depends if i would loosemy fingernails for going to space.

Thorp,Jayden said...

@ mackenzie young
i agree with you i couldnt move. i would suck

MooreKassidy said...

@ Heidi.
I agree with you all depends on the fingernails for me.(:

Guthier Nick said...

Wow that is so cool, people can now go into space probably not having to hop around so much and with more mobility. I wonder if it still has an effect on your bone mass and fingernails.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

To Markus

I do too I want to float in space do you i want too. [ha ha ha ha.]

Joseph Pegg

wessels,kelsey said...

@dacoda berger
hey dacoda you spell falling wrong its FALLING and it would be weird if your fingernails would fall off

Calderon, Heidi said...

I know like what girls live without finger nails??? its just weird if we didnt have any of them (:

Anonymous said...

To Mark

Joseph Pegg

Haden, Mark said...
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MooreKassidy said...

I know what else could we paint besides our fingernails.? Its would be pretty depressing!

Guthier Nick said...

@ Noah
I was thinking the same thing that you would freeze or overheat and it would be hot in some areas but it still makes sense.

Calderon, Heidi said...

No it wouldnt be pretty depressing it would be very very very very very depressing for people like me and you.(:
but we are all lucky that we have fake glue on nails so that we could just put those on and dont have to worry about our nails because we'll just have fake ones(:

gaddis,breanna said...

me too heidi

MooreKassidy said...

@ Heidi.
Dont you think it would hurt to push really hard on the bare skin and it would really hurt if you had to rip the nail off! I wouldnt do it!!!!!(:

gaddis,breanna said...

i would miss my zebra stripes on my toes haha and it would be discussting

dacoda said...
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Calderon, Heidi said...

Well it would be kinda nasty if we had a fake glue on nail on top of our skin and like it got ripped off that would suck it would hurt very badly.. ya i wouldnt go for that one either (:

Anonymous said...

i bet most of the bio-suit wearers will mostly be men because women - nails = angry women ill volenteer !justin klug

MooreKassidy said...

@ heidi.
Would you go to space now.?

Calderon, Heidi said...

haha yea well it would be very nasty

gaddis,breanna said...

ya right!!!

Reis, Elizabeth said...

That would be weird to not be able to move. The new space suits seem a lot easier and less dangerous because of the fact that if the suit rips it wont get rid of your air.

Calderon, Heidi said...


LaGrangeBonnie said...

@Henry I think they do a lot of simulations and stuff. I wonder about what would happen if there was a problem in space too, I bet a lot of little kids are going to be disappointed when they find out you dont just float around in space when your an astronaut! :)

Sydney,Vest said...

WOW! im glad someone has taken care of that problem! Im sure the new suit will be really tight!! but my question is what about there finger nails? @courtney@macenzie

Schwab,Izzy said...

wow, how cool!YAY! body spandex!!! XD what about your fingernails? wouldn't they fall off... body spandex must be very Uncomfortable... :P

Schwab,Izzy said...

@young mackenzie me too! and it would stink! literally! can you imagine how gross that would be!!! what with all that sweat and stuff!!

Anonymous said...

Michael Twilling
I would like being space because of the zero gravity. But, I would not like a hot suit or a suit that is all tight. I would not like a suit that is real stiff and cannot move either.

Bader, Lucas said...

That visiting in space would be so much easier. I am not sure I would be comfortble wearing a spandex suit because it would feel to tight for me.