Would you be willing to try this treatment as an experimental drug if you were suffering from cancer? What are your thoughts and feelings on this medical advancement??
I wouldn't want to be treated with this until I knew it was completely safe. They said they were going to start testing on humans in mid-2011. So, until I knew that it worked for those people... I'm not going to try it.
well mostlikely no but id have to go threw cancer to actually have the answer, but i would rather suffer than mabey make it worse, my thoughts are: oh my gosh i might have cancer and maibey have to take the cancer treatment, and oh cool.
I would only try the new drug after they tested it on an animal and the results were positive. I think it's amazing how they are now finding a cure for cancer! I'm glad that people's lives will be saved if this compound works, but are there any side affects that might occur?
I would try this treatment if I hadc cancer because I bet if I had cancer I'd be willing to try almost anything to get rid of it. I think it is wonderful vthat they found this possible treatment because there are tons of people out there with Cancer suffering and wondering how long they have. Also it would decrease the number of deaths a year and such. I think it is pretty amazing and hope that it will work well!
I would take the experimental drug if i was suffering from cancer and i really needed it and cancer was really effecting my life,but if i had cancer and it wasnt really effecting my life i wouldnt use it. i think it is awesome that they have something that can make cancer comit suicide.
I would try it because if it worked on lab mice there is a possiblity that it could work on us. I am very happy they have a treatment because alot of people die from cancer and it is very sad.
@Mackenzie Yea I agree. I would wait until mid-2011 then if the people that were tested seem to be doing okay then I would go ahead and get the treatment.
I would try the cancer treatment since it was working on the animal if they didn't know if the results were ppsssible or not then i would not risk it I guess I would still have to suffer. Also I dont like how there using animals to test it I would rather have them use plants if that is possible I mean what did animals ever do to humans that was so bad we have to take there lives away from them
yes i would let them give me the drug because cancer is very deadly and it meight be the only chance i get to get rid of cancer, even though i would be scared
I would only test the treatment if I had cancer really bad and didnt have a good chance of living. I also think it is great that they might have found something to cure cancer (:
i wouldnt be kinda scared but also really exicted that i might not have cancer anymore... but the one thing i would be scared the most is will the cancer come back?
@ Jennifer In the article it said that there shouldn't be and side affects following this treatment. Which would definitely be a good thing, but who knows it could turn up that there are side affects. Let's just hope it works with out side affects.
@sarah I would be really afraid to but I no I would take it because I would think if i would have something "bad" happen to me if I took that and got the treatment it would be ok
Oh my gawd. oh my gawd. oh my gawd. If that medicine works, that would save millions o lives. my grandpa had cancer, and lost all of his hair in chemo, then passed away. if u could take a pill and then be done with it, well then it would be no big deal. of course, the compound would have to be adapted to the different cancers. if u ask me, i would say someone deserves a peace prize.
wow thats so crazy that after all these year of people dieing of cancer it would be something thats in your body mix it togter and u get cancer medicene ... and i would also think that it would come from cincinnati because its the best place propbaly the best plaace to go with cancer
i honestly dont know if i would get the treatment or not because i wouldnt want it to make my cancer even worse but i mean if it doesnt do anything to you or if it works you have got nothing to use but to try it, if i was supposed to live past 2011 if i had cancer i would try it after a few people had been tested(:
I would be willing to try this treatment as an experimental drug if I was suffering from cancer because I would want to try anything to get rid of it. I wonder how the treatment gets the cells to commit suciside. I also wonder how the cells commit suciside.
@Luke I know what your saying. But I would test someone who already has cancer. Not someone who doesn't. But if you wanted to, then go right ahead... I just don't want too.
-Jill Stange I would get treatment if i was about to die. i would also make sure it was 100% safe. i think it is awsome they found a cure that works on labmice hopfully it works on humans with cancer and tumors.
@ abby rembold i also think that its very awesome thst they have found something to make cancer commit suicide! i hope this really saves a lot of more peoples lives(:
I probably would be willing to try a treatment because if i do it i could probably save alot of lives. I keep thinking i can make a difference and feel good by doing something for someone else, and make this world a better place!
@ Jennifer Peters I agree I am glad that they are finding cures for cancer. I think there probably will be side affects becuase most things do. I wonder how many side affects there are.
I would take that drug no question. I'd take it because cancer kills a lot of people,and if I'd have the chance to not be one of them then I'd most likely take that chance.I wouldn't be the first, I'd wait and see if all the other people who took the drug died or if there was some life threatening side effect.Over all I'm happy that they might have found a cure for cancer.
@tyler that's so sad. My aunt dies last year with cancer to. So we both feel the same way. It can hurt losing a loved one, but think they had a great life!
@sarah i agree, i would be tarrified like you, but it might be for the best if we had cancer, but i would need proof that it was safe to do so i would have a better outcome.
@samantha I feel the same way if didn't try it on animal how would they know if the resulates are possitive then if they where then i mit try it but if the didn't try on someone then i wouldn't try it Sarah Savard
You would be right to be scared, I meanit's an experimental drug that hasn't been tested on humans yet.And it wouldn't be your only chance for survival,although it may be your highest chance depending on if it works or not.If the drug doesn't work then there's always radiation.
this could make a great difference to people with cancer. it could cure a lot of people who would have died without it. i would take the drug, but not when it was first sent out. because there could be side effects or it might not work. but if it does it'll help a lot of people.
i would only take the treament if i new it was safe. if i would take it when it was not safe what could that do to me when i had cancer. i would be very scared for myself and my family. but hopefully it is safe because it would be amazing if we found a cure for cancer --Sydney POlking--
I think thats amazing. I would only be treated with the drug if it was tested and i knew for sure that it wasn't dangerous or anything, but i think its awesome tha they found that
Alana Gulley I would let them do the experiment on me if it really worked and would get rid of my cancer. I would also be very scared because what if it didnt work and something else happened and i still had cancer?
i would like to try the treatment if it had a possibility to have my cancer away.i would be scared if it had a risk of something else happening to me that can also harm me but over all i would take the chances!lyndsey roberto
That would be so amazing if the found a cure for cancer!! so many people would NOT die for that reason!!!! but i fell sad the tested it on lab animals though :(
yes. I would try this drug. even if it didnt work this experiement could help me and others. Thank you to all the scienctist who found this treatment and even if it dosent work on humans we are one step closer to a cure. I honestly think this is a great breakthough and can help many. This shows that many hours and days of work can do. I absoulutly think this is an amazing thing and can really help people.
i would try the drug if it means it could save my life, i just think that it is so shocking how now they are finding cures for cancer.Also i might of have some question like does the drug have any harmful side affects
If I had cancer I'd be really excited about this I'd ask if I could be one of the test subjects to see if it works but I'd be a little scared though. I think its really cool how we can do that though.
jennifer peters that is a good idea also have them test it on something that is already harmed alot like a animal.because it could be risking somones life who exactuallt does have cancer.lyndsey roberto!
i would definately let them get me some of that med. but suicide cancer sells is alitle bit much id be scared of that because thats my cancer sells killing them selves.
yes i would try this treatment only because i would want to have a better chance to live. but on the other hand it would be kinda scary becuase you never know if someting could go wrong and then you could die
i would take this no doubt. cancer is a disease and kills about 1500 in the U.S a day an about 3400 are diagnosed with cancer each day in the U.S i cant wait for this to be in hospitals
i would be really scared to do the treatment but i would like to get rid of the cancer i already had. theres another problem though if the treatment would risk another type of cancer though. i hope all the hard work and hours pays off for the people who try to cure these things.
I would probably not let them give me the drug, I would want to get rid of the cancer, but I don't think I would want to take that risk, maybe if I truly needed it to live.
Yes, I would be willing to take the treatment. I would be norves though, since it has only been tested on animals, but i do not approve of the animal testing!
i would let them give me that drug if i had cancer and i would be really scared u can also die if u had cancer i would want wont to die noww becuse i want to have a good healthy life.
i would take the drug if it gets rid of cancer. but i will be afraid that it may not work.i will also be really afraid to get the treatment. but i will do anything to get rid of cancer.ALLISON JOHNSON
i would take the drug if it gets rid of cancer. but i will be afraid that it may not work.i will also be really afraid to get the treatment. but i will do anything to get rid of cancer.ALLISON JOHNSON
Would you be willing to try this treatment as an experimental drug if you were suffering from cancer? I would let them put the drug in me if it gets the cancer away, but also wouldnt because you dont know if it is completely safe yet.
What are your thoughts and feelings on this medical advancement?? I thinkk this is really good that they made a Treatment that good possibly save your life or just for a little bit longerr so you can do and see everything you want.
Would you be willing to try this treatment as an experimental drug if you were suffering from cancer? Yes i would take the risk to make myself better What are your thoughts and feelings on this medical advancement?? it has made a great achievement to the medical world.
If i had cancer i would be willing to try this. if it could help me and i could help science and medicine i would definetely do it.i think it is great that we made this achievment and i truly hope it works for humans.
I would be willing to try the treatment because even if it didn't work the scientists could possibly find out the problem and help many other people with cancer. But I would still be hopeful that it would work on me and cure me.
I would take the drug because I would want at least a chance of getting better. I think that it is great that they might of found a better cure for cancer and I hope that it works.
I would let them give me the treatment if there I had tried all other potentially sucessful treatment and they hadnt worked. I think this medical advancment is really cool and I hope it continues on to find more cures to cancer and diseases in genral. _Sara Voigt
kylie Gill I wound try the new test around the mid: 2011 because to make sure if it is positive. my feelings of this is i would be scared, i hope this treatment work's!!
I would not be willing to be the first person to try it but if i did have cancer I would try it but not first. It was bound to happen sometime So many people have been working for a cure for so long.
@ natalie I will hope the treatment will work on me and the cure to because i dont want to get sick and die and to do it so the scientist will find the cure.!
yes if i had cancer i would try it of course it would depent on my curcumstanses because if i did it at the age im at now i wouldent and only as a last risort or it had been very thoroly proven it works with no side effects. i think its a wonder ful discovery for cancer treatment
sam sims- i think that cancer is one of the wers things anyone can get some canser you are luky to survive some canser you are not so luky canser is sad news.
Yes I would let them give me the drug. Cancer is a horrible thing a I would want to get rid of it, no matter what the stakes. It's good that we finally found a way that might work ro stop cancer. Too bad we couldn't have found ut earlier to save the lives that have been taken my cancer. I hope it really works. I would like to know of it really outsmarts cancer to commit "suicude".
If I were suffering from cancer I would probably try it, as long as I wasnt the very first person to (and it had worked, of course.) I think this cure is a real breakthrough, and I cant believe it was discovered in 2002 but we havent heard about it until now.
im so glad that they finally have a cure, possibly. my grandma died of cancer, and my aunt is a survivor. if anything i wish they would of had a treatment when my grandma was diognoste with cancer. she was misereble and if it actually works she still could of been here. i also think its sad though that the animals have to get tested on inorder to test something. i wouldnt be the one to be tested on first but if i had cancer i would deffinetley take it if i was close to dieing because if i had a chance to live longer then i defintely would.
Why wouldn't you possibily be the first one to take this (If you had cancer). If it wouldn't help you it would benifit the other cancer paitents. I would do it if I had the chance. But I agree that the scientists have finally found something. If this doesn't work though it would benfit the research. Thomas Edison tried plenty of times to perfect the light bulb but he eventually got it.
I find it cool how it was developed in Cincinnati! Thats another thing we can 'brag' about if it really works! It sounds like it can work-I just don't like the thoughts of surgery- so if I was suffering from cancer I would try it, as long as people before me have tried it and it was successful. Either that or I had a really bad cancer and I would die if I had not do it, because it would have a chance to save my life. I find it to be cool how they are constantly trying to find cures to cancer, I never knew that cancer mutates to make itself more immune to being destroyed, it seems as if we have finally found a good cure for cancer. Lets just hope it does well!
@Jennifer They said that there were not any side affects, but it had me thinking. If something happened and there were side affects, I wonder how bad they would be.
@Breanna I'm glad too. I really hope it works. But like Daniel said, even if it doesn't work, it would help research in the future. I have also have had experiences like you, some of my relatives have died from cancer, and my aunt had it twice but she survived.
if i had no other option i would allow the to give me the drug. although im thrilled that a possible cure for cancer has been found im not totally for the lab animal expirimenting i mean if you want to find a cure for humans then test it on humans. peace!
I would try this medical treatment to see if the cancer will dissapear. I think that it is kind of scary but i would risk my life to have a treatment done to me instead of dying slowing in a painfull death. But i would also cheak and see if the treatment is completely safe before i have it done to.
Yes I would let them do the cure on me because if I had cancer I would probably stressed out of it and be willing to do anything to get rid of it. I would also be nervous at the same time because what if it didnt work? What if they messed up? I would still get the treatment because if I was too scared to get the treatment I would eventually die from cancer.
I would not try it unless it has already been proved to work on humans.I think its great that they made this.But I will not be completly impresed or happy until it works, if it works.
@Natalie Yeah I agree, there is no reason why you shouldn't try it, unless it has already been tested and prooved deadly already, but still. I mean if you are going to die anyways, why not? It could save you, if you do die from it then some people may consider you a martyr for cancer cures. Willing to die to find a cure. Either way actually you may be.
HI NOAH!!!!!!!!!! so i guess it would be good and all to be able to brag but what you got against surgery huh! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY PEOPLE SURGERY SAVED ... DO YA?!? well i guess an alternitive is always nice.peace!!
@Alyssa I do not approve of the animal testing ether but I would rather them test it on animals like rats that are bread to be tested on rather than humans.
yes i would be willing to do what ever it takes... but of course to have a true answer i would have to actually go throughthat experience to actually no that answer... and as far as my thoughts on the subject go... i dont like that there testing it on animals but i like that there improving in medicine that can help cure this deadly disease.
Yes I would try this drug because if I had Canancer I would try anything. How ever, there are some trade-offs to this treatment. It could kill someone or fail completely but still I would take the risk if I had canancer.
I think its great that they found a new way to treat cancer with no side affects. I dont now if the treatment will work on humans though.But the only way I would have the answer is to have cancer to see if the treatment works.
i would for sure be willing to test it if i had bad cancer because id be willing to do anything to get rid of it. this is so awesome that they finally may have found a treatment.
@ noah you wouldn't nessicerily die of cancer. some types are very common and they have advanced treatments for the cancer already. in some types, survival rates are practically a death sentence... so it depends on what kind eople have.
i would for sure be willing to try this if i had cancer because i know i would want to get rid of it even if it meant risking my life. plus if i was the first to test it and it worked then alot of other people would be saved. i think it is really cool that they have finally got the technollagy to do this and maybe if it works many people will not have to suffer anymore.
My grandma had lung cancer and she died from it and I was crying my eyes out and after 18 months of living noticed that she had lung cancer and it's not good not having a grandma by your side it' not good trust me.
what if it was the only chance you have with your form of cancer? usually when chemo therapy doesnt work for patients, they dont make it through a lot. i just dont think its right for people to say no just because they dont know the risks.
yes if i were suffering from cancer i would be willing try anything to get rid of it. i think it is great that they are coming up with new ways to treat cancer but there might be side affects right?
Yes i would be twilling to try the drug even though there is no garuntee. It might be better if they dont start trying to use it on real cancer paitents until they know how it can really affect them.
I would let them give me that drug if it gets the cancer away i would also be really scared about getting the treatment.
Sarah Savard
I wouldn't want to be treated with this until I knew it was completely safe. They said they were going to start testing on humans in mid-2011. So, until I knew that it worked for those people... I'm not going to try it.
well mostlikely no but id have to go threw cancer to actually have the answer, but i would rather suffer than mabey make it worse, my thoughts are: oh my gosh i might have cancer and maibey have to take the cancer treatment, and oh cool.
I would only try the new drug after they tested it on an animal and the results were positive. I think it's amazing how they are now finding a cure for cancer! I'm glad that people's lives will be saved if this compound works, but are there any side affects that might occur?
i would volunteer to test it if i had cancer because you have a high chance of dieing and that could save your life.
I would try this treatment if I hadc cancer because I bet if I had cancer I'd be willing to try almost anything to get rid of it. I think it is wonderful vthat they found this possible treatment because there are tons of people out there with Cancer suffering and wondering how long they have. Also it would decrease the number of deaths a year and such. I think it is pretty amazing and hope that it will work well!
I would take the experimental drug if i was suffering from cancer and i really needed it and cancer was really effecting my life,but if i had cancer and it wasnt really effecting my life i wouldnt use it. i think it is awesome that they have something that can make cancer comit suicide.
I would try it because if it worked on lab mice there is a possiblity that it could work on us. I am very happy they have a treatment because alot of people die from cancer and it is very sad.
@ sarah
i would be scared to.
Yea I agree. I would wait until mid-2011 then if the people that were tested seem to be doing okay then I would go ahead and get the treatment.
I would try the cancer treatment since it was working on the animal if they didn't know if the results were ppsssible or not then i would not risk it I guess I would still have to suffer. Also I dont like how there using animals to test it I would rather have them use plants if that is possible I mean what did animals ever do to humans that was so bad we have to take there lives away from them
yes i would let them give me the drug because cancer is very deadly and it meight be the only chance i get to get rid of cancer, even though i would be scared
I would only test the treatment if I had cancer really bad and didnt have a good chance of living. I also think it is great that they might have found something to cure cancer (:
@ sarah
i wouldnt be kinda scared but also really exicted that i might not have cancer anymore... but the one thing i would be scared the most is will the cancer come back?
@ Jennifer In the article it said that there shouldn't be and side affects following this treatment. Which would definitely be a good thing, but who knows it could turn up that there are side affects. Let's just hope it works with out side affects.
@sarah I would be really afraid to but I no I would take it because I would think if i would have something "bad" happen to me if I took that and got the treatment it would be ok
I wish that they would have found this like 5 years ago because my uncle died of cancer
Oh my gawd. oh my gawd. oh my gawd.
If that medicine works, that would save millions o lives. my grandpa had cancer, and lost all of his hair in chemo, then passed away. if u could take a pill and then be done with it, well then it would be no big deal. of course, the compound would have to be adapted to the different cancers. if u ask me, i would say someone deserves a peace prize.
wow thats so crazy that after all these year of people dieing of cancer it would be something thats in your body mix it togter and u get cancer medicene ... and i would also think that it would come from cincinnati because its the best place propbaly the best plaace to go with cancer
@ Mackenzie, I totally agree with you I would not try it until other people have and it was 100% safe.
@ young,
well someone has to volunteer, and i totally would. just sayin. and if it doesnt cure it, oh well. its fo da greater good.
@ luke
wow luke im sorry about ur grandpa your right it does desever a piece prize and my grand pa also had cancer of the liver
I would get the treatment if it would get the cancer out of me and save my life. But I would be very scared about getting it to.
if they can get the drug to humans and its safe then that would be awsome
I wouldn't care if the animals came up positive... I would only care if they tested it on people and it came positive.
i honestly dont know if i would get the treatment or not because i wouldnt want it to make my cancer even worse but i mean if it doesnt do anything to you or if it works you have got nothing to use but to try it, if i was supposed to live past 2011 if i had cancer i would try it after a few people had been tested(:
I would be willing to try this treatment as an experimental drug if I was suffering from cancer because I would want to try anything to get rid of it. I wonder how the treatment gets the cells to commit suciside. I also wonder how the cells commit suciside.
I know what your saying. But I would test someone who already has cancer. Not someone who doesn't. But if you wanted to, then go right ahead... I just don't want too.
-Jill Stange
I would get treatment if i was about to die. i would also make sure it was 100% safe. i think it is awsome they found a cure that works on labmice hopfully it works on humans with cancer and tumors.
@ abby rembold
i also think that its very awesome thst they have found something to make cancer commit suicide! i hope this really saves a lot of more peoples lives(:
@ mackenzie young
i agree with you, i know they tested it on animals, but i would like to know the results on people too.
i also think that is weird because you mix cancer with some thing and you get the cure
Idk about them giving it to me... lol jk i would let them but i would be nervous about side affects!they can be scary!!
I probably would be willing to try a treatment because if i do it i could probably save alot of lives. I keep thinking i can make a difference and feel good by doing something for someone else, and make this world a better place!
@ Sarah I would be too! i love being healthy but shots and drugs make me nervous!
@ Jennifer Peters
I agree I am glad that they are finding cures for cancer. I think there probably will be side affects becuase most things do. I wonder how many side affects there are.
@ brandon
i agree it would be super awesome
the awsomwest thing in the world
I would take that drug no question. I'd take it because cancer kills a lot of people,and if I'd have the chance to not be one of them then I'd most likely take that chance.I wouldn't be the first, I'd wait and see if all the other people who took the drug died or if there was some life threatening side effect.Over all I'm happy that they might have found a cure for cancer.
@tyler that's so sad. My aunt dies last year with cancer to. So we both feel the same way. It can hurt losing a loved one, but think they had a great life!
i agree, i would be tarrified like you, but it might be for the best if we had cancer, but i would need proof that it was safe to do so i would have a better outcome.
@ brandon
more than that
I feel the same way if didn't try it on animal how would they know if the resulates are possitive then if they where then i mit try it but if the didn't try on someone then i wouldn't try it
Sarah Savard
You would be right to be scared, I meanit's an experimental drug that hasn't been tested on humans yet.And it wouldn't be your only chance for survival,although it may be your highest chance depending on if it works or not.If the drug doesn't work then there's always radiation.
this could make a great difference to people with cancer. it could cure a lot of people who would have died without it. i would take the drug, but not when it was first sent out. because there could be side effects or it might not work. but if it does it'll help a lot of people.
i would only take the treament if i new it was safe. if i would take it when it was not safe what could that do to me when i had cancer. i would be very scared for myself and my family. but hopefully it is safe because it would be amazing if we found a cure for cancer
--Sydney POlking--
I think thats amazing. I would only be treated with the drug if it was tested and i knew for sure that it wasn't dangerous or anything, but i think its awesome tha they found that
Alana Gulley
I would let them do the experiment on me if it really worked and would get rid of my cancer. I would also be very scared because what if it didnt work and something else happened and i still had cancer?
i would like to try the treatment if it had a possibility to have my cancer away.i would be scared if it had a risk of something else happening to me that can also harm me but over all i would take the chances!lyndsey roberto
That would be so amazing if the found a cure for cancer!! so many people would NOT die for that reason!!!! but i fell sad the tested it on lab animals though :(
I would let them give me the drug only if it gets the cancer away. I would be really scared though. (:
if i got that drug i would let them give it to but i would be really scard to take it.
I AGREE!! with you Taylor it would be amazing to find a cure for cancer. after all this years of researched it should hopefully pay off soon!!~!!
--Sydney Polking--
yes. I would try this drug. even if it didnt work this experiement could help me and others. Thank you to all the scienctist who found this treatment and even if it dosent work on humans we are one step closer to a cure. I honestly think this is a great breakthough and can help many. This shows that many hours and days of work can do. I absoulutly think this is an amazing thing and can really help people.
i would try the drug if it means it could save my life, i just think that it is so shocking how now they are finding cures for cancer.Also i might of have some question like does the drug have any harmful side affects
If I had cancer I'd be really excited about this I'd ask if I could be one of the test subjects to see if it works but I'd be a little scared though. I think its really cool how we can do that though.
jennifer peters that is a good idea also have them test it on something that is already harmed alot like a animal.because it could be risking somones life who exactuallt does have cancer.lyndsey roberto!
i would definately let them get me some of that med. but suicide cancer sells is alitle bit much id be scared of that because thats my cancer sells killing them selves.
yes i would try this treatment only because i would want to have a better chance to live. but on the other hand it would be kinda scary becuase you never know if someting could go wrong and then you could die
i would do the same thing as you lyndsey
@ juila greve
I thought the same thing. to think that if you had cancer that this drug could possibly save you life its amazing as well save others
if i had cancer i would take the drug because cancer can kill you and if that could save my life i would do it but i would be scared
@Jacob Kresser, Yeah I think that too, it would of been nice if they found a drug sooner. But I also don't like how they tested on anmails.(:
I would want to take the treatment becease if I wouldn't I would die of cancer anyway.
I agree with you I wouldn't want to be one of the first to be treated
i would take this no doubt. cancer is a disease and kills about 1500 in the U.S a day an about 3400 are diagnosed with cancer each day in the U.S i cant wait for this to be in hospitals
i would be really scared to do the treatment but i would like to get rid of the cancer i already had. theres another problem though if the treatment would risk another type of cancer though. i hope all the hard work and hours pays off for the people who try to cure these things.
I would probably not let them give me the drug, I would want to get rid of the cancer, but I don't think I would want to take that risk, maybe if I truly needed it to live.
That is really weird that the acidjust makes the cells commit suicide. It kind if creeps me out. I would use it but only if I know it works right.
@sarah savard
i would do the same thing and i would also be scared becuase you never know if something could go wrong
@ alana gulley
yeah i agree on that but i wouldnt want them to test it out on me!! i wouldnt take the chance what if it was dangerous? :(
@Julia Greve
I agree with you. If I had cancer and wanted it out I would definatly want to use it but I would be afraid of side affects.
I would take the medicine if it really would help a lot of people then i gess i would have to.Well it would be sad if that happen more than once.
Yes, I would be willing to take the treatment. I would be norves though, since it has only been tested on animals, but i do not approve of the animal testing!
I think that what this thing is i hope it work.
i would let them give me that drug if i had cancer and i would be really scared u can also die if u had cancer i would want wont to die noww becuse i want to have a good healthy life.
i would be worried about the side affects too, because you could get a tumer!
i would be worried about the side affects too, because you could get a tumer!
i would take the drug if it gets rid of cancer. but i will be afraid that it may not work.i will also be really afraid to get the treatment. but i will do anything to get rid of cancer.ALLISON JOHNSON
anonymous-i would also let them give me that drug and i would also be scared to have cancer i dont want it i dontthin anybody wants it
i would take the drug if it gets rid of cancer. but i will be afraid that it may not work.i will also be really afraid to get the treatment. but i will do anything to get rid of cancer.ALLISON JOHNSON
Would you be willing to try this treatment as an experimental drug if you were suffering from cancer? I would let them put the drug in me if it gets the cancer away, but also wouldnt because you dont know if it is completely safe yet.
What are your thoughts and feelings on this medical advancement?? I thinkk this is really good that they made a Treatment that good possibly save your life or just for a little bit longerr so you can do and see everything you want.
Would you be willing to try this treatment as an experimental drug if you were suffering from cancer?
Yes i would take the risk to make myself better
What are your thoughts and feelings on this medical advancement?? it has made a great achievement to the medical world.
If i had cancer i would be willing to try this. if it could help me and i could help science and medicine i would definetely do it.i think it is great that we made this achievment and i truly hope it works for humans.
the only way i would llet them give me drugs would be only if i had cancer. i hope the medical advancement works to cure the canser.
I would be willing to try the treatment because even if it didn't work the scientists could possibly find out the problem and help many other people with cancer. But I would still be hopeful that it would work on me and cure me.
I would take the drug because I would want at least a chance of getting better. I think that it is great that they might of found a better cure for cancer and I hope that it works.
@peters jennifer i also wouldnt have the drug unless its safe,too.it is a good thing that they are cureing cancer.
monni szary
I think that the drug is great because it will save many of people lifes
@ alyssa weber
You already would have a tumor so this isnt a risk that you "might" get a tumor. you already have one
I would want to get a new cure for everyone so that we can all feel better in the world.
Andrew reis
I agree i hope it does work.
I would let them give me the treatment if there I had tried all other potentially sucessful treatment and they hadnt worked. I think this medical advancment is really cool and I hope it continues on to find more cures to cancer and diseases in genral.
_Sara Voigt
@ Sydney Polking
It would be amazing if we found a cure for cancer! 550,000 to 600,000people die from cancer a year. So many people would have their lives saved.
I would defiently take the drug if it kills cancer. No more suffering. No more wondering if you will reach your next birthday.
kylie Gill
I wound try the new test around the mid: 2011 because to make sure if it is positive. my feelings of this is i would be scared, i hope this treatment work's!!
I would not be willing to be the first person to try it but if i did have cancer I would try it but not first. It was bound to happen sometime So many people have been working for a cure for so long.
I think there would be no reason not to try the treatmen because if I didn't benifit you at least at could be improved and save many other lives
@Sara Voigt
Yea i agree i hope this continues to cure and restore all other diseases
Would you still take it if you could die from it?
I would let them give me that drug if it gets the cancer away i would also be really scared about getting the treatment.
Austin Deller
I agree. I would deffinatley take it, to at least improve the lives of others.
_Sara Voigt
@ natalie
I will hope the treatment will work on me and the cure to because i dont want to get sick and die and to do it so the scientist will find the cure.!
yes if i had cancer i would try it of course it would depent on my curcumstanses because if i did it at the age im at now i wouldent and only as a last risort or it had been very thoroly proven it works with no side effects. i think its a wonder ful discovery for cancer treatment
sam keethler-
i would be scared because a big neeadle going in to your brain iwey discusting even know it gives canser away i still wouldent do it.
@ andie
Thats exactly how i feel. I would never want to wonder if I was going to make it my next birthday
sam sims- i think that cancer is one of the wers things anyone can get some canser you are luky to survive some canser you are not so luky canser is sad news.
sarah i would have to think about letting them give me the treatment at this age but probably when i get a little older i would let them
sam keethler-
i agree with evreone who dosent wana do it you can die.
cuck noriss tears cure cancer... to bad he never crys!!!
Yes I would let them give me the drug. Cancer is a horrible thing a I would want to get rid of it, no matter what the stakes. It's good that we finally found a way that might work ro stop cancer. Too bad we couldn't have found ut earlier to save the lives that have been taken my cancer. I hope it really works. I would like to know of it really outsmarts cancer to commit "suicude".
if i had a brain tumor i woud take that drug if it got rid of the cancer part then i would be happy if it wasall gone
yes because to touch drugs.IT will save alot of people with cancer. I want to help any body with cancer.
If I were suffering from cancer I would probably try it, as long as I wasnt the very first person to (and it had worked, of course.)
I think this cure is a real breakthrough, and I cant believe it was discovered in 2002 but we havent heard about it until now.
im so glad that they finally have a cure, possibly. my grandma died of cancer, and my aunt is a survivor. if anything i wish they would of had a treatment when my grandma was diognoste with cancer. she was misereble and if it actually works she still could of been here. i also think its sad though that the animals have to get tested on inorder to test something. i wouldnt be the one to be tested on first but if i had cancer i would deffinetley take it if i was close to dieing because if i had a chance to live longer then i defintely would.
yes because to touch drugs.IT will save alot of people with cancer. I want to help any body with cancer.
@Andrew Ehrman
Why wouldn't you possibily be the first one to take this (If you had cancer). If it wouldn't help you it would benifit the other cancer paitents. I would do it if I had the chance. But I agree that the scientists have finally found something. If this doesn't work though it would benfit the research. Thomas Edison tried plenty of times to perfect the light bulb but he eventually got it.
I find it cool how it was developed in Cincinnati! Thats another thing we can 'brag' about if it really works!
It sounds like it can work-I just don't like the thoughts of surgery- so if I was suffering from cancer I would try it, as long as people before me have tried it and it was successful. Either that or I had a really bad cancer and I would die if I had not do it, because it would have a chance to save my life. I find it to be cool how they are constantly trying to find cures to cancer, I never knew that cancer mutates to make itself more immune to being destroyed, it seems as if we have finally found a good cure for cancer. Lets just hope it does well!
They said that there were not any side affects, but it had me thinking. If something happened and there were side affects, I wonder how bad they would be.
i would wait until it was tested on someone else to but, someone has to be tested on no matter what.
If i had cancer i would be very scared and would do anything posible to get ride of it because every year people die from it.
Are you doing the treatment.I am.
I'm glad too. I really hope it works. But like Daniel said, even if it doesn't work, it would help research in the future.
I have also have had experiences like you, some of my relatives have died from cancer, and my aunt had it twice but she survived.
if i had no other option i would allow the to give me the drug. although im thrilled that a possible cure for cancer has been found im not totally for the lab animal expirimenting i mean if you want to find a cure for humans then test it on humans. peace!
I would try this medical treatment to see if the cancer will dissapear. I think that it is kind of scary but i would risk my life to have a treatment done to me instead of dying slowing in a painfull death.
But i would also cheak and see if the treatment is completely safe before i have it done to.
Yes I would let them do the cure on me because if I had cancer I would probably stressed out of it and be willing to do anything to get rid of it. I would also be nervous at the same time because what if it didnt work? What if they messed up? I would still get the treatment because if I was too scared to get the treatment I would eventually die from cancer.
I would not try it unless it has already been proved to work on humans.I think its great that they made this.But I will not be completly impresed or happy until it works, if it works.
Yeah I agree, there is no reason why you shouldn't try it, unless it has already been tested and prooved deadly already, but still. I mean if you are going to die anyways, why not? It could save you, if you do die from it then some people may consider you a martyr for cancer cures. Willing to die to find a cure. Either way actually you may be.
i would let them give me the drug only if they know the cancer will disapre.i would also be scared because what the treatment didn't work
i would let them give me the drug only if they know the cancer will disapre.i would also be scared because what the treatment didn't work
i would let them give me the drug only if they know the cancer will disapre.i would also be scared because what the treatment didn't work.
josh parsons-I agree nick guthier that it would be very scary but it would be less scary if it was tested on someone els and it worked.
I would let them give me the drug if it cures the cancer but ill be scared to take the treatment too.
Yes I would do the treatment. What do you think of the treatment?
@ sarah savard
I would take the treatment to and be scared.
HI NOAH!!!!!!!!!!
so i guess it would be good and all to be able to brag but what you got against surgery huh! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY PEOPLE SURGERY SAVED ... DO YA?!? well i guess an alternitive is always nice.peace!!
I would not want to take part in this cancer trement if i did have cancer because my parents would have that decicion i wouldnt like to talk about it.
Yes, I would do it just to see if it works. T would have to make sure it was completly safe. i think its wrong to test on animals...
@Mckenzie Young
Ya But Im Pretty Sure They Said It Was Safe But I Totally Agree!
I do not approve of the animal testing ether but I would rather them test it on animals like rats that are bread to be tested on rather than humans.
yes i would be willing to do what ever it takes... but of course to have a true answer i would have to actually go throughthat experience to actually no that answer... and as far as my thoughts on the subject go... i dont like that there testing it on animals but i like that there improving in medicine that can help cure this deadly disease.
Yes I would try this drug because if I had Canancer I would try anything. How ever, there are some trade-offs to this treatment. It could kill someone or fail completely but still I would take the risk if I had canancer.
I think its great that they found a new way to treat cancer with no side affects. I dont now if the treatment will work on humans though.But the only way I would have the answer is to have cancer to see if the treatment works.
i would for sure be willing to test it if i had bad cancer because id be willing to do anything to get rid of it. this is so awesome that they finally may have found a treatment.
@ noah
you wouldn't nessicerily die of cancer. some types are very common and they have advanced treatments for the cancer already. in some types, survival rates are practically a death sentence... so it depends on what kind eople have.
I would let them give me that drug if it gets the cancer away i would be scared about the treatment
i would for sure be willing to try this if i had cancer because i know i would want to get rid of it even if it meant risking my life. plus if i was the first to test it and it worked then alot of other people would be saved. i think it is really cool that they have finally got the technollagy to do this and maybe if it works many people will not have to suffer anymore.
My grandma had lung cancer and she died from it and I was crying my eyes out and after 18 months of living noticed that she had lung cancer and it's not good not having a grandma by your side it' not good trust me.
i would let the give me the drug. id be realt sceard to casuei hate needles but i eould still get it
if i was old, yes or if it was my last resort.
But wouldn't you be worried that taking the drug first might kill you I personally would not take that risk.
@ andrew ehrman
what if it was the only chance you have with your form of cancer? usually when chemo therapy doesnt work for patients, they dont make it through a lot. i just dont think its right for people to say no just because they dont know the risks.
I would try the treatment because if i was suffering from cancer i would do almost any thing to find a cure.
yes if i were suffering from cancer i would be willing try anything to get rid of it. i think it is great that they are coming up with new ways to treat cancer but there might be side affects right?
Yes i would be twilling to try the drug even though there is no garuntee. It might be better if they dont start trying to use it on real cancer paitents until they know how it can really affect them.
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