Friday, November 12, 2010

Follow up to the launch

shuttle work

Read the link and tell me, how would you feel about going on this launch with all of the difficulty that has been had trying to lift off?  Would you be leary?  Would you go with no question?  What would your concerns be?


Mauricio,Courtney said...

I would be very nervous about launch if the professionals were telling me of issues on the shuttle I was riding i wouldnt go without question! I wouldnt go at all!

Savard, Samantha said...

I would not go up into launh knowing that all those problems were happening. I would have a least about 30 questions to ask like will it happen again? How long will the delay be? i mean its never ending i think it is great they dont want to take the chance and aetrying to take there time with this and trying to get everything fixed but dont they have a shcedule

Taylor's blog spot said...

i would feel scared to deaht mostlikely, no i wouldnt go with out a question, my concerns are that i would have to be carefull what i touch,i would be worred about if i'd be ok, and if i'd land safe, to the fact the shuttle wasn't working NO NO NO NO i would not go on a broken shuttle!!!!!!!!!!!

Andrew Gibbous McCarthy said...

i wouldnt go up there because what if somthing went wrong i could get hurti wouldnt have any questions no nnoway im going

Andrew Gibbous McCarthy said...

@ courtney
no questions not going

Anonymous said...

I think i would be very nervious about going into space if i was beging told questoin like is everthing ok i would be asking question like whats going on and others
Sarah Savard

ReddingtonDavid said...

i would be terrified to go into space with this shuttle because of of the difficulties. i would make every person in the lauching pad to check to see just to be safe. i really dont think they will me able to blast off because of all the promblems

Anonymous said...

If they have to keep delaying the lanch unless it's for something really important, I think they should cancel it.

Tyler said...

i woldnt go on this shuttle because of two problems the one they had last week and now this one but i would consider going to russia to get on that one

Anonymous said...


I think so too. I wouldn't want to go if the ship had so many problems.

Lamping Ally said...

No way I would not go on the launch. I think my safety is more important than going up into space!

LaGrangeBonnie said...

I would be very scared about going on this launch because they have had so many difficulies . I would be verrryyy leary! I would have to question going on the launch with so many risks, but in the end I would defintitely take my chances. My concerns would be that the shuttle would break down or something.

LaGrangeBonnie said...

@Courtney But it's a once in a lifetime experience! I understand why you wouldn't though. I'd have to think about it.

Peters,Jennifer said...

I would never want to go up in that shuttle in the first place! Especially since it has been postpined so many times from things wrong with it! MY biggest concern would be that the shuttle wiould have a porblem while I was already launched.

Peters,Jennifer said...

I agree there would be millions of questions coming out of my mouth! They would all be reassuring questions though and probably ones about the shuttle!

Sturwold, Kaylee said...

I would never go into space with that I would be really scared it has had so much go wrong with it. I would have alot of qeustions and not go. I would be really concerned

Moehring,DeeAnna said...

i would still not go into space just because those problems were happening.

@mackenzie i would also think they should cancel it.

Greve, Julia said...

i would be worried that there might be another mechanical problom, but they wouldn't send atual people up there if it wasn't safe.

Anonymous said...

i would for sure NOT go up in space because of all the concerns i would have. example: will we get there without harm that is the big one for me. Lets say that you did go up in space with all the problems its having what would yuo do?? or try to do??
__Sydney Polking__

Anonymous said...

i do agree with you DeeAnna because i agree they should cancel it

--Sydney Polking--

gorrasi josh said...

i would be really scared knowing there was a hydrogen leaf and cracks where they hold stuff to use. i would go with no question because id bee really excited.

Tchase said...

Id be freaking out if i was in a shuttle with issues. i wouldnt even go anyway.

Tedesco.Jake said...

I would want to go up into space even in that space shuttle because it is a once in a life time thing and i wouldnt let it pass me up

Smith,Courtney said...

I would not i repeat not go up in a shuttle thast has had problems. would be worryed that somthing will go wrong and i will die. my main concerns are to make sure they double check and make sure everythig is alright and were ready to go.

johnson, allison said...

i wouldnt go in space even with a warning. i would guestion going to space. i would hate goin in space.

Natalie said...

I would be very hesitant to launch and I would definetly be leary. I probably wouldn't go without question. My concerns would mostly be safety.

John Dinger said...

i might be nervous but now we have discovered actual new problems not just previous problems. i would still go up as long as the problems get repaired

@courtney maurcio

havent you ever wanted to go into space? what if you have completed your goals and had a happy life. would you go if you had a satifiying life and if you died die knowing you were happy?

alyssa weber said...

I would feel worried and i would be terrified going on the launch.
I would go with many questions
My concerns would be the two cracks

Thorp,Jayden said...

One of my big concerns would be am I am going to die because of the difficulty s I would be terrifed to go I wouldnt go to save my life

Thorp,Jayden said...

Okay I have a question for the space people if you have so many problems with the space ship why are you leting the people still go arent you conerned about families why would you still have them go I mean i dont get that at all

Thorp,Jayden said...

@ Samantha Savad
same here would not go at all even if it were for a million dallors.

Dupont, Noah said...

I would NOT go on it. Too many defect and it has been delayed too much, it makes me far too worried. I would rather be safe than do that.
Also there is a typo in the passage it says that the Endavour shuttle will be delayed also if the Discovery shuttle is delayed into 2010. 2010? Its already 2010. I think they mean 2011.

cirkovic, daniel said...

The first problem would have made me cancel my fight to space right away. But two problems is enough. The shuttle has served us well but I think it needs to retire. i would definetly be leary about this launch.

cirkovic, daniel said...

@Dupont Noah

I didn't even notice that mistake but the 2nd time I read it I noticed it. But yeah I would never go on it either. I would be too scared for my life.

kallmeyer, bridget said...

Feel relay scared and nerves about going on this launch with all of the difficulty that has been had trying to lift off.
I would be leery about it.
I would have a few questions like: "Are you sure it is safe ?" or "It is not going to break down is it?"
My concerns be the possibility of it breaking down in space and the two cracks.