Next week we will begin our unit on Plate Tectonics. What do you think we will be discussing in this unit? What topics will we discuss? What possible labs would you be interested in doing?
check out the following link to get some information!
plate tectonics
ithink plate tonics are the erthquake plates and their fault lines which is were the 2 plates move a hit each other causein an earthquake
well i'm not tottally sure what is is but i think it has something to do with earthquakes or erosion sence we're learning about that now!!!!!!!!!!
I think we might discuss the effects of plate tectonics. I think the topics will be what plate tectonics are, how they effect us or whether they effect us, and if they do what the pros and cons are. I think the lab I would want to try is a model of plate tectonics.
I think plate tectonics is Earth's crust moving, and i liked the website!!
I think that plate tectonics is earthquakes and what happened to the ground and the earth after it
Sarah Savard
plate tectonics are the plates that causes a earthqauke when to or more of them rub over or hit each other and we could talk about how they cause earthqauks and how scientistest can predict the times they will happenso that people can get to safty
@ jacob
i think thats what they are to
-jill stange
i think we will learn about the effects,and the good and bad things about plate techtonics and what it acually is . i dont really know what it is for sure but i hope to find ou
I think plate tectinics are the thing that cause earthquakes, or at least have something to do witrh them.
I think that it is going to be about what happened to the ground after a earthquake
wow thanks andrew, know i know what plate tectonics, wich are plates
The last post was from Sarah Savard
I think plate tectonics are two plates that when they hit cause an earthquake. We might be talking about earthquakes and how they happen since plate tectonics form them, but I could be wrong.
We could be doing labs on earthquakes and seeing like if the plates hit at different rates then the earthquake would be more severe or something like that.
@ Kresser What do think of the effects of pate tectonics? Do you think they are good or bad or both??
i think plate tectonics are very confusing. hopefully we will do a lot of labs like we did with erosion and deposition
I agree I think they have something to do wiht earthquakes also. what are fault lines?
Aren't Plate Tectonics the huge pieces that make up the earth? They move a very little bit each year and when they bump into each other it causes earthquakes. Tey can also cause volcanoes We will probably discuss earthquakes and what effects them and stuff.
I think we will be discussing in this unit we will be talking about how the earth has plates around it and that plate tectonics are have to do with earth qakes. i dont know what possible labs ww will do.
I think plate tonics of something to do with earthquakes. I hope we will do a lot of labs that let you use chemicals C:
I think plate tectonics will be aobut the plates that cause earth quakes to happen(: We could talk about possible ways the plates could cause earthquakes but im not sure which labs we could do for plate tectonics?
@kresser What do you think about WHAT plate tectonics are doing to the world?
i think it has something to do with earthquakes. i dont really know what topics or labs we will be discussing.
@ Jenn Those lab ideas were good I couldn't hink if any. I'm really interested to learn about this because I think we studied them briefly in fifth or fourth grade, but I don't remember much about it. Do you?
Oh they make volcanoes too. I didn't know that, that's interesting!I wonder how they make volcanoes...Nevermind I think I know, it's when the plates hit they will cause the earth to shake and that will make the volcano erupt.
@drew mcCarthy
i agree with the plates rubbing together causing an eartnquack could be about what plate tectonics are about c:
@anna i kinda agree with you because we aren't sure what we are going t be learn about.
Sarah Savard
Plate tectonics desribes the intricate design of a complex, living planet in a state of dynamic flux.Plate tectonics are continents drifting majestically from place to place breaking apart, colliding, and grinding against each other;of violent earthquakes and fiery volcanoes
@ Drew McCarthy I agree that we will probably talk about how to stay safe during earthquakesy C;
Plate tectonics are the plates in the earth crust moving. I think we will be disscussing the effecta and how plate tectonics are formed. Topics? no idea. Maybe one that is like plates that we make and you show us what they do.
i think plate tonics are the earthquake plates and their fault lines which is were the 2 plates move a hit each other.
i think we will be learning how the tectonic plates effect the earth. i want to learn how they cause earth quakes.
i think we might talk about plant tectonics. i think the topics will be what plant tectonics are. i think it would be cool if we could make modles of them as a lab.
Plate Tectonics are the plates that causes a earthqauke when they hit each other.
i think plate tonics cause earthquakes and when the move and hit each other it causes an earthquake
I think plate tonics have something to do with earth quakes. isn't it when they hit hey cause a earth quake, the hader they hit the more damage is caused. i dont know what kind of labs we will do
Plate tonics are plates that hit together and cause earthquakes. So in this unit i think we will learn about earthquakes an maybe storms/ weather. We hopefully will be doing labs to help us learn more about Plate Tonics
--Sydney Polking--
i think plate tectonics is the shifting in the earths plates causing different things to occur and the changing of the shapes on earth.
I think plate tectonics are contenents always moving and causing earthgaukes. I cant think of any labs were going to be doing during this unit.
@Kresser Jacob
I think your right jacob
i agree with jennifer Peters because thiunk we will be doing some labs helping us understand how earthquakes become
--Sydney Polking--
the infamous san fransisco earthquake in 1906 was caused by tectonic plates off the coast of san fransisco
I think this section will be very intersesting. This unit will be about the effect of the plates and what they are and what they do.
arent plate tectonics the plates underneath the earth and they cause earthquakes too. I hope we do alot of labs like we did last unit.
I think we will be disscussing about how they have an effect on the environment and what would happen if we didn't have plate tectonics.
We would probably talk about what causes these and what there advantages and disadvantages.
Somethings that would be fun would be interactive labs were we can create things and have to use our knowledge to figure out what happens.
I think i will like this because it has to do with the continents colliding and sliding because who knows maybe millions of years ago Africa was in Antarctica and maybe North America and Europe were one big continent.
@ brendanmarchetti
I agree i hope we do a lab that has something to do with earthquakes and fault lines. Like a live feel and see example.
Plate Tectonics are the Plates that cause earthquakes when the hit each other.
i think plate tonics are the earthquakes plates and ther fault lines wic it were the 2 plates move.
i think it would be about earthquakes or something simular to that. i read on the link that the plates move toward eachother and couses an earthquake.
kresser-ya i think plate tonics are the earthquakes plantes and their fault lines wich is were 2 plates move i think that to when i read it.
I don't know much about plate tectonics but I do know that it has something to do with earthquakes. Also, I think we should watch a Bill Nye video
what they are how they move and experimentts somthing about earth quakes. and them rubbing up aganst each other.
we will be discussing what plate tectonics do. i would like to see how tectonics move and do what they do
Plate Tectonics, i think, are the plates that cause earthquakes when they collide.
In class I think we will discuss how Plate Tectonics effect us and how they cause earthquakes to happen. Also there advantages and disdvantages.
I think it will be fun to learn about them
_Sara Vogit
I think that plate tonics have something to do with earthquakes.
I hope we do some cool labs on plate tonics.
i think we will discuss the causes and effects of plate tectonics in this unit
One of the topics i think will be dynamic flyx
I think plate tectonics are the plates from earthequake.We will discus the effects of plate tectonics.
i think plate tectonics are cool they have an intresting concept
im not really sure what plate tectonics is but im really courion to no what it is and how it works.i think some of the topics are how it effects us or will it effect us.
It sounds like fun.I want know more.Discuss what is it.
I know plate tectonics are plate under earth which move (I don't know why or how. hopefully we learn about on it.)and when 2 plates hit each other they may cause a tremor or earthquake. We will probably discover how to measure an earthquake and what can we do to make less pf them happen.
They really make earthquakes with those.
Maybe we will be discussing something about earthqaukes? I would be interested in doing any type of labs.
nice comment.So what did you say.
I think that plate tectonics are about how like the plates in the earth move and everything. It is like to describe a planets design.
@ wessels kelsey
I think plate tectonics are plates that move under Earth's crust and when they hit together it causes a tremor or maybe an earthquake. I 've heard San Fransico has many earthquakes. I wonder if that has to do with the location of the tectonics?
I would be interested in doing any kind of labs on this subject because it sounds kind of interesting.(:
im not realy sure what theyare but i think they have something to do with earthquakes
I also think like how the plate causes a earthquake to make it start to move the ground. like he plates move from side to side to make a earth quake
I think plate tonics are plates that cause earthquakes. I think we will learn about earhtquakes.
Okay I am going to be honest this does not sound to enteresting to me but other people might find it every intersteing.
I really dont know of any labs we could do with this unit.
@ heidi
I agree that plate tonics are plates that cause earthquakes when they move side to side.
makus why did u put nice comment so what did u say why did u put that your suppose to talk about the plate tectonics.
@ jacob kresser
Yes I think that to but what are these two plates and how did they get there and why are they there those are my questions.
@ allison
i agree that we will learn about earthquakes .
I'm not too sure what they are yet but I think they have to do with earthquakes. I'm interested to find out what we will be learning about them and what effects they will have.
i think they are earthquakes because i know that the earths plates rub together to cause an earthquake.
I think that plate tonics are the earthquake plantes and their fault lines which is when 2 plantes move and hit each other causing a earthquake.
Anthony Erb
@Kresser Jake
I think your right about the 2 plates coliding to cause an eatrhquake.
I think that the Plate Tectonics has to do with earthquakes, the crust or inside parts of the earth, the volcanos and the stuff that goes into those catagories. Including tsunamis.
Its also about thing I did not know it would involve, such as Mars, the Moon, and whatever the continental drift is.
@ Mauricio,Courtney I Think we wil discuss the EFFECTS of plate tectonics to
@julia same here i dont know how they would effect them at all
I think plate techtonics are what causes earthquakes and mountains, and causes india to smash together with asia.
i think plate techtonics we will be discussing earquakes and obviously plate techtonics. i dont really know this to well so i cant really say i know what labs we should be doing.
plate tectonics cause earthquakes and india to smash against asia and i tjink it causes eruptions
I am positive it is earths crust moving.This would be caused when the two plates move and hit each other causeing this.Lyndsey roberto
@courtney mauricio yes i do think it is to the moving plates causeing this.lyndsey roberto
@Josh Garrasi
Well ofcourse you dont know none of us know what were gonna do.
Its going to be so cool learning about plate tectonics. I think that we will talk about lots of difrent things but i dont know the big things.we will be discusing what is the cause of the plate tectonics and whats the effect of them.the labs that we can do will proble be with using durt and water.
i think plate tonics are what cause earthquakes and when two of them hit each other is causes an earthquake
plate tectonics are earthquakes and what happened to the ground and the earth after it. (:
i am not really sure what it is but i think it has to with what we are learning in sceince right now.
Alana Gulley
I think we will be discussing the effects of plate tectonics.I think we will also be discussing what plate tectonics are also.(;
I think Plate Tectonics are the things that cause earthquakes. When they overlap, it causes an earthquake.
I think we will be discussing earhts plates movments and how they cause surtain landforms.
Also how land on earth has shifted overtime.
i think plate tectonics are things that have something to do with earthquakes.but i now the way earhtquakes happen is from the two things colliding causing the earth to rumble.
I aslo think that the plate tectonics is the reason for the voncano eueptings.
Kylie Gill
I think we will be disscusing about the earth crustal features. I think tectonics are earthquake. labs i would like to do is group labs with our table and with partners and to labs like we did with erosion and depositon.
i think will be discussing what plate tectonics has done, is doing, and will do to the planet
i think a neat lab would be to create an plate tectonic effect by using a small version of plate tectonics
i dont realy know an lab that we could do and im not going to lie i dont think i will like the unit that much it just dose sound insasting to me so i might not do so good cause i do good in stuff i like and noot so good in stuff i dont know anything about or dont lke and for this is both cause i ahve never herd of be for and by hearing the name i dont think ill like it but i dont know mabey ill like it and mabye i willnt i guess we will have to see
I think we might discuss the effects of plate tectonics. I think the topics will be what plate tectonics are, how they effect us or whether they effect us, and if they do what the pros and cons are. I think the lab I would want to try is a model of plate tectonics.
@ jaydon i dont think ill like it ether but we might love it
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