As we come to a finish on out unit covering Erosion & Deposition, what are your thoughts on where Boomtown should build their new hotels, houses and shopping? You have had a chance to examine various soil types found in the area, you have seen how the land has changed over the past 100 years, and you have looked at specific areas in Boomtown and how erosion has affected each one. With all of this information, which area would you chose to build: the seaside cliff, the green hill, or the marsh? Explain why you chose where you chose.
I think that we should build on the deta marsh because it didn't eroed very much
Sarah Savard
they should build at the delta because there they will have a water source and they will have very fertile soil
well... i would have to chose green hill because it is a place with not alot of water to flood it, it doesn't have areas where it would fall apart, and also it is a wide area so it will have alot of room to build and alot of area for its wild life.
my bad i mean green hill because they will be protected from floods and is very stable
I think boomtown should build on the Delta Marsh. I think this because if we pick the seaside cliff and the sand erodes away the houses are going to fall right off, also the vegitation is not very good and if we pick a hillside and that erodes the houses will slide off the hill, the vegitation is better but not as good as the Marsh. If we pick the Marsh and it erodes it wont really do anything and the vegitation is alot better than both of the other landforms
it should be sea side cliff because you havea a better chance of being above a flood. and if a flood happened on hillside then water would come down the hill and into the house and the marsh probly could not even hold the house up because of the wet soil
i wood biuld at ahRJttttgfcg seaside cliff b/c the strjoil is more erosion resistant.
I would build on the hill because when we did the soil lab we found that soil A didn't collapse or erode at all while soil B and C did. We also looked at the Boomtown maps from 100 years ago and now and found that the hill erodes the least. The cliff eroded about the same pace as the hill, but the difference is that the cliff when it erodes would go down and so there would be no surface. The delta marsh had the most erosion from 100 years ago. We also did another lab showing what would happen if an abunance of rain hit the soil and we saw what would happen. Green hill would be best because if the cliff's soil fell it would go into the sea, which would interfer with the sea.
So this is why I would build on Green Hill.
@ Taylor, ARE YOU CRAZY?!?
I wood flood all the time, and the house would sink just like NO. You would also be in the ecosystem that most affects wildlife.
I think this is a tough descision because all of them has, but I think we should build on Green Hill. Green Hill has eroded the least over 100 years and kills the least amount of environment. Green Hill's soil eroded the least. Delta marsh and Seaside Cliff had more erosion over 100 years and there soils eroded more. If Green Hill wasn't available to build on I would choose Delta marsh for sure becase there are so many more risks with the Cliff.
I think that building on the Hillside would be best because, it has a lot of space and if you were to build on the cliff for example, after a while of erosion the cliff will evently break and the house will fall.
I think boomtown should build on the delta marsh because it eroded the least.
I would pick the greenhill because it has plenty of grass for wildlife, plenty of space to build and wouldnt flood easily also the buildings couldnt erode as fast as it would on the cliff C:
@ Jenn,
The seaside cliff had soil A.
I think Green Hill because if you built on sea side it will erode down the cliff and the Delta Marsh is so swampy that when it rains all the swampy stuff could get into your house.
Also because Green Hill has lots of space to build there will still be room for wild life c:
I agree, less water means less floods.
Why would you pick the seaside cliff, if the cliff erodes enough then the house would fall right off.WOuldn't it?
@ Luke you would build on seaside cliff!?!?!?! why? there is the possibility of your house eroding straight off of the cliff and then there is the possibilities of hurricanes and floods. What about all the beach issues we read about yesterday? There are wayyyy too many risks there
I agree all places have advantages and disadvantages and if Green Hill wasn't there I would pick delta marsh because it is a stable place and the soil would be fertile there.
@ ally lamping i agreee with there would be more space to build and still be enough grass for wild life,.
I agree with you samantha because didn't everything else aroed and the seaside cliff eroed all the way and the green hill would probily have a landslide because it is a big hill
Sarah Savard
I think green hill because it will protect it from floods and is very stable. I also think cliff because deposition makes the shape of the cliff and i don't think cliff because erosion playes a mager part in shaping the cliff.
no it didn't! And even if it did, when the cliff does erode it would be bad for the beaches and the cliff wouldn't have the other side.
@ DeeAnna I agree that green hillside is the best place to build because the cliff would be too dangerous and the marsh would get swampy stuff inn the houses and buildings C;
@ Mackenzie,
Too little rain isnt exactly good. In fact without adequate rain, the whole marsh would turn to mush, and it would flush like a toilet. Rain is a good thing.
I think they should build on the top of the green hill, it will provide lots of protection from floods, and it will provide a water source at the bottom of hills! At the same time, the land may be harder to build on because of the frequent change in altitude, though the difference is altitudes may not be a big difference.
I havent observed the soil snd type of land we live on but I know we mainly live on plains, sometimes we have hills.
@sarah I agree with you because the delta marsh doesnt erode because the delta marsh does not have much water by it.
@ Jenn, Seaside cliff is the safest place! Even though the soil IS the most erosion-resistant, you could just build a sea wall.
@ Luke Id have to disagree with you because in the previous labs, you can see the large differences in the size of the cliff, and the beach, less landd means less room to build on.
I think that this is a hard desision because they all had there advanages and disavanages.
With all of this information, of seeing how the differnt ways the areas erode. I would choose the green hill to build on.I chose the gree hill because if you look at all the labs we did it would be the strongest agenst erosian and it has tree routsto hold the soil in place.
I think Boomtown should be built on the Green Hill. I think this is the best choice because it erodes less in 100 years than the cliff and the marsh.It also destroys less environment than the others. Plus if the cliff eroded, the houses would get destroyed, so the Green Hill is the best choice.
i would build on the cliff because its a great berrier from the water floods wouldnt get to it and i doesnt shift all thaat much
Thank anna it doesn't really have any water by it so it would be hard for stof to eroed Sarah Savard
i agree cliff is the best place to build.
-jill stange
i think we should choose the green hill because if you are on the top of the hill the flood water would not reach your house .it would be safe from erosion cause it would not flood as much
i think they should build it at the delta marsh because the cliff could erode and make the buildings fall. The hill could have falling rocks and ruin the house,aparment,or the hotels. But the delta marsh eroded the most and the green hill eroded te least so I would probably choose the hill
i kinda will have to say that the cliff is a good place to build
I think we should build at Green Hill because it didn't erode as much as the others.It's also on elevated land so if it floods,it'll be slightly above the floodwater,whereas the other two landforms would bve the first to flood and erode.
@ Luke:
If you pick the seaside cliff, wouldnt it polutte the water? Because if it eroded, it would make all the houses fall and the soil fall and it would get washed away into the water.
@ reddington
the ocean water would damage the buildings
i would build in the green hill because of the protection from floods
i think they should build at the delta because if they build there they would have good soil and they would also have a water suply.
I would build on the hill because the soils we tested soil A held up the best and b just vanished and C was the 2nd best. But with the maps from 100 years ago the hill eroded the least out of the cliff marsh and hill. Those are some reasons that the hill is the best building area
if boomtown builds on the delta marsh a loyt of animals willdie and there will be floods
if they build on the seaside cliff than erosion will destroy houses and debris will float into the ocean
if they build on green hill they will cut down trees but not kill as many animals and erosion won't be as extreme
I think that we should build on the deta marsh because it didn't erode very much.:)
i think green hill because they will be protected from floods and it is very stable
I think that i would choose the marsh because it has plenty of water and the delta will slow down the erosion.
I think Boomtown should build on Delta Marsh. The reason why is because the seaside cliff has lot of erosion and good just fall of the cliff and it is prone to floods. the hillside wouldnt be a good choice either because the houses good erode and the hill could slowly but surley slide down the hill. so my best bet would to go with a flat surface and that is Delta Marsh.
--Sydney Polking--
I think that they should build every thing in the hill side because it cant flood. But erosion dose happen and the hill will get steeper.
@ jake
i agree about the hill, too. If i had to pick though i would never choose the sea side cliff
I tjink erosion will bbe a big thing so I would go with the delta marsh because it would erode the least.
i disagree the best place is the hill
i would build at green hill because it is one of the few places that there isn't much flooding and the altitude would stop the water if it did flood.
I would build on a green hill because their is no water near the hill. So it would be harder to flood and erode so thats why I would choose the hill
i think the best place to live would be an area close to water for transportation ,food and water.I just wouldn't want it to be that big of a body of water .i would like it to be like a lake so it wouldnt have that big if effect like hurricane katrinia!I woould chose to live on a marsh or at the bottom of a hill . a marsh would have a flat land but they are not that close to water most of the time.i would want o live at the bottom of a hill becausee you would have good protection and a advantage of height.bad things about liveing on at the bottom of a hill is you would be issulted .i think thise are the two best landforms of where you should build!lyndsey roberto!:)
i think boomtown should build by the marsh because although it may flood it wont be a powerful flood because its calm water. the marsh because like i said before its calm water.
I think that they should buil on the green hill because there is more room and it wouldn't erode as much as the delta marsh or seaside cliff.
@ courtney
i think the same thing because you were right the soil from A held up the best and it would erode the least
Alana Gulley
I think they should build on the delta marsh because it didnt erode very much and i also think they should build on the delta marsh because they would have good fertile soil and they could have a water source near by.
i agree with ldavid reddington because marsh is a more stable area of land.
--Sydney Polking--
@courtney smith i agree that a hill would be one of the best places to buildon .i also think another good one would be a marsh!lyndsey roberto!:)
i think we shall build on the green hill because i think there will not be as much floods because your on the hill and also i don't think there will be much water
Delta marsh. I would build land on the delta marsh because if we built on the cliff it would erode fast and if we built on the green hill it would also erode quickly. The delta marsh would provde a large amount of land and will not erode, not as fast as the hill and cliff. The delta marsh has to be close to water, thats a plus. And that land would be more stable then any of the others. If i was in charge i would choose the delta marsh to live on.
I agree that if they build on the hill it won't flood and it can erode but i think it can erode at the top too because it can rain,wind or ice.
i agree with you anna becuase it will not has as many floods as the other places because it is on a hill.
I agree with you but i also think it will have the least erosion.
@ Courteny
Im thinking the same thing as courteny.
I think they should build on a hillside because there will be more room for the building areas. there is an advantage that they dont have much water because then the area will be less harmed if they have a flood. the disadvantage is that they dont have much of a water source. the hillside will also have enough room for wildlife. Overall i think the hillside will be the best environment for this procedure.
I agree with David Reddington because i agree the delta is the better land and they will have fertile soil. I also agree with Sydney Polking because she said the land is more stable, thats correct.
I think we should build on a delta because the fertle soil and solid land are necissary, as long as you dont flood.
I think they should build on the green hill beacuse the land is very stable, has lots of plant life, and it is near a water source. It also has a lot of space and some flat land for the houses
@ David Reddington
I agree, the green hill would not flood and it is very stable
i agree with henry because i think the land will be stable and it also has a lot of space for the building.
I think they should build in the delta marsh because the plants there will slow down erosion so houses shoppes and hotels won't collaps If the land erodes to much. But there are many different animals that live there, so that means the animals may lose there home so to fix that we can build shelter for them.
I think that they should build on the Delta Marsh because it didnt erode away as fast as the others.
I think they should build it on the green hill because it has.nt eroded much and it won't flood much.
i think they should build it on green hill becouse it has a source of water and food. but it would sometimes erode. so they would have to keep building.
I think they should build on green hill for there hotels, houses, and shoping.
I say this because green hill is the one that will have the least erosion, but there are many disadvantages, like they would have to take away part of the hilll to build then you would have to pay to put in grass before you sell rent or open up hotels.
Ithink we should build on the delta marsh because there will be a very big supply of water and fertile land
I think they should build on the green hill because that is where the wildlife would be least destructed. ALso, that is where there would be the least amount of deposition or erosion.
I disagree. I think that green hill eroded the least.
but i would have to consider also building on the green hill because the protection aganist floods
I totally disagree i think that the delta marsh would be bad to build on it would take away so many animals homes think of the birds they would have no where to go they would die and YOU would be responsable, and i think that it would have more erosion than the green hill!
I would build on the green hills so floods could be out of the way.THe seaside cilff erode so now you can't build houses on it.
I think they should build on green hill. Erosion has not effected it much, it has the most stable soil, unlikely to flood, and wont effect wild life.
I thin k boom town should build on green hill because was the lest effected by erosion an deposition. It is over all the most stable landform.
yes they would have fertile land but the flooding would kill the crops/plants if you do plant there, and many would lose there homes, friends, and family.
@ alec
i agree with you about building on the hillside but it would also think about building on the delta marsh
I would have chose Green Hill because its a stable area of land with lots of space and a small river with unlikley chances of flooding.
_Sara Vogit
monni szary
I think that the we should build the delta because it would help alot of things
@ bonnie Lagrange
delta marsh has had the least erosion over the last 100 years. actually material has been depositing there. it has not had the most erosion.
over the years everything keeps on changing and some of peoples land gets taken because people are building somethin new al the time. some people dont want there laand taken.
I think they should build there hotells, houses, and shops on green. I would choose the green hill because it is a higher point. The problem that would face would be flooding to the houses.
@anonymus {sarah savard}
Delta marsh does have the least erosion but how would building there effect wild life.
kylie gill
boomtown should build there holtels at delta because very fertile soil and alot of water and it would not erode much there.
@ David Reddington
I agree with you, the Green Hill does protect from floods because it is on higher ground. Also, it is not as vulnerable to storms such as a hurricane as the Seaside Cliff is.
I would built the new structures on the green hill because it is less likely to erode. There are now water sources to erode it exept rain and the rain siens its a hill would run of it wind wouldent erode it very much because the grass and trees are holding the soil down also if the town floods the structures on top of the hill would still be fine the sea side cliff is slow ly being pownded away by the tides and if it hollows out under the structures the land will callapse the delta marsh is likely to flood because of its location but the green hill is perfact.
sarah- i think we sould built on the delta marsh to becase they got alot of land and we sometimes want oue land.
I believe Boomtown should build more at Delta Marsh because although it may flood easily it is a large flat land that can hold a large capacity of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings making Boomtown even bigger. I also chose Delta Marsh beacause it seems to be expanding rather shrinking so it might create even more space for years to come. Delta Marsh would also be good for income to because for it being wide open space which means more zones for people and workers which means more tax money, jobs, and goods and services which finally leads to Big happy income city. A.K.A. "Boomtown"
@ allyssa weber
if you didnt have a home and green hill wasnt available, would you really care? Where we live we effect birds and they seem fine. In fact they get fed and junk.
@ walter burkart
I disagree with you because the rain and water would flow the ground down the hill making mud which will slowly make the houses slide downhill.
Sarah savard i think they should build on the delta marsh also.
@ taylor's blog spot i also think they should build it on green hill too becouse it is a source of water. allison johnson
I think shoud bilud on the green hill because it is smove to bilud their.
@ sarah
i agree with you because it does not erode that much and that there is alot of water to grow the crops
kylie gill
zach hillshire viox
maybe but it depends on how much rain and if its hard rain or not if its a light rain the ground would soak it up a hard rain the ground would soak some up some would run down the hill and the trees and grass is holding the dirt in place so there wouldent be much mud
I would build some where on a green hill there is less animal homes to destroy yes there is erosion of coruse isnt there erosion every where.
I think we should build on the marsh becuase it didnt eroed much and the water that foolded the land would be covered by the houses or would be drained out.the greenhill and the cliffside all eroded.
I want build my on a seaside cliff.I can go swim in the lake.It sounds fun.
i think we should build on green hill because they have better land than the sea side cliff and the delta marsh if they built by the cliff it would erode over time and the buildings will fall
I would choose the green hill. The soil there is most stable and the hill is harder to erode than the other areas. We saw that on the lab where we looked at the map 100 yrs ago. We the the least difference in boomtown was the hill.
@Anna Sanzere
Nice choosing.I pick seaside cliff.I can go swimming
@ Sarah Savard yes I agree with you but what about the flooding and the homes of wild life you would destroy you also have to think about that yes homes are going to be destroyed but I think there would be a lot more homes destroyed on the delta marsh.
@ samantha
I agree that boomtown should build on the delta marsh because the cliffside will eroed and the green hill will eroed.
i think the green hill because when it rains or whatever happen the water will run down hill. also because when we did the soil expieriment sample "A" didnt erode as much as "b" and "c". also we looked at now and 100 yrs. ago and green hill eroded the least. it also damaged less wild life.
i would choose the green hill because its the most stable and is away from a huge water sorce like the gliff and the marsh and could case not as much flooding as the other sites would.
I would have to say that they should build it on the delta marsh. I say the delta marsh because if you built it on the green hill it could tip over and if you built it on the seaside cliff then the sand would eventually erode and there would be no support system for the town.Yes i know that it could flood but there are some things you can do to prevent it from flooding. And also there is a lot more flat, wide open space on the delta marsh.
@Sarah Savard
Yes the marsh doen't erode much but imagine what would happen if a storm hit while a house was there. The delta could overflow and your house may flood. If you just think about erosion you may make the wrong choice since there are other factors to tie in.
@ sarah
I agree that boomtown should build on the delta marsh because it hasn't eroed.
these are resons i think green hill wold be the best place:
1. most commen so less effect on envirment.
2. least dangers
3. if on marsh it wold pose a large theat to envirment
4. if on seaside cliff it wold be a danger to the ocen, were 72% of earhs creachers live. plus it could possobly cause a landslide.
Plus on a green hill you have protection from floods one of the main resons you would want to build on a green hill.
@ taylor i agree that there is not alot of wateter to flood it
i would build on the top of the green hill because its less likely to flood. (>'.')> <('.'<)<-- kirby is dancing!!!!
I would say that they should build at the Green Hill. This is because it is the most stable land of them, it won't flood as bad as the others, do to it being on a hill. Also if they take a few precautions they can prevent some of the cons, which are mudflows or landslides, which can be avoided by building good structures. The cliff has erosion and ecosystem problems, because of the fences and the bad precautions they have to do. And the delta marsh, that would be horrible for the wildlife. On the Green Hill there is still plenty of room for wildlife and it has least amount of flooding and has few cons.
I think we should build it on the hillside because if it were to flood their all of the rain would mostly go down the hill to the bottom and wouldnt flood alot of the top of the hill and also if it started to erode it would still be a safe place to build on becasue the top of the hill will still be flat.
@ kassidy moore
i dont think they should build on the delta marsh because it floods easily. also that green hills soil is more firm then delta marsh. also delta marsh erodes faster then green hill , causing damage to wild life.
joshua parsons- I think they should build on green hill because it has the most area and the hills can be flatened out to make it safer.
@tyler@luke 72% of earths creachers live underwater.
@sara savard i would choose the green hill because its the most stable and its away from a huger water sorce.
i say that they should build a delta marsh becasue it realy didnt seem like it eroed very much be thats jus me
I would choose to build at green hill. There isn't a body of water there that could flood or anything. Green hill does not erode as much. That was proven in the lab with the soil that we did recently. I definitely would not pick the cliff. The waves eroded the land and make it unstable for building. Also the cliff is not in very good shape. There are many other things that could happen to the buildings if you are living on the cliff.
@gerdes,austin i geuss your sorta right but if there is flooding what ere yah gonna do? swim away? i dont think so! :/ idk about your little idea cause the delta marsh is a stable place to build and a not so stable place to build...
@ DeeAnna
I agree with you and ally a lot.because you also have to consitret of the people with animals like farmers they have to have land to farm and for the animals to graze.
I think they should bulid on the Green Hill because it has stable land, has fertile soil, its land eroded the least. Also the Delta Marsh has eroded the most, and on the Seaside Cliff if it eroded enough the house would fall of. Those are reasons why I would pick Green Hill and not pick Delta Marsh and Seaside Cliff.
i would like to build on the hill because when it floods or monsoons the water would drain off the hill and away from the structure also if the hill began to erode the hill would get smaller but the structure would still be up high and when the hill erodes completly away the structer would be on ground level.
I disagree quite a bit. The cliff can erode alot more than the hill, and the seawall can have an effect on wildlife. The flooding would be the least because the water would be going downhill, away from the houses. Its not like the houses are sponges, soaking up every bit of water around them. On the cliff a landslide is much more likely to happen than a mudflow on a hill!
i woud build on green hill because the hills would give protection from floods hurricane. But if erosion happenes and a mud slide happenes how are they going to get to safty.
Anthony, Erb
@David Reddington
I agree that they should pick Green Hill because they are stable and protected from floods, and the Seaside Cliff is also protected from floods but it will eventually erode away. The Marsh is not protected att all from floods.
i think boom town shoud build there hotels by rest ronts.
hey i agree with you that a selta would be a good building place what with the fertile soil and water and all but what would happen if the water became polluted and it turned the soil contaminated? i would be on the first boat out buddy!
@ pete georgantonis
there could be alot of water if it rained alot, and if it did the green hill would be the safest place.
I agree. And isn't Cincinnati hilly too? I mean, we're living fine, right? We haven't had a flood or hurricane or anything like that.
And, another thing you reminded me that I forgot to put in my post is the wildlife. Building on delta marsh would completely destroy it. But not with Green Hill.
Also adding to my argument about Green Hill being better an easier way to stop the buildings from 'ever so easily' sliding downhill is to build stronger structures. Not that big of a difference on the environment. Green Hill helps preserve the environment, the Delta Marsh is like a type of wetland. Remember that movie we watched? Yeah, if we built there alot of the wildlife would be gone. At least on Green Hill there is alot of area.
joshua parsons-I agree that delta marsh hasent had much erosion but it is infested with animals,birds and insects.
I Think We Should Build On Green Hill. I Has Great Vegitation, Plenty Of Room For Wildlife To Move To, Lots Of Room For Houses, And If I Happened To Flood The Water Would Run Down The Sides Of The Hills. Over The Years Its Not Going To Get Bigger But It Is Right By A Forest You Could Easily Cut Down... If You Need To Expand. There Is A Lot Of Land For The People Liveing There, And For New Buildings.
Yes, The Rain Would Bring Mud... IF The Land Didnt Have Good Roots From The Ttees And Grass, But It Does So There Is No Need To Worry About That. Plus There Will Be Concreate Also Preventing Mud.
i think they should build at the marsh because it would have still tons of nature around the house.
ANDrew reis,
I think boomtown should bulid on green hill. because green hill has a low chance of flooding. And the water dropplets would go down the sides of the hill. the soil from the river would keep on pilling up.
seaside cliff advantidge: go swimming. another one is fresh water. disadvantidge: floods. another is damage.
Austin Deller
write a disavantage mark but still nice comment
Austin Deller
ii have to log inn.
I disagree because, even though green hill erodes faster when built on, you can do things to prevent that. Like add drain pipes and plant cover crop. But on seaside cliff there is not much you can do about the eroding soil.
Andrew reis,
i agree with nick guther about buliding on green hill because it dosen't flood.
sam keethler-
i think that if we build on the delta marsh we wil make a difrens and help other peopal.
I choose the green hill because we can build the homes around the hills and then we can build the stores close to the top of the mountains and we can build the hotels on the very top of the mountian Because if we want to go on a vacation we can go to the hotels and if we need to go to the store because we need food and water and we always need homes to live in.
I think that we should build on the deta marsh because it didn't erode very much. I also think they should build at the delta because if they build there they would have good soil. But it is also a bad thing because of flooding could occur. (:
i think that that they should build on green hill because it was the one of three that eroded the least and also its the most stable
Boomtown should build there new hotels at the green good space for homes and the green hill.
-Kirk Fredrick
I think they should build on the delta because there is lots of fertile and more space to build
By: Austin BrEiNeR
I think we should build treehouses in the jungle that are connected by rope bridges, because then we could build a whole city like that. And then when there's a city, there's crime. So I could be Batman and protect the city of treehouses? Why Batman, you ask? Because, Bats hang upside down on branches of trees so it makes a lot of sense to be Batman because the houses are in the trees. I'd tell the erosion and deposition to stop and they'd listen because I'm Batman and if they didn't listen then I'd send them to the treehouse asylum also known as the roots. Oh yeah, and just wait for me too whoop superman's butt in 2015 #batfleck #imbatman #troll #greenhillisthebestchoiceandeveryonewhodidntpickgreehilliswrongandwillalwaysbewrongfortherestoftherelifesbecausetheyarejustalwayswrong #toolonghashtag #ajaoihfawoighnwoeaifajepofjawefahafhaefhariglhraiughaiurgh #jibberish #imwatchingyouthroughyourwindow
#willthesehashtagseverend #yesbutnotnow
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