Could there be more out there than scientists aware? What is the newest ideas about the universe? What are the new ideas of infinity. Listen to this pod cast and give us your ideas about new ideas about the universe and the possibility of parallel universes.
parallel universe
I believe there is lots that NO ONE knows about. The newest ideas are that a 3-dimentional universe exists and a paralell universe exists. I think that a paralell universe does exist, but until further research, I wouldnt colnclude anything
Yes, I think that there is an unbeilievable amouont of information that not a single person knows about. The newest idea is that there is multible universes and it mentioned that when you are getting into your car to go to work someone else in a parallel universe might be getting in there car and instead of going to work they are going to the beach. I will not believe there is a parallel until they have more proof.
I would say there are other universes. Brian Green is saying that there could be a 3-dimensional universe AND a parallel universe. Astronomers are trying to find evidence to prove these theories, but until they find more eveidence on the theory I will stick with the idea that we are the only universe.
I think there could be more out there than scientists are aware. My dad and I have actually talked about that before, about what's out there, I mean even if space stops what is beyond that. The newest ideas of the universe is that maybe there were more than one big bang and that the big bang theory wasn't unique.They compared it to a bubble bath. The new idea about infinity is that maybe space and universes goes on for infinity. THere are possibilities for multiple universes. I think this is really interesting aand there are dfinitely possibilities for universes out there. It reminds me of Horton Hears a Who, where there is a town/ universe in that tiny speck of dust. THe other universes would be milimeters away from us, but in different demensions, so you wouldn't be able to see these universes
@ Sarah
Wow, you donot believe in a paralell universe, I mean I dont fully, but are you completely shut off to the idea until there is solid proof???
I agree that there is probably a lot of information that we do not know about, but I hope scientists and astronomers will find evidence for everything, so we know if it is true or not.
@ Jenn I sort of agree with you in the fact that astronomers need proof, but I don' think until they do have proof we should just think that we are the only universe because we don't have proof of that either. I think we should just keep seeing if we can more information and proof.
Brian Green said that there could be a 3-dimensional universe plus a parallel universe. the idea for infinity is that the universe might go on forever.
i think that their are parallel universes. it would be strange if there was only us.
Yeah theres probably millions that scientists dont know about. The newest ideas are that a 3-dimentional universe exists and a paralell universe exists. I think a parellel universe could exist
yes, i bet there is so much imformation out there that the sciencitst dont know. I think it is really cool to learn about another universe, that would be really cool to find out/research about another universe/people. Scienctist have a lot to prove and research for a long time,
I believe there is alot that nobody knows about. In the video it said that when your getting in your car to go to work somebody on a parrellel universe is also getting in their car but not to go to work but to go to the beach. I could beliveve that there was a parrellel universe but not a 3 dimensional universe. But im not assuming anything until they do tests and there is proof.!
~Alana Gulley~(: <3
ok i do belive that there is a parrale universe. i still dont know if there is one, but until further research we cannot just jump to conclusions. we will acheiv this goal one step at a time. but another theoy that i want to put out there if i were to destroy the paralell me would i also perish. while i dont want to be tested on we will experiment with animals or a convict. but the results would probably be catastrophic.
yes i think there is more to know about science. the 3 dimentional universe is paralell. i think it exist. but i need to know more.
yes their could be more than one universe than are not know to humans.
Yes, there could be more out there. The newest idea is that there could be more than one universe. Also, some people believe that space could go on forever. I think that it is possible for there to be a parallel universe.
yes there are multiple diffrent ones that the uneverse might fininit and not infinit like the idea but dose it really matter if its true or not
sam keethler-
the unavers is like a bubble bath. the bubbles combined making a poof thare for disapering thats wat 2 unaverses are like if they combiend.
sam keethler-
i agre with boney lagraing thare is no proff that another unavers existes.
scientist think there is another universe and that they think that if you are driving to work what if there is duplicate of you driving to the beach so do you think there is another universe.
there is a lot of universes in outspace.
Sheeze this is confusing! Its cool the theory, the idea of there being another me. There is a Holographic, parallel, 3D, and other universes in this theory. People can be just too smart! I got so confused!
Also the Big Bang isn't real. Nothing created nothing which created something?
I really don't think that if there are different dimensions that there would be any life. The newest idea is that there is a 3-d and parallel dimension. Ifinty is larger than we thought before.
@Julia Greve
I agree it would be weird if we were the only life in the unvierse(s?) there has to be some other form of life in my opinion. It really would be weird if we were the only ones in the universe.
Yes there could be. Scientists think that there was more than one big bang that created more than one universe. I think that there is another universe somewhere out there but I think that the closest thing to humans somewhere else is only going to be like bacteria. So there would be living material but nothing like aliens.
It would be pretty hard to get proof. It's definitely needed though. I think I read this or saw this in a science video we watched, but any place that we don't know about yet is too far away that no one would be able to travel there and back in their lifetime.
Yes, I think there is so much information out there that sciencitst don't know. They have already found water on different planets so there could be life. I think it's really cool to learn about an another universe. They have a lot to prove and research.
I agree Sam!! We have so much to discover! (:
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