Super-sensitive equipment is being used to detect radioactive isotops. This is a gift and a curse beccause it is causing unnecessary worry all around the world. Luckily the small amounts of radiation they have detected in the U.S are too low to be hazardous. According to Miller, "Only 5 percent (of radiation) has dispersed into the air." This is not enough to harm anyone and is no threat to the U.S
I can not beleive that the radiation reached all the way to Washington. Traces of radioactive cesium and iodine are being reported from Nevada to Vermont, South Carolina to Massachusettes.Good thing that its "absolutley no concern" according to Ahmed Hassanein.
wow that is sooooooo !!!!!!!! i am so scaried right now! i wonder how long it will take for that part of the earth to die of no water. what is the reason for this radiation that is reaching the US?!I HOPE I DONT DIE,LOL?!?!?!
It is scary because it could cause health problems. The amount is at alot lower levels to cause any health problems. But i wonder if people in japan are getting health problems because of it? I also wonder what if it will get to the U.S. will it to so high that it will cause us to suffer?
I hope the radiation stops! It s very dangerous and scary thing! I hope we have good scientist to help the radiation stop and have our world be a better place! less polution!
@ Jenn (: I hope the 5 percent that is in the air is the only amount of radiation that will be dispersed. Even though it is harmless right now its still very scary.
Oops, I didn't mean to post that yet. Reading the article (and the facts I listed), I was a little scared. I mean if the U.S getrs anymore radiation will the U.S have enough that it would be hazardous? That's what I was thinking about while rreadin it. But also if you think about that, then just think about Japan, they are the ones with the real problems. It started in Japan!
i Cant believe the radiation is reaching washington, AND some of it is going into Nevada so people said. Thiis is very scary and i wonder if the radiation that ended up in Nevada came across Ohio ?
@samantha I know! That is amazing how far it has traveled. Good thing it won't cause any harm though! I wonder what we wouold do if it would have caused harm right away?
@ Ally Lamping Im pretty sure it willl stay well below health risks because the amount making it all the way over here to the U.s would probably be small amoounts.
I think that having radioactive material appearing on the U.S would be sorta freaky. But having the equipment that detects radiation keeps us away from what can happen.
@ally lamping i agree this is a very dangerous and scary situation!!!! but now that i think about it, the earth has alot of water even if most of it is unedible. small amounts of radiation have been detected in the US, and have been too low to be hazardous, so its a big deal but it wont really affect till later on in our life.
I was surprised to hear that the radiation has reached US, especially in Las Vegas. I'm glad it is no enough to harm anybody, since only 5 percen of the radiation dispersed into the air. It's kind of scary to think the radiation spread, but it's good it won't hurt people.
-jIlL sTaNgE Traces of radioactive cesium and iodine are being reported from Nevada to Vermont, South Carolina to Massachusetts. “Many orders of magnitude below what would be hazardous."This is a very serious situation I hope they can do something about it .
i think that that is something to consider, but i think we dont need to worry about it. i think that people shouldnt be buying them. i think these new gizmos should go to japan.
I think that it is scary that the radiation reach the U.S. and I hope that it will stay under risk conditiions. But how well can Japan handle the radiation?
@ Courtney That's true, most people are happy we aren't going to be affected, but Japan is and that's scary too. I feel so bad for them because it was so unexpected. A Tsunami and an earthquake and it is messing and with all of their radiation!
After reading that article it makes me more pestimistic. I don't think anyone likes radiation in their soup ,so this isn't good that their radiation is coming over to the U.S. But then again it's not like they have a choice.The bottom line is that this situation is bad for everyone involved.
I hope the scientist can figure out some way to keep us safe from the radiation because I don't think we need it in the US. I also hope they can figure out what is causing all the things that are happening in Japan.
@ abby no need to be scared. the only cases of radiation were the workers who had not had the appropriate gear and who stepped in a radioactive puddle.
I cant belive radiation reached washington. Atleast it isnt harmful and below health conditions. Only 5% has gone into the air but still not enough to harm anyone
I can't believe it has spread this much. I hope that the radiation wont go above health risk levels. I wonder if it will rise more, if so, how much more?
I think that this is a bad thing that is happening right now but if it comes to the US then we should be worried but now we shoulden't be so worried over something that hasen't even happened vet.
That is a scary situation if radiation is reaching the US. I am very worried that the radioactive levels will get into the dangerous state where it could effect health of the US.
im glad people are taking precouions, & im also glad its under the level where it couldnt hurt people. Yes i know this is dangerous and pretty scary, but scientsit will now be able to study this exploive waste it might be a one in a life time chance for these scienctsit. I hope we all find a way to controll this waste.
If we get anymore raditation it would affect the health of our citezens, i hope that it stays to a point if we do get anymore radiation that it wont affect the US citezens.
I can't beleive that the radiation reached the u.s. That's scary!I'm glad it is no enough to harm anybody, since only 5 percent of the radiation dispersed into the air. Just think how much it has an effect on Japan.
@Ally Lamping I agree with Ally. It is very scary and very dangerous if it effected the water and air it could spread contaminaing all the animals and people.
My thoughts about this artical is that this is a very scary facts. I cannot belive that the radition might hit us. i wonder how long we could live without water. its kinda of scary because I have water everyday. and you should, I wonder how our health will be effected ( besides death). and I am wondering if it will come to Ohio. i am hopeing we will be ok --Sydney Polking--
Lest hope that radiation risk does not get to high.This will make globle warnging really mest up. I hope it will not go to far in the US or ferther than it is now...I hope we dont all explode!!! :D
I can not beleive that the radiation reached all the way to Washington. Traces of radioactive cesium and iodine are being reported from Nevada to Vermont, South Carolina to Massachusettes. Super-sensitive equipment is being used to detect radioactive isotops. I can't believe that the radioactive material as so strong that it reached the U.S. I wonder how this could effect the country if it spreads.
@ Abby Rembold
I agree I hope the radioctive material does not spread. It will probably be scary knowing you would be breathing toxins. I wonder how it would effect our country if it spread.
that is really amazing that the radiation got all the way to Washington.radioactive cesium and iodine are being reported from Nevada to Vermont,South Carolina to Massachusettes. i hope that the radiation doesnt reach where we are
i really hope it does not reach us. it will be extremely dangerous but i dont think it can reach us because were not on the coast and i hope we are safe!
My aunt had cancer and she had to go through alot of kimo to heal it (luckly she survived) but the radiation in japan is horrible, which made me wonder what thhe turning point from healing to hurting is??
I Cant believe the radiation is reaching Washington, and some of it is going into Nevada! Only 5% has gone into the air but still not enough to harm anyone. (:
Traces of radioactive cesium and iodine are being reported from Nevada to Vermont, South Carolina to Massachusettes.I really hope that nuclear stuff stays away from us.Do you think it will spread along the whole U.S.A.?
my thoughts are -omg what if it is harmful -if it is harmful how will we go outside without getting harmed -would they hand out medicine like they did in japan -how would we go through a dailey rutine without hurting ourselves -who would have thouht that it had reached all the way to washington?
It kinda scares me that amounts of this radiation can spread around the earth this wide and fast. This situation is very dangerous and should be broken down by the most elite people ever.
How can super-sencitive equtment be a curse? But it does track radiation. It spread across the coastline and a tiny bit of radiation in america. It is really hazardess in Japan. I am so glad it isnt hazardess to us.
I am not worried at the moment. If it doesnt get resolved soon i may start to worry. but right now its just incredibly small traces of radioactive material. I do hope japan solves this before too many are affected badly
It's kind of scary that the radiation is coming towards us but it is good that it will most likely be not very hazardous. According to the article it will most likely not be a concern.
@zach "hillshire" viox It scares me also that amounts of this radiation can spread around the earth this wide and fast. but until now i had no idea it could travel that quickly! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
@Andrew Ehrman I agree that the radiation has been found in Las Vegas is an odd thing. Especially since its by the place where the U.S. used to test atomic bombs.
I was not suprised that it reached us. i was actually expecting it to reach us through the ocean eventually. I just hope this can be resolved quickly before to much damage is done.
(i think all these diasasters and other problems are signs of 2012. it really makes me think with all these problems going on)
My thoughts about this artical is that this is a very scary facts. I cannot belive that the radition might hit us. i wonder how long we could live without water. its kinda of scary because I have water everyday. and you should, I wonder how our health will be effected ( besides death). and I am wondering if it will come to Ohio.
I am not that worried right now either. I do think it is scary how powerful that kind of stuff can be though. Imagine if something like that happened to a plant in our country.
ANDREW reis, I feal realy bad form.I cant belie that the raditation leak is 65 miles a from united states.I dont get what so bad about nuke waste hitting a desert.
I can not beleive that the radiation reached all the way to Washington. Traces of radioactive cesium and iodine are being reported from Nevada to Vermont, South Carolina to Massachusettes.
I think thats really cool that we have that kind of advanced technology now. I hope that the readiation will stay at a safe level and not cause dangers in peoples health. (:
My thoughts on this radiation is that I trust the scinentists. They sead that iit is not as bad Chernobyl and I trust them. However I do have my doubts. What if they are wrong and the radition does come heir and it is deadly to breathe.
@ Anna S We also agree that there needs to be less poulution and we also hope that we have good scientists that will help stop the radiation Anna & Monni Szary:)
I think that this is a bad thing that is happening right now but if it comes to the US then we should be worried but now we shoulden't be so worried over something that hasen't even happened vet.
It is good that the level of radioctivity is not high enough to cause health problems, but it is still scary and it said it could take as much as a year to spread throughout the Northern Hemisphere so since it's early on we don't really know how bad it is yet.
My thoughts are that i dont want radiation because then we have less risk for something to happen to us like the earthqauke that occured in japan. Its pretty scary to know of all the health cases and how the radiation reached all the way to washington.
Hopefully the government is NOT lying to us and that the radiation levels will never get close to hazardous levels. Also the Chernobyl explosion is something I know of from only one thing. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl, which is a PC game is basically a game that takes place in the aftermath of the exlosion. Of course it has a few added things that aren't true.
GOVERNMENT BETTER NOT BE LYING TO US! Also prayers are still out to Japan.
I can not beleive that the radiation reached all the way to Washington. Traces of radioactive cesium and iodine are being reported from Nevada to Vermont, South Carolina to Massachusettes. Super-sensitive equipment is being used to detect radioactive isotops. I can't believe that the radioactive material as so strong that it reached the U.S. I wonder how this could effect the country if it spreads.
Well it's good that the radiation level is under health risk in the U.S. I do wonder if the health conditions are bad in Japan. That's why it's better to invest in rewnable resoucre energy than in nuclear power plants. It would be better for everyone so we don't have any accidents like this one.
i wonder if the radiation will get to the point where it will be hazardous and dangerous! i hope we have a plan in case it does get serious. also i wonder if we are going to blame anyone for the radiation from where it came from.
I really don't think this is a scary problem for us in the US but it could be a problem in Japan. In hte US health conditions won't be affected. I wouldn't worry to much about it. We really can't do anything about it.
@Anthony I also think that it's amazing the radiation was strong enough to reach the US. This could definitely have a big impact on the US if it spreads more. But imagine how horrible it must be in Japan? It would be pretty stupid if the government were lying to us. We need to know how bad the radioactivity is, too!
This morning i heard that there was radiation in the rain... I dont know what would happen if we got enough radiation to hurt/kill someone because we have never got it before so how would we handle it? Im not scared because all over the news they say its no big deal, and that we shouldnt worry. so im not gonna be scared or worry about this... it will all go away sooner or later.
It is amazing how far it traveled. It is scary because this could cause very bad health problems.I hope if we get anymore radiation it wont get to bad.
@circovik daniel Yeah I don't think that it is a big problem here in the USA, because with the Chernobyl explosion it was worse, and yet it didn't effect us all too much. So I don't think this will be any different.
I think that if we were to get any more radiation health risks then i hope they will stay below the risks of people dieing from it. To stay below the risk level of something happening to people, because this isnt something to play around with this is very scary and dangerous thing.
joshua parsons- HOW LONG IS THIS DISASTER GOING TO LAST???!!?? I think this is getting serious even if the radiation is low in US, its still spreading. I thought these affects would be never-ending and i was right. I thought it was not that bad of a situation at first but so far 4,5, or 6 things have happened because of it and know i say its definitly a bad situation.
I think that it is good that the radiation level is not high enough to cause health problem but I do wonder what the radiation levels are in Japan. If they are just below here imagine how bad they are there.
This is a very scary situation!!!!!Luckily the small amounts of radiation that has come over from japan it is not hazordous to the U.S.Im suprised it reached all the way to Washington. I would feel scared if i lived in Japan because of the earthquake and the tsunami that cause alot of damage and now the radaiotion that is spreading from coast to coast and can be very scary. Luck for us the radaition that as caried over from japan as not caused health problems for the U.S.
Super-sensitive equipment is being used to detect radioactive isotops. This is a gift and a curse beccause it is causing unnecessary worry all around the world. Luckily the small amounts of radiation they have detected in the U.S are too low to be hazardous. According to Miller, "Only 5 percent (of radiation) has dispersed into the air." This is not enough to harm anyone and is no threat to the U.S
Super-sensitive equipment is being used to detect radioactive isotops. This is a gift and a curse beccause it is causing unnecessary worry all around the world. Luckily the small amounts of radiation they have detected in the U.S are too low to be hazardous. According to Miller, "Only 5 percent (of radiation) has dispersed into the air." This is not enough to harm anyone and is no threat to the U.S
i dont think that its much of a problem, the radiation level are so low they have to use super sensitive equipment to find it the only negitive thing its doing is causing panic and thats because we made a big deal out of it so i think we should study it and people can go back to their lives.
@ kelsey wessels i was very happy that it didnt reach the us either, but what about our fish supply? i know the us eats alot of fish so how bad will we be effected because of that? and think, the radiation is even stronger in japans ocean & they eat even MORE fish than us!!!!
my thoughs were that i hope it stayes below health risk if we get anymore because i dont want kids and people to get hurt. i think this is very dangerous because people can get sick or have bad health.
If radiation reaches to the united states fully at a high level then we must evacuwait to another reagion. but that will never happen because its to low to be a real threat. right now threat level is id say about 1. but we're F.I.N.E ( Freaked out. Insecur, Nerotic,And Emotional). But I'm not worrying at all yet. but still the radiation could raise to a higher level.
I am sorry about the radiation leak in Japan and hope that they can get the nuclear plant under control. I didn't realize that doctors and pilots are exposed to some type of radiation daily. I hope the levels stay low in the US
hope the radiation stops! It s very dangerous and scary thing! I hope we have good scientist to help the radiation stop and have our world be a better place! less polution! and it will Save the animals!!!!!!!!
I hope if we get anymore radiation it will stay well below health risk conditions. This is a very dangerous and scary situation!!!
Super-sensitive equipment is being used to detect radioactive isotops. This is a gift and a curse beccause it is causing unnecessary worry all around the world. Luckily the small amounts of radiation they have detected in the U.S are too low to be hazardous. According to Miller, "Only 5 percent (of radiation) has dispersed into the air." This is not enough to harm anyone and is no threat to the U.S
I can not beleive that the radiation reached all the way to Washington. Traces of radioactive cesium and iodine are being reported from Nevada to Vermont, South Carolina to Massachusettes.Good thing that its "absolutley no concern" according to Ahmed Hassanein.
wow that is sooooooo !!!!!!!! i am so scaried right now! i wonder how long it will take for that part of the earth to die of no water. what is the reason for this radiation that is reaching the US?!I HOPE I DONT DIE,LOL?!?!?!
It is scary because it could cause health problems. The amount is at alot lower levels to cause any health problems. But i wonder if people in japan are getting health problems because of it? I also wonder what if it will get to the U.S. will it to so high that it will cause us to suffer?
I was really thinking I was scared for the Japenese but happy that radiation will not cause healt prblems to us.
I really hope that nuclear stuff stays away. Its reallyn scary. I dont know what we do if we did get that stuff!
@ally i agree its very scary.
Do you think it will spread along the U.S.?
I hope the radiation stops! It s very dangerous and scary thing! I hope we have good scientist to help the radiation stop and have our world be a better place! less polution!
@ Jenn (:
I hope the 5 percent that is in the air is the only amount of radiation that will be dispersed. Even though it is harmless right now its still very scary.
@ ally
oh my god its really dangerous and situation!! i dont know what we would do!
Oops, I didn't mean to post that yet. Reading the article (and the facts I listed), I was a little scared. I mean if the U.S getrs anymore radiation will the U.S have enough that it would be hazardous? That's what I was thinking about while rreadin it. But also if you think about that, then just think about Japan, they are the ones with the real problems. It started in Japan!
I agree with you but if the equipment they are using now is somewhat of a curse then why are they using it.
i Cant believe the radiation is reaching washington, AND some of it is going into Nevada so people said. Thiis is very scary and i wonder if the radiation that ended up in Nevada came across Ohio ?
I know! That is amazing how far it has traveled. Good thing it won't cause any harm though! I wonder what we wouold do if it would have caused harm right away?
@ Ally Lamping
Im pretty sure it willl stay well below health risks because the amount making it all the way over here to the U.s would probably be small amoounts.
that aint good that its all radiated and stuff, but atleats for now its only allitle when it could be verry bad, and kill people.
I think that having radioactive material appearing on the U.S would be sorta freaky. But having the equipment that detects radiation keeps us away from what can happen.
@ally lamping
i agree this is a very dangerous and scary situation!!!! but now that i think about it, the earth has alot of water even if most of it is unedible. small amounts of radiation have been detected in the US, and have been too low to be hazardous, so its a big deal but it wont really affect till later on in our life.
I was surprised to hear that the radiation has reached US, especially in Las Vegas. I'm glad it is no enough to harm anybody, since only 5 percen of the radiation dispersed into the air. It's kind of scary to think the radiation spread, but it's good it won't hurt people.
-jIlL sTaNgE
Traces of radioactive cesium and iodine are being reported from Nevada to Vermont, South Carolina to Massachusetts. “Many orders of magnitude below what would be hazardous."This is a very serious situation I hope they can do something about it .
i think that that is something to consider, but i think we dont need to worry about it. i think that people shouldnt be buying them. i think these new gizmos should go to japan.
I think that it is scary that the radiation reach the U.S. and I hope that it will stay under risk conditiions. But how well can Japan handle the radiation?
@ Courtney That's true, most people are happy we aren't going to be affected, but Japan is and that's scary too. I feel so bad for them because it was so unexpected. A Tsunami and an earthquake and it is messing and with all of their radiation!
After reading that article it makes me more pestimistic. I don't think anyone likes radiation in their soup ,so this isn't good that their radiation is coming over to the U.S. But then again it's not like they have a choice.The bottom line is that this situation is bad for everyone involved.
@ Ally
I also that if we get anymore radiation,it'll stay below the health risk conditions.If it goes above the health risk level,that will be bad,very bad.
I hope the scientist can figure out some way to keep us safe from the radiation because I don't think we need it in the US. I also hope they can figure out what is causing all the things that are happening in Japan.
@ Jennifer:
I am glad there is only 5% in the air, so it wont be harm to anyone. I hope it doesnt end up rising, and becomes a threat to the US.
@ Megan
We all hope that!
@ abby
no need to be scared. the only cases of radiation were the workers who had not had the appropriate gear and who stepped in a radioactive puddle.
@ Ally
I agree. What are heath conditions for the radiation?
This is very scary!!
@ mack (:
i'm not exactly sure all the health conditions but i do know that it can kill people if it gets really bad.
Super sensitive equipment is being used and is picking up radiation isotops in the U.S. Luckily none of this is enough to cause health problems
@ally I agree! I also think it is very dangerouse! I just hope we have good scientist to stop the radiation!
@ Ally
I agree it could be dangerous, but at least we are inforomed and HOPEFULLY have a plan if it does...
If we get hit by the radiation it would be terrible because it would spredd across the nation eventally to us and acroos the world.
@ luke
i agree maybe if people wont make such a big deal about the radiation then we could help them clean the mess up
I cant belive radiation reached washington. Atleast it isnt harmful and below health conditions. Only 5% has gone into the air but still not enough to harm anyone
I can't believe it has spread this much. I hope that the radiation wont go above health risk levels. I wonder if it will rise more, if so, how much more?
@ luke
yeah i know. but still that is really scary!
I think that this is a bad thing that is happening right now but if it comes to the US then we should be worried but now we shoulden't be so worried over something that hasen't even happened vet.
March 29, 2011 5:46 AM
Sarah Savard
@ ally
i hope it doesnt or else !!!!!
it really shows how powerful the earth quake in japan was.
That is a scary situation if radiation is reaching the
US. I am very worried that the radioactive levels will get into the dangerous state where it could effect health of the US.
i hope this stays below health conditions and i also hope that this doesn't come to cicncinnati. If it did would this kill us?!?!
i really can't beleive that the radiation reached all the way to the US. i just hope that it will just stay below health risk conditions.
im glad people are taking precouions, & im also glad its under the level where it couldnt hurt people. Yes i know this is dangerous and pretty scary, but scientsit will now be able to study this exploive waste it might be a one in a life time chance for these scienctsit. I hope we all find a way to controll this waste.
If we get anymore raditation it would affect the health of our citezens, i hope that it stays to a point if we do get anymore radiation that it wont affect the US citezens.
@Lamping Ally
I agree I also hope this stays below health risk conditions.
I can't beleive that the radiation reached the u.s. That's scary!I'm glad it is no enough to harm anybody, since only 5 percent of the radiation dispersed into the air. Just think how much it has an effect on Japan.
@Ally Lamping
I agree with Ally. It is very scary and very dangerous if it effected the water and air it could spread contaminaing all the animals and people.
My thoughts about this artical is that this is a very scary facts. I cannot belive that the radition might hit us. i wonder how long we could live without water. its kinda of scary because I have water everyday. and you should, I wonder how our health will be effected ( besides death). and I am wondering if it will come to Ohio. i am hopeing we will be ok
--Sydney Polking--
Lest hope that radiation risk does not get to high.This will make globle warnging really mest up. I hope it will not go to far in the US or ferther than it is now...I hope we dont all explode!!! :D
@ jennifer peters
I know, Japan has the bigger problem than us.The raditition here isn't harmful but it in japan It is very harmful to them.
i agree with kresser, yes it maybe coulod happen, but i doubt it will not go that far. I think for now we are okay.
jennifer, i never knew that only 5% of radiation dispersed into the air.
it is a scary situation, but i honestly don't think there will be enough radiation to seriously be cncerned about
@ lindsey BAder
Agree i hope it does stay below health risk
--Sydney Polking--
im glad that the radiation wont harm the us i think its interesting that radation from japan got all the way over to the us.
Michael Twilling
Is it washington D.C. or the state and i think we will be safe in ohio.
@Courtney Smith
Yea i think everybody knows that its scary......
@ Deeanna Moehring
Im 100% promis you that it will not get to ohio...or cloes to ohio.
Michael Twilling
@ Taylor's blog spot
the radiation is reaching the U.S. because the wind is blowing it here
I can not beleive that the radiation reached all the way to Washington. Traces of radioactive cesium and iodine are being reported from Nevada to Vermont, South Carolina to Massachusettes. Super-sensitive equipment is being used to detect radioactive isotops. I can't believe that the radioactive material as so strong that it reached the U.S. I wonder how this could effect the country if it spreads.
@ Abby Rembold
I agree I hope the radioctive material does not spread. It will probably be scary knowing you would be breathing toxins. I wonder how it would effect our country if it spread.
@cody i hope the radiation stays under the health conditions i wonder what would happen if it was dangerous
that is really amazing that the radiation got all the way to Washington.radioactive cesium and iodine are being reported from Nevada to Vermont,South Carolina to Massachusettes. i hope that the radiation doesnt reach where we are
Alec Uhlhorn
i really hope it does not reach us. it will be extremely dangerous but i dont think it can reach us because were not on the coast and i hope we are safe!
@ Jacob Kresser
i agree that would be really bad and scary if this actually happened
My aunt had cancer and she had to go through alot of kimo to heal it (luckly she survived) but the radiation in japan is horrible, which made me wonder what thhe turning point from healing to hurting is??
I Cant believe the radiation is reaching Washington, and some of it is going into Nevada! Only 5% has gone into the air but still not enough to harm anyone. (:
Traces of radioactive cesium and iodine are being reported from Nevada to Vermont, South Carolina to Massachusettes.I really hope that nuclear stuff stays away from us.Do you think it will spread along the whole U.S.A.?
my thoughts are
-omg what if it is harmful
-if it is harmful how will we go outside without getting harmed
-would they hand out medicine like they did in japan
-how would we go through a dailey rutine without hurting ourselves
-who would have thouht that it had reached all the way to washington?
This is really scary that it could be in Nevada. I wonder if it's powerful enough to reach Ohio...
will it spread along the whole world?????
The world may never know...
I am relived that there is no dangerous radition in the U.S. but i find it surprising that radiation was found in las vegas.
It kinda scares me that amounts of this radiation can spread around the earth this wide and fast. This situation is very dangerous and should be broken down by the most elite people ever.
How can super-sencitive equtment be a curse? But it does track radiation. It spread across the coastline and a tiny bit of radiation in america. It is really hazardess in Japan. I am so glad it isnt hazardess to us.
I am not worried at the moment. If it doesnt get resolved soon i may start to worry. but right now its just incredibly small traces of radioactive material. I do hope japan solves this before too many are affected badly
I also think that it is scary that the radiation reach the U.S. i think can not Japan handle the radiation very well.
@ John Dinger
How would you feel if it got worse. How do you think people suvive?
It's kind of scary that the radiation is coming towards us but it is good that it will most likely be not very hazardous. According to the article it will most likely not be a concern.
I hope it doesnt reach ohio, but I think it might because it was really powerful.
@ Natalie
what do you think would happen if it did get worse?
@zach "hillshire" viox
It scares me also that amounts of this radiation can spread around the earth this wide and fast. but until now i had no idea it could travel that quickly! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
This is a very dangerous situation!I can't beleive that the radiation reached all the way to Washington. Thats crazyy!!!
@Andrew Ehrman
I agree that the radiation has been found in Las Vegas is an odd thing. Especially since its by the place where the U.S. used to test atomic bombs.
@ bonnie lagrange
I was not suprised that it reached us. i was actually expecting it to reach us through the ocean eventually. I just hope this can be resolved quickly before to much damage is done.
(i think all these diasasters and other problems are signs of 2012. it really makes me think with all these problems going on)
i hope that no more radiation comes here i have some cousins in japan that were only 120 miles away from the leak.
You would think they would have a plan if some thing like this happened.
My thoughts about this artical is that this is a very scary facts. I cannot belive that the radition might hit us. i wonder how long we could live without water. its kinda of scary because I have water everyday. and you should, I wonder how our health will be effected ( besides death). and I am wondering if it will come to Ohio.
@ kylie gill
Kylie, cancer occurs from radiation exposure.
@ John Dinger
I am not that worried right now either. I do think it is scary how powerful that kind of stuff can be though. Imagine if something like that happened to a plant in our country.
@ alyssa weber
I was wondering the same thing. But if we do go outside I think we will be safe.
i agree with you because we both have the same thoughts that i hope we will be ok in ohio.
ANDREW reis,
I feal realy bad form.I cant belie that the raditation leak is 65 miles a from united states.I dont get what so bad about nuke waste hitting a desert.
I can not beleive that the radiation reached all the way to Washington. Traces of radioactive cesium and iodine are being reported from Nevada to Vermont, South Carolina to Massachusettes.
We hope that the radiation doesnt harm people or the enviorment. We also hope that this scary situation gets solved!
Anna & Monni Szary:)
I think thats really cool that we have that kind of advanced technology now. I hope that the readiation will stay at a safe level and not cause dangers in peoples health. (:
sam keethler-
i think if it ever got to where we live we would all die and plus thares no way a title wave could hapen hear its just not posible
@ Arin
You are right Arin. It's supposed to be animal crackers in your soup not radiation. The earthquake has changed so many people's lives so quickly.
kylie-cancer occurs from radition exposure.
My thoughts on this radiation is that I trust the scinentists. They sead that iit is not as bad Chernobyl and I trust them. However I do have my doubts. What if they are wrong and the radition does come heir and it is deadly to breathe.
the people in japan could die from that spred
@ Anna S
We also agree that there needs to be less poulution and we also hope that we have good scientists that will help stop the radiation
Anna & Monni Szary:)
I think that this is a bad thing that is happening right now but if it comes to the US then we should be worried but now we shoulden't be so worried over something that hasen't even happened vet.
the equipment is to dangerous for them. is a Sirius affect that harm people. The radiation level is to high to be there.
It is good that the level of radioctivity is not high enough to cause health problems, but it is still scary and it said it could take as much as a year to spread throughout the Northern Hemisphere so since it's early on we don't really know how bad it is yet.
My thoughts are that i dont want radiation because then we have less risk for something to happen to us like the earthqauke that occured in japan. Its pretty scary to know of all the health cases and how the radiation reached all the way to washington.
i think it is very sad for the japenese and i hope the nuculer stuff doesnt come close to us
they say it is under contral, but they are lying!!! they are having a cover up! i must dig my safty hole 10 feet deepr!
Hopefully the government is NOT lying to us and that the radiation levels will never get close to hazardous levels. Also the Chernobyl explosion is something I know of from only one thing. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl, which is a PC game is basically a game that takes place in the aftermath of the exlosion. Of course it has a few added things that aren't true.
GOVERNMENT BETTER NOT BE LYING TO US! Also prayers are still out to Japan.
I can not beleive that the radiation reached all the way to Washington. Traces of radioactive cesium and iodine are being reported from Nevada to Vermont, South Carolina to Massachusettes. Super-sensitive equipment is being used to detect radioactive isotops. I can't believe that the radioactive material as so strong that it reached the U.S. I wonder how this could effect the country if it spreads.
Well it's good that the radiation level is under health risk in the U.S. I do wonder if the health conditions are bad in Japan. That's why it's better to invest in rewnable resoucre energy than in nuclear power plants. It would be better for everyone so we don't have any accidents like this one.
@ anna ihope that this all stops too
i wonder if the radiation will get to the point where it will be hazardous and dangerous! i hope we have a plan in case it does get serious. also i wonder if we are going to blame anyone for the radiation from where it came from.
@Lamping, Ally
I really don't think this is a scary problem for us in the US but it could be a problem in Japan. In hte US health conditions won't be affected. I wouldn't worry to much about it. We really can't do anything about it.
my thoughts are that the artacle was boring and the stuff that is happing in japan is very dangerous
@cortny smith: the rate is INCRCING!!!
@ waters
i already heard on the news that we found radiation in our water that had rained down on cincinnati!
I also think that it's amazing the radiation was strong enough to reach the US. This could definitely have a big impact on the US if it spreads more. But imagine how horrible it must be in Japan? It would be pretty stupid if the government were lying to us. We need to know how bad the radioactivity is, too!
This morning i heard that there was radiation in the rain... I dont know what would happen if we got enough radiation to hurt/kill someone because we have never got it before so how would we handle it? Im not scared because all over the news they say its no big deal, and that we shouldnt worry. so im not gonna be scared or worry about this... it will all go away sooner or later.
It is amazing how far it traveled. It is scary because this could cause very bad health problems.I hope if we get anymore radiation it wont get to bad.
@ ally
I agree with you if we get anymore radiation that it will stay well below health risk conditions.
how could they say that this radiation comeing to us is a blessing. I don't see how itcould be a blessing but who knows??
@circovik daniel
Yeah I don't think that it is a big problem here in the USA, because with the Chernobyl explosion it was worse, and yet it didn't effect us all too much. So I don't think this will be any different.
I think that if we were to get any more radiation health risks then i hope they will stay below the risks of people dieing from it. To stay below the risk level of something happening to people, because this isnt something to play around with this is very scary and dangerous thing.
joshua parsons- HOW LONG IS THIS DISASTER GOING TO LAST???!!?? I think this is getting serious even if the radiation is low in US, its still spreading. I thought these affects would be never-ending and i was right. I thought it was not that bad of a situation at first but so far 4,5, or 6 things have happened because of it and know i say its definitly a bad situation.
Would the radiation get really bad here like it is in japan where we would have to stay in side all the time? How would we go to school.
@ Ally Lamping
Me too I really hope it stay well below the health conditions. How would we take care of it if it got really bad.
@ Ally Lamping
I Agree its dangerous, but im not scared one bit. the radiation levels are so low it wont effect humans.
@ abby
I agree i hope the nuclear stuff stays away.
I think that it is good that the radiation level is not high enough to cause health problem but I do wonder what the radiation levels are in Japan. If they are just below here imagine how bad they are there.
@ Ally Lamping,
I agree this can be worse then it sounds and imagine how it is in Japan if your scared here.
This is a very scary situation!!!!!Luckily the small amounts of radiation that has come over from japan it is not hazordous to the U.S.Im suprised it reached all the way to Washington. I would feel scared if i lived in Japan because of the earthquake and the tsunami that cause alot of damage and now the radaiotion that is spreading from coast to coast and can be very scary. Luck for us the radaition that as caried over from japan as not caused health problems for the U.S.
@ Breanna
true i heard the same it is very scary. could you imagen if usa gto like japan???
Yes i sure hope that to if we get anymore radiation that it sure does stay below the health risks.
@ ally lamping
I agree with you Ally i hope the radition leval stays low over here. can you imagin what the leval is over in Japan
lets all hope that if we get any more radiation that it will stay below health risk so noone is at risk.
Super-sensitive equipment is being used to detect radioactive isotops. This is a gift and a curse beccause it is causing unnecessary worry all around the world. Luckily the small amounts of radiation they have detected in the U.S are too low to be hazardous. According to Miller, "Only 5 percent (of radiation) has dispersed into the air." This is not enough to harm anyone and is no threat to the U.S
Super-sensitive equipment is being used to detect radioactive isotops. This is a gift and a curse beccause it is causing unnecessary worry all around the world. Luckily the small amounts of radiation they have detected in the U.S are too low to be hazardous. According to Miller, "Only 5 percent (of radiation) has dispersed into the air." This is not enough to harm anyone and is no threat to the U.S
Katrina Raines
i dont think that its much of a problem, the radiation level are so low they have to use super sensitive equipment to find it the only negitive thing its doing is causing panic and thats because we made a big deal out of it so i think we should study it and people can go back to their lives.
i hope that if and when they find radiation in ohio that it stays under health risk levels. :((( POOR JAPAN!
@Alyssa Weber
If they hand out medicine like they did in Japan it would probably cost thousands of dollars.
@ kelsey wessels
i was very happy that it didnt reach the us either, but what about our fish supply? i know the us eats alot of fish so how bad will we be effected because of that? and think, the radiation is even stronger in japans ocean & they eat even MORE fish than us!!!!
my thoughs were that i hope it stayes below health risk if we get anymore because i dont want kids and people to get hurt. i think this is very dangerous because people can get sick or have bad health.
If radiation reaches to the united states fully at a high level then we must evacuwait to another reagion. but that will never happen because its to low to be a real threat. right now threat level is id say about 1. but we're F.I.N.E ( Freaked out. Insecur, Nerotic,And Emotional). But I'm not worrying at all yet. but still the radiation could raise to a higher level.
I think it's bad because it might kill a lot of people and it will ruin are environment.
I am sorry about the radiation leak in Japan and hope that they can get the nuclear plant under control. I didn't realize that doctors and pilots are exposed to some type of radiation daily. I hope the levels stay low in the US
I hope if we get anymore radiation it will stay well below health risk conditions. This is a very dangerous problem :(
in hope if we get any more radiation it will be dangerous sitution
nice comment.
Im Scared this is VERY danderous
@Ally SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope the radiation stops! It s very dangerous and scary thing! I hope we have good scientist to help the radiation stop and have our world be a better place! less polution! and it will Save the animals!!!!!!!!
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