Monday, March 14, 2011

Water Cycle

How does the water cycle work?  Go to website and go through the animation to see.  Comment on the steps of the water cycle.

Water Cycle Animation


Rembold,Abby said...

Abby and DeeAnna said..
The water cycle goes through preciptitaion into a water source then, it goes through condensation, then evaporation.

Sturwold, Kaylee said...

The water cycle is very cool. It comes down and just goes back up. Its really interesting how it comes down and then evaportates and freezes then comes back down.

Anonymous said...

First water evaporates or and turns the liquid into gas (water vapor)and forms as clouds in the sky. then after a little bit the water vapor condenses and turns back to a liquid causing persipitation. When the water falls on the ground it either turns into run-off or Ground water. Run-off are rivers, and ground water is the water collecting underground and then traveling to a lake or pond. Then the water evaporates from the lake and the cycle starts over again.

By: Anna AND Sam

Lamping Ally said...

Condesation and precipition run off into a lake/river than evaporation occurs. The evaporation then turns back into condesation and precipition again.

LaGrangeBonnie said...

The water cycle starts with precipitation and then evaporation, then condensation and then all the way back around. That's the basic steps of the water cycle, but there are other steps such as infiltraiton and run off, etc

Mauricio,Courtney said...

Jenn Peters and Courtney
It starts with precipitaion, then it to infiltration and run-off, this leads to evaporation, capillary action, and evapotranspiration, finally it goes to freezing and condensation. Then it repeats!

Mauricio,Courtney said...

@ Bonnie
Jenn Peters and Courtney
Yeah kinda... but it includes extra details in case you want to includes those facts in your post :)

Garvey, Emily said...

The water cycle starts with precipitation and then evaporation, then condensation and then all the way back around. (:

Andie said...

The water cycle goes precipitation, infilration, runoof, evapartion, capillary action,frezzing, condensation, evopptranspiration.

Dupont, Noah said...

Next it goes to
2:Infiltration(Not sure what it is)
3:Run off(I guess it goes down the hill/mountain?)
4:Then it evaporates
5:Then it goes to condensation
6:Next it goes to either precipitaion or it freezes(SNOW)

1:Capillary action(I guess it has to do with trees)
2:Evotransportaion(I guess it has to do with trees)
Then it goes back to freezing then precipitation.

Calderon, Heidi said...

The water cycle works by have precipitation going into infiltration, then it runs off then it evaporates then startes over again this happens/occurs from snow, rain, water vapor and other many things.