Monday, March 7, 2011

What do you think?

Did the rock labs we completed in class help you in understanding the different types of rocks, their characteristics and how to identify them?  What did you think of these different labs?  Did you like doing them or not?  How would you have preferred to learn about the different rock types (yes, you do have to learn about them!)


Peters,Jennifer said...

The rock labs we did helped me a lot because some of the tests were hard and we had to observe the rocks a lot more than we usually would.I did like them because I thought they were fun and they helped us understand how to identify rocks and how to do the different tests to find out which rock it is. I don't think I would have liked it any other way. Doing the rock labs was a fun, but challenging way to learn about the different types of rocks.

Moehring,DeeAnna said...

The rock labs did help me understand the different types of rocks, i just need to study all the sheets so i dont get them mixed up. i liked the labs because it was an easy way to find out what each rock type was. i liked how we learned so i wouldnt of changed it.

LaGrangeBonnie said...

The rock labs we completed in class did help me learn about rocks, their characteristics, and how to identify them. I thought some of the labs were more fun than others, but over all they were ok. I liked doing the labs because it was interactive and we could like see what its like to actually try to identify the rocks. I think we learned about them in a good way.

Savard, Samantha said...

I did like the labs we did because instead of just a reading lab, we actually used acid and had to use goggles, it was fun. I wouldn't have rather learned about the rock types any other way.

Peters,Jennifer said...

I agree with you. I need to look over the sheets, I have a feeling I'm going to mix a lot of them up:)

LaGrangeBonnie said...

@ Jenn I agree, I think, I liked it this way better than any other way we could learn it.

Moehring,DeeAnna said...

@ jennifer peters
i agree it did help us understand how to identify rocks and it was fun ! it was also challenging too (:

Anonymous said...

Yes I like the rock labs because it is a good way to learn about them. The best way to help me learn is to look at the rock and try to identify them.
Sarah Savard

Henson,Megan said...

The rock labs we did in class helped me in understanding the different types of rocks, their characteristics, and how to identify them. I thought these were fun labs and that I learned a lot from them. I liked doing the labs. I think we did it in good way, and I perferred doing it this way.

Rembold,Abby said...

the rock labs did help me out in understanding the different types of rocks. i think that the different labs help me understand about each of the rocks differently. I like doing them because i thought they were fun. I wouldnt want to learn any way else, besides the rock labs.

ReddingtonDavid said...

Yes they did, I now know how to identify rocks. The labs were kinda boring and i prefer directed reading better.

Henson,Megan said...

@ DeeAnna:
I also need to study the sheets cause I dont want to get them confused. But I think that the labs helped a lot.

Lamping Ally said...

The rock labs definetly helped me understand the different types of rocks and their charecteristics. I learned to how to identify them by just knowing a few of their properties.
The labs were very helpful with helping find out what rock type the rocks are.
I liked doing the labs better than doing the packets.
I think the labs were fine i just think they should be a little more fun but their is not much you can do with finding out rock types (:

Schirmer,Brandon said...

yes the rock labs did help me in understanding all the stuff in what i need to know. I thought that the labs were interesting. i did like the labs because you get to discover which rock is which. I would like to learn the rocks and minerals the same way we are learning them now.

Luke said...

I think the rock labs helped in teaching us the texture and the composition. this is b/c they were hands on, but i dont think they taught us the specific memorization part. there was such a flood f info that you couldnt memorize it. At least for me. I still enjoyed them. I would have preferred to watch a video, or red about it.

Rembold,Abby said...

@ megan henson
i agree with learning this way. i dont know any other way we could learn about the rocks.

kallmeyer, bridget said...

Yes the rock labs helped me under stand the differnt types of rocks, their characteristics and how to identify them.

I thought that the labs were a fun way of learning.

I liked the difernt labs.

I would have perferred to learn about them just the way we did.

Lamping Ally said...

@ DeeAnna C:
I totally agree that the labs were an easy way to find out the rock types.

Luke said...

@ schirmy.
I dunno, i think at least there couldve been a follow up. maybe some examples of how the roooocks are used.

Schirmer,Brandon said...

@ david i agree the labs did help us in class.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with you i thought that the lab was fun and that it is a good way to learn thease

Taylor's blog spot said...

yea i liked doin the rock labs, they were very informational.(lol)it helped me alot, because when i was little i used to have a collection of rocks and i used to try to sort them but i didnt know how really, so i did it by their color. but now i can sort them in many different ways and knowing what kind of rock they are by doing one of our labs!

Andrew Gibbous McCarthy said...

It helped me a little but not that much because they were labs trying to find out what the name of the rocks are not witch rock is sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic. But they helped to find out witch rocks are each type. But the questions helped me the most.

ReddingtonDavid said...

@ brandon

i think worksheets and notes helped better

Anonymous said...

-jill stange

Yes.the diffrent labs seemed the same but when you look closer you can identify the diffrence between the rocks. the same way we have been.

Gerdes,Austin said...

the labs did help me, the tests we did were chalenging with all the rock examining, my group did make it much more complicated than it had to be but i still atleast understood.the rock labs were enjoyable, but helped me to lern about the diffrent types of rocks.

Anonymous said...

The rock labs were boring but it helped! It made me think that there are all different characteristics in every different thing and we get to learn/have to learn stuff about rocks. I did not like doing the labs, it was boring and i didnt get really why we had to do it! I would prefer to do like videos or activtie with other class. something more fun!!!

Andrew Gibbous McCarthy said...

@ luke

i agree with u about that they didnt show us the memorization part

Gerdes,Austin said...


i agree i would have been so boared if we dident do it that way

Anonymous said...

Yea, the labs we do in class have really helped me tell the difference between two rocks, but I'll be totally honest, I don't like them. In my opinon, when am I ever really going to need to tell the difference between two rocks.
I mean sometimes the labs are fun, but I mean rocks aren't as fun as something blowing up!

Anonymous said...

@luke I agree! i like how you said it made us learn texture and compisotion! I think the labs were boring, but is there anything you can tell me that might change my mind about the labs!

Mauricio,Courtney said...

The rock labs helped me because some were hard and made me work harder. I liked them because they were a fun way to help us understand how people idenify rocks and how to handle testing.
I would like to do more labs like that, I wouldn't change a thing!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, they were boring but they did really help, but like I said when are we really going to have to tell the difference between two rocks.

schatzman.arin said...

I feel like the rock labs didn't help me all that much. I thought the labs were more helpful to me than the packets we've done. I liked doing them much more than the packets. I would prefer to learn about the other rock types by seeing what melts them.

Tyler said...

The rock labs we did in class helped because it teaches us how to figure out and test different properties of rocks and decide which was which. Some of the rocks i could get mixed up with others.

schatzman.arin said...

@ mackenzie

yes they were boring,in all of our opinions.And i don't get how you thought they were at all helpful in learning about rocks.

Tyler said...

@ DeeAnna
I agree i think alot of the rocks could be mixed up but thats what the worksheets are for

Taylor's blog spot said...

OMG i just noticed when i watched the cycle again that it show us the memorization thing mrs hoofman talks bout

Mauricio,Courtney said...

@ Jenn
Yeah it was fun doing the labs, it helps you understand whether you would want to have a job involving identifying rocks and minerals!!

hutson,cody said...

yes the labs did help. I thought there were cool how we had to figure out which rocks were which. Yes i did like doing them. I wish we couldve gone over rock cycle a little more.

Sydney,Vest said...

Yes, i do think it helped. i liked doing it instead of like reading out of the book. I liked the different labs because it help show which properites can help idenify the different rocks. I did like doing the labs, i honestly think by the last lab it was kinda boring since it was the same thing, but i did learn a lot. I think the idea of the labs are a great idea but when we did them over and over it was a little boring. But i did learn lot and understand more!

hutson,cody said...

@peters, Jennifer
I agree it was chalenching but yet somewhat fun at the same time. That what I thought

Alana Gulley said...

The rock labs we did helped me alot, because i didnt know alot about rocks believe it or not. So it did help me out by saying the type of minerals they have in them and how to identify what type of rocks they are. Like a sediment rock you can identify by it having sediments in it such as sand and the other 2 types or rocks are metamorphic and igneous. The lab helped me learn more, about rocks because we got to observe them and their properties such as luster, hardness to glass, hardness to copper, transperency, and ECT.
~Alana Gulley~(: <3

Sydney,Vest said...

i agree with jenn and deeanna, by the end i will probably would forget which is which and which properite is which.

bekah said...

the rock labs we did helped and they were fun at the same was hard at the same time but it helped us learn alot. next year i think you should do the same thing because it was fun and interesting.

Smith,Courtney said...

The rock labs that we did helped me a lot because if we were to pick up a rock we wouldn't have observed it as well as we did in class. I did like the labs because they were fun because i have never seen some of the rocks we have seen before. Also it helped me learn how to identify it more and more each time we did a lab. I don't know if i would have like to do something different every once in awhile with the rocks not just the labs we have been doing. I did have fun though.

Smith,Courtney said...

@ jennifer peters.

I also thought it was funn to do these labs because for the same reasons as you it helps us identify rocks.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yes. They were very fun. my favorite was the sedimentary lab. We could have watched a video that would have been fun

Michael Twilling

bader,lindsay said...

these labs helped me under stand the rocks because we got to look at the rocks and under stand what they look like.yes, i liked doing them because i think for me it is fun to do hands on things.i would perferred to learn adout rocks hands on like we did with these rock labs.

Anonymous said...

I think the rock labs we did were fun and hepful. I like learning in a way without reading alot. So this was a perfect way for me to learn about rocks and minerals. i did like doing the labs i think they were better than writing notes all about them. i would perfer going on a field trip to learn about rocks and minerals that would be cool. i feel that now i can identify them more easily and the characteristics which is really cool.
--SYdney polking--

brendanmarchetti said...

the rock labs helped because the test were hard but nonso hard that i couldnt identify the rocks i thought they were sorta fun but i think we should have done minerals.

Henry Minning said...

I liked doing the rock labs, especially the labs where you identified the rocks. It taught me how to be observant and to pay attention to detail. I did not like when we read the passages and then copied the words from the book, instead maybe we could just read them and then do the analysis questions. I think we should do more of the labs were you actually test rocks, and try to identify them.

@ Jenn Peters
I agree the labs were fun and challending and i learned a lot.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Courthney Smith
This is a good way to learn about rocks and minerals.
-SYdney Polking-

bader,lindsay said...

anna i do agree with you about getting with other class to do labs that would be fun !!

CameronIan said...

I think they helped me understand rocks a little more than i used to.They are fun and i prefer hands on rater than hand off work. I seem to work best when we r replicating water basins, how rocks r formed and y the earth rotates.

Anonymous said...

@David Reddington
Are You Crazy direct reading is very boring the labs were great.

Michael Twilling

brendanmarchetti said...

@cody i think the labs were cool to i think we learned alot

Garvey, Emily said...

Yes the rock labs helped me under stand the differnt types of rocks, their characteristics and how to identify them. The labs were very helpful with helping find out what rock type the rocks are. I like this kind of labs better than the packets.(:

Julia Greve said...

i don't think so. one or to would have been fine, but we did way more than was nessisary.

Julia Greve said...


Tedesco.Jake said...

The rock labs did help me identify the different types of rocks,because some of the rocks were hard to identify and it was fun to try. I didnt really like them i thought they were kinda boring. I would have liked it better if we would have done it on the computer or something.

Alec said...

I think the rock labs did help me understand all the differant types of rocks.It also helped me learn about the characteristics of the rocks.i think the labs were fun.i liked identifying all of the different rocks and testing them.i would like to keep learning about rocks by doing labs.

Anonymous said...

Yes I do understand how to identify different rocks, if I have a table to compare it to it is simple. I think they did help us to learn about how the minerals are made and cooled. I think they were ok. They had no information about some of the questions and we had to answer them. For example the cooling history. Nothing on the worksheet provided information aon it and we hadn't learned it. I like the waywe are learning about rocks but I think it should be more interesting not so boring as in look at the rock, identify the rock, next rock.

Alec said...

@ Jennifer Peters

I agree with you and Henry they were fun but challenging

bekah said...

@emily garvey

i agree the labs were better than the packets but they both had good information in them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with that comment. WE did have to look harder and think differently than we are used to. Studying rocks is tricky. Althouogh I did agree with the 1st comment I dont with the 2nd. I didn't think the were all that much fun. I don't mean to be rude but they were a little boring.

gorrasi josh said...

the rock labs we did in class helped me because i didnt know all of the different ways to find out the type of a rock. i sort of liked these labs but i like to change it up. i would have done different tests on them which we did but i like with chemicals.

adelly_foshow2 said...

yea kinda

walter burkart said...

i liked all of it it helped me understand how to identify them only thing i would of done diffrent is use more dangeres chemicals and mix them.

Andie said...

The rock labs helped me learned because before I didn't know how to tell igneuous from sedimentary or metamorphic but know I know how. The labs were really fun to do. I liked doing the labs because they were fun but showed me how to tell rocks apart and I wouldn't learn a different way.

alyssa weber said...

-the rock labs we completed in class help you in understanding the different types of rocks, their characteristics and how to identify them were very imformative and helpful.
-we liked doing the rock labs very much.
-we would have preferred to learn about the different rock types by watching bill nye the science guy videos.

johnson, allison said...

Yes the rock labs about the different types of rocks did help me understand more about the rocks. It helped me learn about what minerals and materials are in the 3 main types of rocks. I did like the labs. I thought that was a good way to learn about them in the way we did. But maybe some games on the internet would also help a lot. Allison Johnson

baxter bryan said...

i think the rock labs we did helped me a lot because some of the tests were hard and we had to observe the rocks a lot more than we usually would.Doing the rock labs was a fun, but challenging way to learn about the different types of rocks.

baxter bryan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter burkart said...

i agree with everyone the labs helped and were fun to everyone, everyone and everyone

Anonymous said...

the rock lab did helped me a lot because some of the tests were hard and we had to observe the rocks a lot more than we usually would. I like it because it was fun doing it with my friends.

alyssa weber said...

you said that you would not have another way to learn the different rock types we were thinking a good way would be to watch bill nye videos.

Natalie said...

Yes, they did help in understanding the different types of rocks, their characteristics and how to identify them. I think these labs are more interesting than just reading out of the book. I did like them. No, I wouldn't have preferred to learn about different rock types. The one thing I would have changed was how many test we did on the rocks. I think it would have made things more fun to do more test.

Andrew Ehrman said...

Yes it did it also helped me to identify rocks. I think these labs are better than doing a work sheet because you get more invovled in what your learning wich usually makes it easier to learn.It makes me better understand the matierial than if you just did it on a work sheet.

johnson, allison said...

@ Alyssa Weber and Anna W.
i also think watching bill nye the science guy videos will work to. maybe some other type of science videos will work just as good.

Anonymous said...

The rock lab did helped me a lot because some of the tests were hard and we had to observe the rocks a lot more than we usually would. I like it because it was fun doing it with my friends.

monni szary

kylie Gill said...

The rock labs we did helped me a lot because some of the tests were hard and we had to observe the rocks a lot more than we usually would.I did like them because I thought they were fun and they helped us understand how to identify rocks and how to do the different tests to find out which rock it is. I don't think I would have liked it any other way. Doing the rock labs was a fun, but challenging way to learn about the different types of rocks.

baxter bryan said...

jennifer peters-ya i think all the rock labs that we have done have helped me brcause of all the hard test we have taken. but all thre test we have taken i have passed but i strugled on ssome of them.and i tryed my hardest.

Natalie said...

@ Alyssa

I agree, it would have been more fun if we watched more Bill Nye videos. Those videos are always fun,interesting and informational.

Andie said...

@alyssa and anna
I think this way was funner.

Sara Voigt said...

Yes, because now I know what properties and characterists to look for and observe when trying to identify a rock and what type of material it is made of. I think these different labs really do help students in their understanding of identifying rocks and materials. I liked the activity alot, and I like the way we are learning about them currently.
_Sara Voigt

John Dinger said...

the labs did help me. i identified the materials using the ways you would actually use and learned what to use for the different types of rock. i liked doing them but i think just a paper with the information and then some questions would help more.

(do we really have to learn about them?)

alyssa weber said...

you said that you would have preffered to do it the same way we were already learning them to learn the different rock types. Anna and I were thinking a good way would be to watch bill nye videos.

Andrew Ehrman said...

I see your point on the memorization but i think it is easier to learn the matierial than in a work sheet which is hard to pay attention to the entire class.

Natalie said...

@ Julia Greve

We didn't really do that many. All we did was three and that's how many different types of rocks there are, so we kind of had to do that many.

Weisker,Kyle said...

Yes I think it did help me to understand the different types of rocks and there characteristics. I really enjoyed most of the labs because I think this taught me a lot more about different rock types. The one thing I wish we could have looked in to the texture of tthe rocks a little bit more.

kylie Gill said...

@ Monni
I agree with you because it helped me understand it better and it is fun to do labs.

Anonymous said...

no they did not help me at all. i had trouble finding what type of rocks the rocks were. i understand that they were trying to help us but they realy did not help me at all. if there was a different way to do the expirement then i would of tried that and see if i had more progress put in than the other lab

alyssa weber said...

Do you have any other fun, interesting, and informational ways to learn the different rock types?

John Dinger said...

@ jenn peters

i think it would have helped if we had to identify whether they were clastic or non clastic, fost cooling or slow cooling etc...

do u agree?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andie said...

@monni szary
is there any other way you would like to learn?

Anonymous said...


yes the cmpleted lads of rocks helped me to identify the differnt types of rocks. You can identify the rock by there hardness, luster, roughness, color,. I think the differnt labs were fun i like the ones that deal with acid. i like doing labs. i would of like to learn about the diffrent types of rocks by vidoes.

Weisker,Kyle said...

@Reddington, David
Really David? You would rather read than look at fun materials? Whatever!

Andrew Ehrman said...

@ john Dinger

We did do a little bit of that. on the identify sheet we also had to fill out if they cool quickly or slowly.

johnson, allison said...

@ jennifer peters
that way of learning the rocks was challenging, but there is many other ways to learn.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the labs we did in class did help me to identify thier characteristics and how to identify them. I did like doing these labs.(:

Anonymous said...


JAKE tedesco
ya agree that some of the labs were a little boring.

johnson, allison said...

@weisker kyle
i also think we should have learned about the texture of the different rocks.

johnson, allison said...

i think doing more tests would help to, you could learn even more.

Anonymous said...

The rock labs helped me because some were hard and made me work harder. I liked them because they were a fun way to help us understand how people idenify rocks and how to handle testing.
I would like to do more labs like that.

Calderon, Heidi said...

Yes, all of these labs that we have been doing inside of class have helped me actually alot. And not only it helping me but it also is quiet fun doing all these labs with different chemical things and how rocks bubble and things. I really liked these different labs their fun and interesting and i wish we could do them all over again. I actually just like this way that we learned about them it was very interesting and had me focused on these things.

MooreKassidy said...

Yeah i think they have helped me out a little bit. These labs could have been better if we were like pouring things like some sort of acid on them or something.I kind of liked doing them i just wish my group would stop playiing with the rocks. I would have perfered learing about the rocks by maybe doing our own research on the computer and filling out a paper or something.

Calderon, Heidi said...

@ Anthony Erb
Yeah, same here that once i knew what we had to do with these labs i got the hang of it and wanted to do more of it

Reis, Elizabeth said...

I think that most of the labs helped me to understand rocks more. I liked the more interactive ones. I think that we should have done a hands-on lab about the rock cycle because I still am a little confused with how each type of rock is formed.

Dupont, Noah said...

They helped me somewhat with understanding the different types of rocks, characteristics, and how to identify them. The only problem I had with these labs was the coarse and fine grained, and the layered at times. They were a little tough to find out at times. I liked doing them, I would have preffered this way to learn about the different types of rocks.

MooreKassidy said...

I kind of agree with you i need to read over all my sheets beacuse there is a lot of information to keep in my head about 3 different types of rocks.

Thorp,Jayden said...

Yea it did help me a lot it helped with how the rocks were formed and how they are made and what these rock did in the makeing prosess.

georgantonis,pete said...

the rock labs did help me understand it did help me identify them because by looking at them you can tell wich one they are i did like doing them because they taught us about all the diffrent types of rocks

Dupont, Noah said...

@Sanzere, Anna
I agree that they were a little boring, but yeah they did help up with their texture and their luster. It would have been tougher to learn about all that on a worksheet or reading from the book. Which leads me to another thing, reading from the book is FAR more boring than this.

cirkovic, daniel said...

Yes our rock labs did help me learn our different types, characteristics, etc. I really like the labs we did because it was more hands on and I believe that teens learn more when they do hands on labs because they really get into it. I've had a fun time these last 2 weeks or so in Science Class!

gaddis,breanna said...

i think the rock labs helped alot.i think it helped me see what the rocks looked like, how to identify them and how they are formed.i dont think there could of been a way to make it more interesting. doing the rock labs was a fun,challenging, and interesting way to learn about the different types of rocks.

gaddis,breanna said...

@ moehring
i think it is easy to mix the rocks up because there are so many!

Jenkins,Tom said...

the labs helped me a lot.i like the labs. they were kind of confusing thogh.i wold be ok with difrant kinds of rocks to.

Reis, Elizabeth said...

I think that research on the computer would have been a good idea. Like on our own, not just the blogs.
Also, we focused a lot on properties of rocks but it would have been better if we had more to work with in our labs.

Raines,Katrina said...

The rock labs definetly helped me understand the different types of rocks and their charecteristics. I learned to how to identify them by just knowing a few of their properties.
The labs were very helpful with helping find out what rock type the rocks are.
I liked doing the labs better than doing the packets.
I think the labs were fine i just think they should be a little more fun but their is not much you can do with finding out rock types

georgantonis,pete said...

@samantha i think the lab was fun to because we got to use chemicals

martin,katie said...

omg yes the rocks helped some much with me under standing the other rocks but i still done know everything i like thoose labs but i like lab that have more stuff in them more but yes i did like them , i think the 6th would like them nexted year
i would like to learn with lab i think its more fun but thatrs just me

gaddis,breanna said...

i hate the directed reading. i like to see and understand what the rock looks like and feels like instead of just reading about it.

Thorp,Jayden said...

@ DeeAnna
same here but i still have to go back and study so i don t get the rocks messed up.

martin,katie said...

@ sara same here

Hannah Graff! said...

Yes, it did help us understand all of the different rock types and their characteristics.
we think they were very helpful.
Yes, we LOVE doing the rock labs!
We liked the way we learned about these rocks, but we think it would have been fun if we could have found a game on the internet... Or watched a video on the different rock types...
Monica Rentz.
Hannah Graff.

Anonymous said...

josh parsons- Yes they did. I did not really like doing the rock labs. I would have prefered just reading trough the book about the rocks.

cirkovic, daniel said...

@Andrew Ehrman

I agree that people learn more from hands-on activities than writing on paper because people get easily bored doing that but with hands on activities\\\\\\

@Andrew Ehrman

I agree. I think people learn more from hands on activities because they get more into it. When teens do paper work they tend to get bored and don't learn because of loss of interest in the subject they are learning.

Anonymous said...

josh parsons- I agree that the labs definitly helped us learn about the differnt types of rocks and their properties

Guthier Nick said...

The rock labs helps me figure out the labs because when we did them, I learned the difference between fine and coarsed grained rocks and it helped me learn the different properties of the rocks and how each rock type was made (igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary). I had fun doing the labs because they were fun to do and informational. I would have preferred different rock types because they are fun sorting into the rocks and it would be better if we knew more rocks in the types so we could have examples.

Hannah Graff! said...

@Peters, Jennifer.
We agree with you Jenn! We think that some of them were more challenging than others.
Monica Rentz
Hannah Graff.

Haden, Mark said...

The test is go to be hard.If its is mutilple choice it would be easy.

Jenkins,Tom said...

thank goodness this was a opinon one, otherwise people may copy your facts scinse you have the one at the top

Schmidt, Dominic said...

yes,i like rocks they are really i did not like doing them i thought it was boring.

Guthier Nick said...

@David Reddington
I disagree, I liked this a lot more then reading directly because when we are more active, we learn more because we are expierenceing it and not just reading it.

Justin said...

personaly i didnt like the labs, they were slow, repetitive, and could go wrong in so many ways. i think that if we wanted it to work better, we should make it into a class lab, with the teacher involved, that would eliminate mistakes, allow us to make open questions, and get help from the whole class instead of one little group

Haden, Mark said...

nice comment.

Justin said...

@dan cirkovic

yeah i guess they teach us that, but still i just dont think the system works to well.

Schmidt, Dominic said...

@haden,mark i hate test

Schwab,Izzy said...

the labs do help. hands on things help me more than just reading and writing things down on a peice of paper. i like that we have been doing more hands on labs latley i hope we can do more!!!!!

Dupont, Noah said...

@Daniel, Cirkovic
I agree with you for agreeing with Andrew. Hands-on experiments definatley help more than worksheets and books. Also what was with the huge space and repeat? XD

Dupont, Noah said...

@Daniel, Cirkovic
I agree with you for agreeing with Andrew. Hands-on experiments definatley help more than worksheets and books. Also what was with the huge space and repeat? XD

kallmeyer, bridget said...

@Alyssa and Anna

That would have been fun to watch Bill Nye The Science Guy videos to learn about the different rock types. But I don't think they would have one about each of the different rock types.

wessels,kelsey said...

Yes the rocks labs we did helped me alot.the test we did to find what kind of rocks there were was very helpful and fun. i dont think that there could have been any other way for me to understand the rocks and how to identify them and the lad to be fun!!!

wessels,kelsey said...

@ nick guthier
i totally agree with you on how the help me find the difference in someone rocks and how to identify all the rocks!!

Zach "Hillshire" Viox said...

Did the rock labs we completed in class help you in understanding the different types of rocks?yes

their characteristics and how to identify them?Yes definetly because of the info given

What did you think of these different labs?fun and interactive.

Did you like doing them or not?yes i did because they taught in a fun and interactive way

How would you have preferred to learn about the different rock types (yes, you do have to learn about them!) the same way except more fun

Zach "Hillshire" Viox said...

@ wessels,kelsey
I agree i believe those labs were really helpful and fun.

Bader, Lucas said...
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Bader, Lucas said...

i learned more from the labs then i would have from just reading about the rocks. i thought the labs were fun but would have liked to do them with another class or was easier for me to figure out the different types of rocks by doing the was alot to learn but fun

Riley, Olivia said...

Yes the rock labs did help me understand the different rock types and their cycles, it also hellped me to identify them.

I thought that the differnet labs were helpful in seeing the different types of rocks.

Yes I liked doing the rock labs because i love studying rocks and minerals.

I would have prefered to study them by getting different minerals and looking at them more closely.