It seems like forever ago that we covered our unit on space, however it wasn't that long ago! Check out the following link and listen to the milestones which have occurred in space travel during the lat 30 years. Also listen to what the future holds for space travel.
Leave a comment with what you learned and what you think should happen in the future.
I never knew how long ago we started space travel, I thought it was just a few years ago, and I never thought that we could ever seem too progress more. I didnt realize how much our technology for both space travel and in common life has progressed! WOW
So much has happened over these thirty years it is really amazing. I hope that we do more exploring of parallel universe ideas.
I knew we have been traveling for a long time, but for some reason I thought it was longer than thirty years, but now that I think about it I guess it has been 30 years. I wonder what it would have been like when they made their first travel in space. I wonder what they learned from it and if they brought anything back to study? Now, I know we have super advanced technology that allows us to see the moon and everything from Earth, but what did they do 30 years ago? So many questions, they make me want to be the one to explore them, but I know I am not qualified for that kind of expedition.
What I learned most was that technology definitely has inhanced our knowledge of the mooon and space! I think we will be able to create a real model of the moon and scientists will be able to explain in full detail things about the moon:)
In the future i hope we do more space travel in places we dont know that much about and hopefully further than we've ever gone before, and there is so much that have happened over 30 years who knew we would ever come to expierience the things we have in space.
I want ot learn more about that too. After I heard that idea I was thinking about it every second!
@ Courtney Mauricio
i also never knew we started space travel so long ago, i also thoguht we started space travel a few years ago, like i thought it was like in the 1990's (: i was definatly wrong . i now realize how much we have progressed from 30 years ago (:
I think that it would be fun to see everything in space but scary. In the past 30 years alot has happned! Its amazing how many can do these amazing things. I also think that it would be fun to see how scientist can explain things with just a little piece of something.
i think the vido was grate and i learn that the space team was haveing fun in space.
i new that people go in space
I thought it was more than 50 years ago that we traveled in space. Wow it wasn't too long ago was it? We came a large way in only 30 years. We kne almost nothing and now we know a lot.
I wonder how much more we will learn in the next 30 years.
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