Since we are off next Monday for Memorial Day and we will be presenting our projects the rest of the week, I believe this will be our last blog. With that being said, what did you think about blogging this year? Did you like doing it or dislike doing it? Do you wish we could have done it more or less? Is there something else you wish I would have posted about? Any recommendations on how I could do this better next year? Finally, what was your favorite post that we did this year?
Thanks for a great year! I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have! Good Luck in the 8th grade!!
Ally and Mackenzie think blogging was more fun than the labs personally (: It really helped us learn about problems occuring all over the U.S.
We think that Mrs. Hoffman should, put more interactive things in the post to make it more fun. Our favorite blog this year was the launch!:D Ally and Mackenzie both agreed we should of blogged more this year!
-Jillian Stange, Samantha Savard
We did not like blogging because we thought it was not very interesting. We disliked it. I wish we would have done it less because it took up to much time. More exciting topics. Not make as much blogs in one day. My favorite blog was when we played that one cloud game.
Blogging was very fun, and we learned about everyday science. We liked blogging, just the long blogs took forever, and it was kinda boring. We wish we would of done less because we think that it is better to blog once every two weeks, so we can do more labs. We wish that you could of posted about Justin Bieber. JK!
Really post more about tornadoes, and what we can do to help the victims that were in the tornado or experiencing. Our favorite post was the tornado ally live, it was really neat to see on the map that there were people following tornadoes. Thanks for being a great teacher, have fun with the new seventh graders!
I really enjoyed blogging bc it allowed us to share our opinions on what we're learning. I do wish that we could have had a lower amount of blogs to post on per blog day. I wish that we could have posted about nuclear fusion. Or Sea monkeys on the moon. Just Kidding. Or the Sun. No recommendations. I liked the post about Hurricane on the Bayou. You're welcome for a great year.
@ Mackenzie and Ally:
We also think blogging was more fun than labs. We also think that we learn a lot about everyday science.
I liked blogging because it was a new and interesting thing to try.
I think the amount we did was fine. There is nothing that I can think of that I wished were posted.
I have no recommendations on how it could be better next year.
My favorite post that we did this year was Tangled-Untangled and What is lightning?
Megan Henson and Abby Rembold...:)
We thought that blogging was fun. We wanted to do it more. We wish you would have posted about more tornadoes because they have happened to us lately and we would like to know more about them. Our favorite post was the one about the big moon.
our favrite blog was the valocanos. there were fasenating and theyn werecool when we looked the up on line.the games weren't that good but we still learned alot from them. we both loved bloging we wished we did more bloging
@ Ally and Mackenzie :)
We also thought it was cool to learn about problems all over the U.S.
We also thought it was cool to learn about the launch.
@ Anna.
Really? Justin Beaver? Explosion. Anyway, if you want to help the victims, just go to Yoo can donate to the homiesless... dog (AUSTIN). i push button (BRANDON). Maybe there could have been less posts.
@Anna and Kaylee
I agree the long blogs did take forever, and it were kinda boring.
@ally and mack:)
we thought that too. blogging has its own personlality, when labs are just boreing. you do labs every year, and its the same thing over and over, but blogging, you can change it over and over with different things.
Blogging was a new and interesting way to learn about science. Sometimes we liked doing the blog and sometimes we did not. I wish we could've done it less because then it would be more fun and more of a break from work if we only did it very two weeks or every once in a while. We can't think of any other posts you could have done.Having it every other week would make it a better system and more fun. We liked the one on Tangled and how they technology would work and such. Also we enjoyed the post on parallel universes, the pod cast. We also had a great year and enjoyed it :) Thanks Mrs Hoffman, Good luck with next year's seventh graders!
-Jenn and Bonnie
@ Megan and Abby (:
We also agree that she should have talked about tornadoes more on here. We also think that blogging was fun too (;
Ally and Mackenzie
we enjoyed blogging because it was a really easy 20 point grade and there weren't to many blogs to do.we think that the amount of blogging was just right. one thing we wish we would have blogged about was pollution in the earths atmosphere. our favorite blog was this one because it the last
Tyl3r & arin
@ jill and sam,
how do you not like blogging?! That was our fav part of science (:
Mackenzie and Ally (;
@ Jill and Sam
We agree that sometimes they could be long and sometimes they weren't topics we were interested in, in but it helped us stay connected ( lack of a better word) with what was going on and how it related to science. Also there were some very interesting topics :) I think if we blogged a little less it would seem more like a break. Overall it was good though!
-Jenn and Bonnie
@ sara and taylor
Yeah, agreed. Not to be rude or anything but the labs were really boring compared to last year. Last year things exploded and this year, was a big let down cause we didn't do any of that. I mean we put acid on a rock once or twice but that was it.
David and Drew
We think blogging was fun and we wish we could have done it more.
sydney and Courtneyy`s opinoin- I think blogging was fun, and i wish we could have done more then we have. I wish we would have posted about the saving of the people during these terriable weather accidents. Well, we would give more questions on each post and less posts. This one was our favorite.
Sydney Polking & Courtney Smith
i think blogging was really fun. it helped us learn more and it wasnt like reading out of the books. i think you should put more interesting post up to make it fun and interesting. my favorite blog this year was the hurricanes. i think we should of blogged more this year.
It wasnt our favorite thing to do in class but it wasnt the worst. i guess it helped keep us updated on world news so it was good and bad. I wish we could have done less like every other mionday but it seems like we did it to much. We think for next year the seventh graders should be able to do the others posts for extra credit.
BrEnDaN MaRcHeTtI AND cOdY hUtSoN!
@ Ally and Mackenzie
We think blogging is also more fun than labs too!\
Courtney Smith and Sydney polking
@Kallmeyer, Bridget how would you have changded it next year?
i loved blogging more than labs. the one that i liked the most was about the tornados. i wish we would have done more with blogging.i think that you did fine this year but like i said i wish we could have done more.
i think the new sixth graders should only be able to blog for half the class next year because honestly everyone finished 10-20 minutes and talks and messes around for the next half hour.
Michael Twilling
I think we should have one graded comment and one comment about stuff going on in the world
Ian camron. and we should bloog more and do les analysis ?s cuz does was evil evvvviiiiiilllll. thank u
i agree with you i thoughtthat it was alot of fun to!!!!!
Lyndsey and Emily ! we thought blogging was fun this year..... at times wen dislike it but most of the time it is fun!i wish we wouldve blogged everyother a show that updates us like channel one in s.s.Emily - my fav post was earthday lyndsey- shuttles lunches
Gabbi and Taylor,<3
This year was really fun but very short. The blog was fun. I learned alot from blog about what's going on in the universe. Gabbi's fav blog was about space.
Taylors fav blog was the ones about the natural disasters that happened around the world. Because i like to stay updated and to know whats happening. I personally enjoyed blogging because i thought it was a break from all the labs we did.
Gabbi- Blogging was fun to do i learnd alot and it was fun to tell what we thought about things we learnd or were learning about. The comeing up 7th graders should have the chance to blog more and do more labs. I think it was a great year.
Sydney- Blogging was so much fun! i think it honestly is better then labs. We all can have our own opoions and we have to manage our own time! More!
Lauren- I think that i personally liked labs better than blogging because they were more interactive and i learn better that way :) less!
Sydney- For next year i would like to do it more. maybe mondays and fridays? i really think this is a cool fun way to learn.
Lauren- i think if i had the choice i would do it less because again, i like interactive learning moree :)
Sydney- My favorite post this year was about the different shuttles! i think those are really cool to learn about !
Lauren- my favorite blog this year would have to be the one about the moons because it was interesting and i learned alot, !
& your welcome! and thanks for being a great teacher!
@ Smith,Courtney
Michael Twilling
I agree
Ian Cameron
I think that blogging was great because it was a little bit more relaxed. We would come back to school after the weekend and class would be easier because we would learn about interesting world news and about weather and events. My favorite blogs were the tornadoes and hurricanes (weather) blogs.
@ Ally and Mackenzie
I think that the blogs were more fun then the labs sometimes, too.
JOsh and Henry
Jake alec
I liked blogging. I wish we would have done it about 2 times a week. I wish we would have blogged about sports and stuff I would recommend that next year there were more about blogging. my favorite post of the year was the ones about weather
i agree with ally & mckenzie!!!! :) it was funnn
i like most of th blog's but not all.
Andrew REeEISss!!! and Zach Viox.
We liked blogging this year but we think for next year you should make the kids have more of a conversation. The Final Blog is our favorite post cause its the laST BLOG OF THE YEAR. I wish we could have done it more. We could have blogged about what happend over the weekends.
We did not enjoy blogging. We wish we could have done it less. We wish you would have posted more about current events. We reccomend less blogging next year. Our favorite post was about the tornadoes. Thank you for the good luck! ditto
Andie and Natalie
@Jake alec
we agree we think we should blog about sports more because a lot of kids would like that.
-we LOVE blogging
-we liked
-in the begininng of the year have the kids post about themselves saying there likes and dislikes.
- KYLE:liked the mijority of them.
ALYSSA: to hard to say loved them all
~thanks for a great year~
I really liked blogging, i think we spent a good amount of time doing it (once every monday) I thought it was a good way to learn new things and interact with different games and other technologies online. There is nothing i wish you posted more of, i think what we did this year was fine. My favorite post has probably been all the ones about tornadoes. Thanks for the great year!
_Sara and Bryan.
@ Julia Greve
We agree witth you. Most people do finish really quickly and just play around the rest of the class. Maybe instead of making it half the class there could be more things to post on.
i loved tangled post it was fabulas and i totally forgot about that post.
i loved blogging this year i want to do it again next year and i liked the lightning post
even thought i was not here that long i love to blog about ever thing it is just bloging on facebook but you just blog about school stuff hi ever one on blog lol comment about it when u see itok OK
@ Bonnie LaGrange
I guess that is true. Sometimes the blogging was ok and sometimes it wasn't. It was a good opurtunity to raise your grade and get bonus points.
Andie and Natalie
Alyssa and kyle
REALLY i loved blogging
i cannot believe you hated blogging
what is wrong with you why? why? why? how can you say that????
I think i liked the labs more then blogging personally. I think that we shouldn't done every monday, maybe every other Monday. But the labs are more fun.
Recommendations- Have partners when you blog. Let them choose partners. This blog that we are doing is the best because we are bloging about just stuff and our opinion.
-Kylie, Bri, Jake.
We liked blogging. I think the amount of blogging we did this year was just right. We would of liked it if you posted about fun stuff more often.You could make it more fun and exciting. Our favorite post this year was about the tornadoes.
Anna W & Monni(:
john dinger- i did not like blogging. i thought it was boring and unrelated for the most part. i wish we could have done it bi weekly. i wish there were more blogs that involved studying definitions and stuff. i would reccomend just doing class discussions but thats just me. my favoite post was this one because i could rant about how i dislike blogging
Andrew ehrman- I would personally rather have a discussion about these topics in class. I would like blogging however if it was more discussion orianted.
My favorite post was April showers brings May??????????
walter burkart I hate bloging collecting the date and ever thing is boring and to repeat i hate it in capitls i HATE it
even thouth i have not ben here a long time but i love to blog it is just like bloging on facebook all u do is blog about school stuff not that badhi ever one on blog KAREEM~FAIRBANKS~ :)~~!@#$%^&*()_+
we so agree if you compare labs and blogging
BLOGGING WOULD WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BY A LANDSLIDE
@ brinanna and others
we liked the labs better too
i also thought it should be every 2 weeks.
we also like the idea of partners with blogging and would like to add that to our blog
sky b,john d, andrew e
@Ally & Mackenzie
We disagree with you guys. We like the projects better.
-Bri, Jake, Kylie
sam keethler-
i did like it it was bad it has to end i wis we can do it more my favoret post was the one about the super volcanoe.
Blogging was very fun, and we learned about everyday science. We liked blogging, just the long blogs took forever, and it was kinda boring. We wish we would of done less because we think that it is better to blog once every two weeks, so we can do more labs. We wish that you could of posted about Justin Bieber. JK!
Really post more about tornadoes, and what we can do to help the victims that were in the tornado or experiencing. Our favorite post was the tornado ally live, it was really neat to see on the map that there were people following tornadoes. Thanks for being a great teacher, have fun with the new seventh graders!
katrina, katie m, izzy
Blogging was very fun. It was an easy start to an monday for us. We really like doing it. I wish we could have done it more that once a week. The only thing we wished to blog about was all of this rain were having! We would like to know more about it. No recommendations. We think it should be the same. Our favorite post was about how you could lose your fingernails in space.
Daniel and Nick
Blogging was fun but it got boring after awhile...all the blogs seemed to be about the same thing. We disliked blogging but thought it was more interesting than the labs. We think the amount of blogging was good. We wish the posts had more of a variety. Our favorite post was Living in Space.
--Jayden T and Elizabeth R
I disliked blogging i just wish it would of been more fun and i wish there was less blogging.
Anthony Erb, Markus haden
pete and dacoda we liked doing the blog this year we wish we could of done more no there is nothing else we would of rather bloged about.
@Ally and Mackenzie
We disagree, not saying that blogs are stupid or boring but I liked doing labs because they were more active and fun to do but I also liked blogging on Monday's.
Daniel and Nick
We think that blogging was fun.It really help us learn about all the problems occurring all over the U.S. We liked the one where we had to find if their was any storms or warm temperatures in our state that we chosen. But the labs were kinda more of a fun idea more rather than the blogging on here.
yeah we think that it was easier doing to blogging rather than reading out of the books like how we do in some of our other classrooms.
most of this blogging seems kinda over rated since it divides the class into two groups, the people that are very well adapted to technology and the people that are slow to figure it out. as you would expect to have half the class sprinting to catch up with the rest of the class. i don't understand why you decided to use the blogging system, honestly i barely blogged at all, i just used the time to goof off. now if i had to choose between blogging and book work i would blog, but there has to be an easier way to learn what the class thinks about a topic. my favorite post was the tsunami in japan
Justin Klug
I honestly thought blogging was a bit of a waste of time. I mean sure you could get the ideas of what the class was thinking, but overall I found there to be no big use. I mean all of this you can do easier and more effectively in class. Blogging is fun, but eh some people don't use the time effectively. My favorite post this year was the Super Moon thing.
Noah Dupont
Joseph pegg- 75% good
Josh parsons- I liked blog way better than regular class.
Joseph pegg- more
Josh parsons- i think we sould have done more.
joseph pegg and josh parsons say their is no other blog we wanted and dont have recommendations. I really don't have a favorite post.
@jake and alec i think we should write about sports to
@cirkovic Daniel
Yeah you may have liked it but me and Justin didn't. I (Noah) would rather have done more group/class work. I mean sure it was an easy start to a Monday(not an monday :p) Anyways yeah it was an easy start but eh, not too great.
Noah and Justin
post for Breanna,Hannah and Kelsey.
we think that blogging was better and more understandable than the labs. we liked blogging, we think blogging is easier to comprehend and we can express how we feel about a certain topic. we wish we could of blogged more. we recommend that you do the same amount of posts but spend two days dedicated to blogging instead of just one. the student may get all of the posts done and start a conversation, but once they start the discussion they never go back to complete it. so by dedicating two days the student can start a conversation one day and complete it the next instead of just starting and never finishing. we didnt really have a favorite post. we enjoyed them all.
@Ally and Mackenzie
Yeah we agree that the blogs would have been fun if they were more interactive. Then we would have liked to do them more often. We think they are perfect for monday's though.
Jayden and Elizabeth
tom Jenkins: i think blogging was very interesting because most teachers do not make blogs.i like to watch videos on it, i dislike how easy it is for someone to copy and paste info. post about sci-fi and the mysrys of it.i dont know waht was my favorite, all are so good. hasta la pasta!
Dominic Schmidt I think blogging this year was awesome. I liked blogging, I wish we would of done more. i wish we would of posted about what we like to do. you should put what we like to do. im not sure what my favortie post was.
it was alright but we really didn't blog that much during the year we probably blogged about five times during the year maybe. i liked doing it. yes.
I kind of liked blogging. I liked blogging because of how many different topics we covered. I also disliked it because the sites had so many different things that were all very wordy and it took a long time to answer to one post. I think we could have done it a little more because then we would be able to catch up on topics they are covering in the news. My favorite post this year is this post. ITs not that I don't remember the posts we have done in the past but I like giving my opinion to the teachers to improve things.
I think it was slot of fun! It was new and fun digital way of doing classwork and homework!! Some people may have enjoyed this more than me but I still really liked it!!
I think that this was a fun and easy way to do our work and communicate with one and another. I hope we do it again next year.
Im going to be honest it had its ups and downs but i think over all its a great new and fun way to teach and my favorite blog was the dinosaur one that was way back in october but i think i say this for everyone that there has to be more exciting topics to keep kids intrested because kids have very short attention spands so i think there has to be more interactive stuff insted of reading for a whole class isnt that what La is for but i think with some inprovement it could be very good teaching technique
I think blogging was way more fun then doing a lab everyday. I thought it was more interesting how we could actual see the clips online and ect. that would give us more a detail about what were working on and looking at.
i thought blogging this year was kinda neat i learned new stuff with blogging. well i kinda liked blogging. no there was not really anything else that i wished that you posted. theres no recommendations for next year. i don't really have a favorite post.
Austin Deller
I thought it was pretty fun.I liked it.we could have done it less.Nothing else foryou to post.
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