Friday, December 17, 2010

USGS Shield Volcanoes

Read the following information on shield volcanoes.  What do shield volcanoes look like?  What are shield volcanoes made of?  Where are shield volcanoes located?

Summarize the reading section on plate tectonics and shield volcanoes.

Summarize the section on Hawaiian shield volcanoes.



Luke said...

Shield volcanoes are built mostly of lava flow, in which the vent erupts time after time, creating a gentler slope, much like that of a warrior's SHEILD. These volcanoes can be seen in Iceland, southeastern Washington, eastern Oregon, and southern Idaho, as well as Hawaii, which are all lava plateaus. The rest of this page describes the locations of different shield volcanoes and their stats. (i.e. height, width, composition, and activity) Also, the page discusses the relationship of plate tectonics and shield volcanoes.
-Namie and Schirmy

Anonymous said...

A Sheild Volcano looks kind of like a warrior sheild. They are built of fluid lava flows. They are located in Northern California and Oregan.

Plate tectonics cause the Sheild Volcano to errupt. The erruption of the Volcano is lava flowing down the sides of the volcano.

The Hawaii Sheild Volcanos are the largest mountain on Earth. Hawaiian and other shield volcanoes characteristically have a broad summit.

Kresser Jacob said...

sheild volcanos get there name from being like a warriors shield shield volacaos are made up of lava flow and the vents erupt over time creating a less steper slope
-Kresser, Arin

Anonymous said...

Sheild volcanos haver a broad, gently sloping cone of flat, dome-like shape, with a profile that looks like a warrior's shield.
Sheild volcanos are made of fluid lava flows.
Shield volcanos are located in the Hawii Islands, Oregon, and in Northern California.

This section contains information about how the plates and the volcanos are related and connected.

-Courtney Mauricio AND Bridget Kallmeyer

Anonymous said...

@Luke and Brandon
I didn't know they were in Washington. That's pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

- Jill Stange,Taylor Humphries
sheild valcanoes look like worriers sheilds. they are made of fluid lava flows.they are located at Iceland,Washington,Oregon,and Idaho.

the section on plate tectonics and sheild vacanoes are about the processes of earthquakes and vacanoes.

Anonymous said...

@ Luke we agree with your conclusions of the selection, we think that you adequately summarization of the selection. And you forgot Northern California.

-Bridget Kallmeyer AND Courtney Mauricio

Kresser Jacob said...

@ Young
Yes the last eruption in Washington was in the 1990s by Mt St Helen

ReddingtonDavid said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LaGrangeBonnie said...

Shield Volcanoes are broad, flat cone shaped, domically shped volcanoe much like a warrior shield. They are made of highly fluid basaltic. Shield Volcanoes are located in Northern California, Oregon, Idaho, Washington and the Hawaiian Islands. Volcanic Activity is related to plate tectonic processes.
Plate Tectonics and Shield Volcanoes: Three fourths of the lava flow on earth takes place unseen beneath the ocean near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and East Pacific Rise. The eruptions of Hawaiian volcanoes occur frequently, but they are not fatal because the lava flows slowly. Unfortunately, it has caused economical damage to highways, homes ,and agricultural lands.
Hawaiian Shield Volcanoes:
Hawaiian shield volcanoes are much like shield volcanoes, except the lava flow is slightly different. The Hawaiian Shield volcanoes are the largest mountains on Earth. For example, Mauna Kea rises 13,796 feet above sea level and extends 19,700 feet below sea level touching the ocean floor. Total Mauna Kea is about 33,500 feet, making it larger than Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. In general composite volcanoes are dwarfed by hawaiian shield volcanoes! -Bonnie La Grange and Jenn Peters

Anonymous said...

- taylor humphies,oh yea sorry northern california!!! haha

Moehring,DeeAnna said...

DeeAnna &nd Ally C:

A shield volcano looks very wide and round.
They are made of fluid lava flows.
They are located northern California and Oregon.
Summary for plate tectonics and shield volcanoes:Earthquakes and volcanic activity is linked to plate tectonic processes. Subduction-zone volcanoes are called composite cones which typically erupt with explosive force.
Summary for hawiiann volcanoes:Eruptions of Hawaiian and most other mid-plate volcanoes differ from composite cones. Mauna Loa and Kilauea, on the island of Hawaii, are known as shield volcanoes, because they resemble the wide, rounded shape of an ancient warrior's shield. Hawaiian volcanoes erupt frequently and have little danger to humans, they provide perfect natural laboratory to safely study volcanic phenomena at close range.

Tyler said...

Sheild volcanoes are made up of the lava flow from vents. Sheild volcanoes look like a warriors sheild

LaGrangeBonnie said...

Yes, it's pretty cool how they're are sheild volcanoes in so mnay different places. We couldn't believe that they were in Idaho too. -Jenn and Bonnie :)

Anonymous said...

A sheild volcanoes looks like broad, low volcano shaped like a flattened dome and built of basaltic lava. Also known as basaltic dome; lava dome.

sheild volcanoes are made of rock, pushed up by the force of magma as a result of the basaltic lava.convection currents in the magma under the plates that make up continents.

sheild volcanoes are located in hawii.

A shield volcano looks like broad low volcano shaped flattened dome and built of basaltic lava.

Shield volcanos are made of rock pushed up by the force of magma. convection currents in the magma under the plates that make up continents.

Kaylee Sturwol <3 & Anna Sanzere :)

Rembold,Abby said...

Shield volcanoes look like a warrior's shield.
Shield volcanoes are made of mostley fluid lava flows.
Shield volcanoes are found in California,Oregon and Hawiian Islands.
The sections on plate tectonics talks about the volcanoes errupting.
The sections about Hawaiian shield volcanoes talks about how they are the largest mountains on earth.


Moehring,DeeAnna said...

DeeAnna &nd Ally C;

@ We did not know trhat the shield volcanoes are the largest mountains on earth, but we did know that it looks lke a warriors shield wide and rounded.(:

Luke said...

@ Mackenzie,
Of course theyre in Washington! Mt. St. Helens for 1.

ReddingtonDavid said...

shield volcanoes look like hills and are made of balsaltic they are located in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Hawaii and California
The rest of the page talked about how to plate tectonics have something to do with shield volcanoes
David and Drew

Rembold,Abby said...

@ kresser

Really?I didnt know that.

abby r and megan h

Savard, Samantha said...

Shield volcanoes look like flow after flow pours out in all directions from a central summit vent or groups of vents, building a broad, gently sloping cone of flat, domical shape, with a profile much like that a warriors shiels.
sheild volcanoes are made of mostly entirely of fluid lava flows.
Some of the worlds most largest volcanoes are loacted in northern California and oregon, many shield volcanoes have a diameter of 3 or 4 miles and hieghts fo 1500 to 2000 ft.
Some of the worlds active above sea volcanoes are loacted near convergent plates bounderies where subduction is occuring, partically around the Pacific Basin. However, there is much more volcanism, causin about 3 quarters of all lava erupted on earth-takes place unseen beneath the ocean.
Hawaiian volcanoes are like the common type of vocanoe called the shield volacnoe, built by countless outpouring of fluid lava flows that go up great distances from a central summit vent or goups of vents.
Sarah and

Savard, Samantha said...

@Bonnie and Jenn
We totally agree but what do plate tectonics and shield volcanoes have in common?

Sarah and samantha

bader,lindsay said...

shield volcanoes are mostly built with lava flow. these volcanoes can be seen in iceland and in many other places as well as Hawaii.this page discribes the different volcanoes and their sates,plus this page discusses the relati0onship between plate tectonics and shield volcanoes.

stalbaum,lauren said...

Sheild Volcanoes: well, sheild volcanoes are mostly made up of previouse lava flow from different volcanoes. I thought that the name for the volcano was also interesting because they kind of resemble the shield of a warrior!!

Hawaiian Sheild Volcanoes:I think that the volcanoes in hawaii would be alot more active than in other places! my reasoning for this it that it would be easier for hawaii to shift into a volcano form, it being an island. But i also think it would be difficult because it isn't in a direct flow of lave from the earths core.

@ Bonnie
I also found it funny and yet weird because when a volcano is formed what happens to other land... maybe a mile away? I mean does that land shift too???

Sydney,Vest said...

Shield Valcanoes are mostly built up with lava flow. Over time it creates a gentle slope. This makes a sheild just like a warriors.
This valcanoes could be seen in Idiho, Oregan, Hawaii, Washington, Iceland. They are all lava plateaus.
This section contains how the plates and valcanoes are connected.
Sydney Vest and Emily Garvey

Henry Minning said...

Shield volcanoes are made of balsaltic. They look like mountains. When the lava erupts, it forms a gentle slope. The are located in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Hawaii. The page also discusses the relationship between plate tectonics and Shield volcanoes.

Gerdes,Austin said...

shield valcanoes are pretty muych all lava, so it creates a shield around the valcano, giving an opperance of a waariors shield.

bader,lindsay said...

i can't believe that ether mackenzie i did not know they were in idaho.

brendanmarchetti said...

Shield are shaped like warriors shields and built up of lava flow and are the largest volcanoes they can be found in oregon,california and hawaii.The plate tectonics are what causes them to errupt. The ones in hawaii are the largest shield volcanos

waters,gabrielle said...

Sheild valcones look like little hills with a crack wich is where the lava comes out of. There made of rocks,lava,vents for then lava flow and crater for the lava to come out.
Plate tectonics cause the Sheild Volcano to errupt. The erruption of the Volcano is lava flowing down the of the volcano.

Henry Minning said...

@ David Reddington

I agree, they do look like hills and I missed that they were located in California.

brendanmarchetti said...

@ deeanna I didnt know they setup labratories like that. Thats cool

Sydney,Vest said...

i argee with mackenzie and lukes imformation. and i think its pretty cool that the valcanoes walls build up over years and years.
Sydney Vest and Emily Garvey

Alana Gulley said...

Sheild valcanoes are shaped like a cone. You will usually find a sheild valcanoe in northern california. Also in idaho they have sheild valcaones and they are shaped like warrior sheilds. These valcanoes are made up of lava flow from the vents of the valcanoe. The most known valcanoe in the united states is called mount saint helens which is in washington dc

hutson,cody said...

The shield vocano is made up by lava flow. They are called the shield volcanoes because they look like a warroiers shield. Over time eruptions cause slope to become less steep.

waters,gabrielle said...

@ Henry
Shield Volcanoes do not look lke mountains mountains are to big.

Unknown said...

they are mostly lava flows
it can pour out slowly and quitley
hawainen volcanoes erupt slowly
pose little threat and danger
they are great labs

Tedesco.Jake said...

sheild volcanoes are mostly built of lava flow, sheild volcanoes are located in oregon idaho and hawaii

This section contains information about how the plates and the volcanos are related and connected.

Smith,Courtney said...

Shield volcanos are mostly made up of fluid lava flows.They are a broad,gently flowed cone of flat, domical shape. It is much like warrior shield.they are located in Iceland, southeastern Washington, eastern Oregon, and southern Idaho. Along the Snake River in Idaho, and the Columbia River in Washington and Oregon.

AS we know eathquakes, volcanos are all realted to plate tectnics. Zone volcanos can be armful but safe depending on the explosion.there has been research establishmentsto keep watch of the volcanos.

Hawaiian volcanoes exemplify the common type of volcano called a shield volcano.The Hawaiian shield volcanoes are the largest mountains on Earth. IHawaiian and other shield volcanoes characteristically have a broad summit, indented with a caldera, a term commonly used for a large depression of volcanic origin. ...
n size composite volcanoes are dwarfed by the Hawaiian shield volcanoes.

Courtney Smith and Sydney Polking

Alana Gulley said...

@ Deeana Moering
I didnt know that sheild valcanoes were the largest volcanoes on earth either.! Just imagine how big they are when just regular volcanoes are humongeous.!!!!!!! (:

gorrasi josh said...

In some shield-volcano eruptions, basaltic lava pours out quietly from long fissures instead of central vents and floods the surrounding countryside with lava flow upon lava flow, forming broad plateaus. Lava plateaus of this type can be seen in Iceland, southeastern Washington, eastern Oregon, and southern Idaho.

Anonymous said...

Shield volcanos are mostly made up of fluid lava flows.They are a broad,gently flowed cone of flat, domical shape. It is much like warrior shield.they are located in Iceland, southeastern Washington, eastern Oregon, and southern Idaho. Along the Snake River in Idaho, and the Columbia River in Washington and Oregon.

AS we know eathquakes, volcanos are all realted to plate tectnics. Zone volcanos can be armful but safe depending on the explosion.there has been research establishmentsto keep watch of the volcanos.

Hawaiian volcanoes exemplify the common type of volcano called a shield volcano.The Hawaiian shield volcanoes are the largest mountains on Earth. IHawaiian and other shield volcanoes characteristically have a broad summit, indented with a caldera, a term commonly used for a large depression of volcanic origin. ...
n size composite volcanoes are dwarfed by the Hawaiian shield volcanoes.

Courtney Smith and Sydney Polking

hutson,cody said...


I tottally agree with you.

hutson,cody said...


i agree, valcanos are exactly like that

this is austin gerdes

Anonymous said...

Some shield volcanos are so big they have a diamiter of 3 to 4 miles and are from 1500 to 2000 feet tall. Shield volcanos have there name because it resembles a shield. It is almost made of all fluid lava. It pous out and spreads evenly over the area and makes a gently slopping come of flat which lookes like a warriors shield. Most Shield volcanos are located Lilauea and Mauna Loa.

Alec said...

the shield volcano looks like a warriors is built up of thousands of highly fluid basaltic lava that spreads up to long distances.then they look like mountains when it erupts and then it creates a slope. they are located in oregon,idaho,hawaii and washington.also the plate tectonics are what cause a volcanic eruption.this section talks about how the plates are related to the volcanoes.

Anonymous said...

@Josh Gorrassi
I don't think I agree when you say that they are located in other places such as Oregon because I belive that they are located in the hawian area.

Smith,Courtney said...

@ bonnie and jennifer

I think how the valcanos are dwarfed thatit is weird. i never new some volcaos are dwarfed.

Courtney Smith and Sydney Polking

Alec said...

@ henry minning

Yes they do look like mountains or hills

walter burkart said...

they look like mountions or hills they are made of bastla a hardend lava rock mostly. hawaii some other places

johnson, allison said...

the shield valcanoes are made of lava flow. it looks like a warrior's shield. the plate tectonics couse shield valcano to errupt. it is located in oregon, northern california and the hawaii islands.

johnson, allison said...

@ luke i never knew they were in washington, how did you know they were in washington? allison johnson

Natalie said...

Shield volcanoes have a domical shape and kind of look like a cone. They are made of almost entirely of fluid lava flows. Most shield volcanoes are located near convergent plate boundaries where subduction is occurring, mostly around the Pacific basin.A shield volcanoes eruptions is generally slower and are rarely life threatening. Hawaiian volcanoes erupt often but don't pose many threats to humans.

alyssa weber said...

USGS Sheild Valcano's look like warrior sheilds
THey are made ofF luid lava flow
They are located at Iceland, idoho orgean and washingtonsheild

Earthquakes and volcanic activity is linked to plate tectonic processes. Subduction-zone volcanoes are called composite cones which most likely erupt with high explosive force.

The Hawaiian Shield volcanoes are the largest mountains on Earth. In general composite volcanoes are dwarfed by hawaiian shield volcanoes!

Anonymous said...

sheild volcanoes are built of the lava flow and it creates a gentle slope.

Anonymous said...

monni szary
The shield volcanes are mostly filled of lava and when it erupts timer after time it makes a gentler slop. the volcanoes can be seen in iceland.

adelly_foshow2 said...

A Sheild Volcano looks kind of like a warrior sheild. They are built of fluid lava flows. They are located in Northern California and Oregan.

Plate tectonics cause the Sheild Volcano to errupt. The erruption of the Volcano is lava flowing down the sides of the volcano.

Austin deller

John Dinger said...

sheild volcanoes look like cones and are said to look like a warriors shield. they are made of lava flows which make basalt. shield volcanoes are located in california, oregon, the hawaian islands, iceland, idaho, and washington.

this section desribes the relationship between plate tectonics and volcanoes. it gives 2 types of volcanoes,and names and events of some volcanoes

Natalie said...

@ Bonnie and Jenn

Your post was very complete and had a lot of good info but I was wondering what you were meaning when you said volcanoes are dwarfed by hawaiian shield volcanoes?

baxter bryan said...

sheild valcanoes look like worriers sheilds. They are made of fluid lava flows.they are located at Iceland,Washington,Oregon,and Idaho as well as Hawaii,witch are all lavaplateaus.Also the page discusses the relationship of plate tectonicsand shield volcanoes.

alyssa weber said...

Where are your summerize?

John Dinger said...

@ luke namie

in the article it gave the locations of sheild volcanoes. are there any other locations? If you know of any please tell me.

i looked at your post and in the section you had to summarize there was nothing about stats of volcanoes

(p.s anyone know where mrs hoffman is?)

Anonymous said...

Andrew reis
the shield volcanoes are made of fluid lava flows. shield volcanoes look like gentaly sloping cone of flat domical shape. some located in northern california,oregon.

three quaters of the lava happens on the earth surface happens under the sea.
volcane shields are made by out flowing lava that piles up over time

baxter bryan said...

Plate tectonics cause the Sheild
sorry i forgot my summriey.
Volcano to errupt. The erruption of the Volcano is lava flowing down the sides of the volcano

The Hawaii Sheild Volcanos are the largest mountain on Earth. Hawaiian and other shield volcanoes characteristically have a broad summit.

Anonymous said...

Shield Volcanoes are made of almost entirley fluid lava flows that have built up over time. They look like a broad,gently sloping cone of flat, domical shape, that looks alot like a warriors shield. Sheild volcanoes are located in Iceland, southeastern Washington, eastern Oregon, and southern Idaho. Along the Snake River in Idaho, and the Columbia River in Washington and Oregon.
_Sara Voigt

Andrew Ehrman said...

Sheild volcanos look like moutains and hills. Shield volcanos our made of basalt. Sheild volcanos are located on hawaii california and many under water locations.
Most lava comes from valconos from under water.

alyssa weber said...

Thank you for puttin your summerys
I understand you post better now

Anonymous said...

What do shield volcanoes look like?shield volcanoes have diameters of 3 or 4 miles and heights of 1,500 to 2,000 feet.
What are shield volcanoes made of?are built almost entirely of fluid lava flows. Flow after flow pours out in all directions from a central summit vent, or group of vents, building a broad, gently sloping cone of flat, domical shape, with a profile much like that a a warrior's shield. They are built up slowly by the accretion of thousands of flows of highly fluid basaltic (from basalt, a hard, dense dark volcanic rock) lava that spread widely over great distances, and then cool as thin, gently dipping sheets.
Where are shield volcanoes located?The Hawaiian Islands, and
northern California and Oregon.

Anonymous said...

kylie Gill,
shield volcanos look like a cone and a warrior shield. they are built by lava flow. shield volcanoes are located in hawaii, Idiho, iceland, washinton oregon.This section is about how plates and volcanoes are connected.

baxter bryan said...

mackenzi young- ya i think the shield looks like kinda like a warrion shield.

bryan baxter

Anonymous said...

i agree with you where all of the places it was located.

Weisker,Kyle said...

Shield volcanoes look like roman shields. They are almost entirely made of of fluid lava. Most Shield volcanos are located in Hawaii on the bottom of the ocean but a lot of them are over one thousand feet tall.

Shield volcanoes are not as dangerous as other volcanoes can be. The reason for this is because Shield volcanoes do not explode like other volcanoes. When Shield volcanoes erupt, they pour out fluids.

Hawaiian Shield volcanoes are located in the ocean a few thousand feet down. They look like men with shields in there hands. It does not cause menny deaths, however, they hav been known to cause distruction to homes and buisinesses

Zach "Hillshire" Viox said...

What do shield volcanoes look like? Shields

What are shield volcanoes made of? Fluid Lava Flows

Where are shield volcanoes located? Around the world including Hawaii, And North America.

Fredrick, Kirk said...

Shield valcanoes are built mostly of Fluid lava flows.Shield valcanoes are located i areas like Calofornia and oregon And hawaii. Shield valcanoes resemble a wide rounded shape of an Ancient warriors shield

Andie said...

Shield valcones look like a warrior's sheild. Sheild valcones are located in northern California Oregan and the Hawaii Islands.
Plate tectonics and shield volcanoes: Eruptions in Hawii are different from anywhere else. Some volcanoes on Hawaii are sheild volcanoes becasue they resemble a sheild. Hawaii eruptions are normally not life threating.
Hawaii Sheild volcanoes:most volcanoes in Hawaii are sheild volcanoes. Hawaiian and other sheild volcanoes have a broad summit.

wukusick,anna said...

shield volcanoes are mostly lava and when theb vent erupts alot it makes a smaller slop like a warriors sheild. these can be seen in iceland,southeastern washington,eastern oregon,southern idaho,and hawaaii that are lava plateaus. the rest of the page describes the location of differnt sheild volcanoes and their stats and plate tectonics and sheild volcanoes

Andie said...

@wukusick, anna
what do sheild volcanoes look like?

wukusick,anna said...

i dont know i have never seen one

gaddis,breanna said...

they are built mostly of lava flow, in which the vent erupts time after time, creating a gentler slope, much like that of a warrior's sheild. These volcanoes can be seen in Iceland, southeastern Washington, eastern Oregon, and southern Idaho, as well as Hawaii, which are all lava plateaus.

Schmidt, Dominic said...

shild volcanos have fire in them and are made of dirt.

MooreKassidy said...

Shield Volcanoes look like hills and the also look like a warriors shield.That is why they are called shield volcanoes They are mostly made of lava flow.They can be seen in Eastern oregon , Hawaii and other places.

dacoda said...

A shield volcano looks very wide and round.
They are made of fluid lava flows.
They are located northern California and Oregon.
Summary for plate tectonics and shield volcanoes:Earthquakes and volcanic activity is linked to plate tectonic processes. Subduction-zone volcanoes are called composite cones which typically erupt with explosive force.
Summary for hawiiann volcanoes:Eruptions of Hawaiian and most other mid-plate volcanoes differ from composite cones. Mauna Loa and Kilauea, on the island of Hawaii, are known as shield volcanoes, because they resemble the wide, rounded shape of an ancient warrior's shield. Hawaiian volcanoes erupt frequently and have little danger to humans, they provide perfect natural laboratory to safely study volcanic phenomena at close range.
isent that cool

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
martin,katie said...

A Sheild Volcano looks kind of like a warrior sheild. They are built of fluid lava flows. They are located in Northern California and Oregan.
Plate tectonics cause the Sheild Volcano to errupt. The erruption of the Volcano is lava flowing down the sides of the volcano.
The hawaii Sheild Volcanos are the largest mountain on Earth. Hawaiian and other shield volcanoes characteristically have a broad summit.

Raines,Katrina said...

Some shield volcanos are so big they have a diamiter of 3 to 4 miles and are from 1500 to 2000 feet tall. Shield volcanos have there name because it resembles a shield. It is almost made of all fluid lava. It pous out and spreads evenly over the area and makes a gently slopping come of flat which lookes like a warriors shield. Most Shield volcanos are located Lilauea and Mauna Loa.

Thorp,Jayden said...

they are made of mostly lava and they look like mostly like all volcaneoes all rock and tall.

Anonymous said...

Shield Volcanoes are broad, flat cone shaped, domically shped volcanoe much like a warrior shield. They are made of highly fluid basaltic. Shield Volcanoes are located in Northern California, Oregon, Idaho, Washington and the Hawaiian Islands. Volcanic Activity is related to plate tectonic processes.
Plate Tectonics and Shield Volcanoes: Three fourths of the lava flow on earth takes place unseen beneath the ocean near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and East Pacific Rise. The eruptions of Hawaiian volcanoes occur frequently, but they are not fatal because the lava flows slowly. Unfortunately, it has caused economical damage to highways, homes ,and agricultural lands.
Hawaiian Shield Volcanoes:
Hawaiian shield volcanoes are much like shield volcanoes, except the lava flow is slightly different. The Hawaiian Shield volcanoes are the largest mountains on Earth. For example, Mauna Kea rises 13,796 feet above sea level and extends 19,700 feet below sea level touching the ocean floor. Total Mauna Kea is about 33,500 feet, making it larger than Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. In general composite volcanoes are dwarfed by hawaiian shield volcanoes!

Haden, Mark said...

sheild look like snow.

Jenkins,Tom said...

they look like a roman shield.they are made of basalt. most shild valcanos are in hawii. thre are many valcons in hawii. ere shild volcanos are some of the higtst mountens on earth.maunua kea is the higtst. 2ct is munua loa.

Jenkins,Tom said...

@ haden, mark : put more in, you will get a higher score

Haden, Mark said...

@ Anna
nice comment.So what do you think.

cirkovic, daniel said...

Shield volcanoes are built of fluid lava flows.Lava pours out in different directions from a vent gently sloping cone of flat, domical shape, that looks like a warrior's shield. They are made of basalt. They are located on Iceland, southeastern Washington, eastern Oregon,southern Idaho, and Hawaii. Hawaiian volcanoes differ than regular sheild volcanoes. They aren't very dangerous so they are good for studying.

georgantonis,pete said...

Shield volcanoes ... are built almost entirely of fluid lava flows. Flow after flow pours out in all directions from a central summit vent, or group of vents, building a broad

Haden, Mark said...

It looks like snow.Made of lava.

It is awesome.It get pushed forward.

cirkovic, daniel said...


You forgot everything about the Hawiian volcanoes aqnd how they erupt frequetly but are not very dangerous like other volcanoes so they are good for studying. I hope you read this comment so you dont miss out on important information.

Dupont, Noah said...

Volcanic activity is related to plate tectonic processes. Three fourths of the lava eurupted on Earth is produced underwater. Shield volcanos are form through layers of 'gentle' lava flows. Forming a much gentler slope. It starts to resemble a shield. They are located in Hawaii, Oregon, California, and other places.

Plate Tectonic processes cause the shield volcanos to eurupt, out of the main opening and the vents.

Hawaiian volcanos have a broad summit with a caldera, a large indent-a volcano origin?-

georgantonis,pete said...

@ bryan i think shield volcanos look lke wariors to

Calderon, Heidi said...

A shield Volcanoes are broad, flat cone shaped, domically shped volcanoe much like a warrior shield.
They are built of Fluid Lava Flow.
They are located in Northern California and Oregon.

Plate tectonics talks about the volcanoes errupting.
Hawaiian shield volcanoes talks about how they are the largest mountains on earth.

Anonymous said...

josh parsons The shield volcanoes are a domical shape like a warriors shield.IT is made of highly fluid basaltic from basalt.They are at california and orgen and hawaiian islands.

wessels,kelsey said...

sheild volcanos is built mostly of lava flow.Flow after flow pours out in all directions from a central summit vent, or group of vents, building a broad, gently sloping cone of flat, domical shape, with a profile much like that a a warrior's shield. They are built up slowly by the accretion of thousands of flows of highly fluid basaltic lava that spread widely over great distances, and then cool as thin, gently dipping sheets.these volcanos are located in iceland,eastern oregan ,southeastern washington and hawaii.

the plate tectonics and sheild volcanos were abbout the relationships between plate tectonics and sheild volcanos and the stats of the volcanoes.

the hawiian volcanoes are the largest mountains on the earth

Joseph Pegg said...

volcanoes are cool because of the lava.

rentz,monica said...

Shield volcanoes are buuilt mostly by lava flow. The shield volcanoes can be found in iceland, eastern oregon and hawaii. The shield volcanoes are 3 to 4 miles high and 1500 to 2000 ft.

wessels,kelsey said...

@ markus
oh marku i didnt no they were made out of snow.i htought they were made mostly of lava flow but thats pretty cool to no.

rentz,monica said...

@ alana

I tottally argee

Guthier Nick said...

Shield Volcanoes look like warrior shields. Shield Volcanoes are built up slowly by the accretion of thousands of flows of highly fluid basaltic lava that spread widely over great distances. They can be seen in Hawii, Northern California, Iceland, southeastern Washington, eastern Oregon, and southern Idaho.

The rest of the page describes different locations of the Shield Volcanoes and how much damage they can do and information about them.

Hawiian Shield Volcanoes are the largest mountains on earth. Mauna Kea Volcano and Mauna Loa are the largest mountains in Hawii.

Guthier Nick said...

Kresser Jacob,
I also agree on how the volcanoes got it's name by a warriors shield.

Hannah Graff! said...

A Sheild Volcano looks kind of like a warrior sheild.
They are built of fluid lava flows.
They are located in northern California, and Oregan.
Plate tectonics cause the Sheild Volcano to errupt. The erruption of the Volcano is lava flowing down the sides of the volcano.
The Hawaii Sheild Volcanos are the largest mountains on Earth. Hawaiian and other shield volcanoes characteristically have a broad summit.

I had no idea that they were also located in washington.

Justin said...

the shield volcanoes are kind like a knights shield, the way that it domes over the volcanoe. the shields on the volcanoes seem to increase the sides of the volcanoe which decreases the slope.

Zach "Hillshire" Viox said...

I agree it really does look like a shield and i think the mountains look sweet

CameronIan said...

the shield vocanos are made from the lava flow over time. they are called shield volcanos because they are in the shape of a warriors shield. they rest atop lava pleatues.

Reis, Elizabeth said...

Shield volcanoes are broad volcanoes. Their slope is gentle and they have a flat shape. They are made of fluid lava flows and they are located in Northern California, Oregon, Washington, the Hawaiian Islands and Idaho.

Volcanic activity is related to plate-tectonic processes because most above ground volcanoes are located near convergent plate boundaries where subduction is occurring. But most of the lava erupted comes from beneath the ocean.
Composite volcanoes are volcanoes that usually erupt with a lot of force. Most mid-plate eruptions are a lot different because shield volcanoes erupt non-explosively (yet still can destroy property) but overall Hawaiian volcanoes are not much of a threat.

Reis, Elizabeth said...

Shield volcanoes are also found in Idaho. Like Bonnie said, this surprises me. I wouldn't really picture volcanoes in Idaho.

Schwab,Izzy said...

sheild volcanoes are made of fluid lava has a profile similar to a warriors sheild hense the name.
Plate tectonics made the Volcano to errupt. The erruption of the Volcano is lava flowing down the sides of the volcano.

it contains stuff about how the plates and the volcanoes are related and connected.

Andrew Ehrman said...


There mostly lava flow because the magma is less sticky and less gassy.

Anonymous said...

i think that the hiwiwii sheild volcanoes are very cool and very big but i would be scared about living there because what if the volcaone's went off
Sarah Savard

Joseph Pegg said...

Sheild volcanoes look like a warriors sheild. The sheild volcanoes are made of hard dense dark volcanic rock. They are located along the Snake River in Idaho, and the Columbia River in Washington and Oregon. The plate tectonics cause the sheild volcanoes to erupt. In Mauna loa and Kilauea, on the Island of Hawaii, are known as sheild volcanoes. The Hawaiian sheild volcanoes are the largest mountains on the earth.

Greve, Julia said...

the volcanoes look like the shield of a warrior. they are made of lava flows. most shield volcanoes are located in south east washington, east orgeon, south idaho, and hawaii, which are all called lava plateaus.

Hawaii Sheild Volcanos are the biggest mountain on Earth. Hawaiian and other shield volcanoes have big summits.

Riley, Olivia said...

Shield volcanoes look like small domes, or a warriors shield. Shield volcanoes are made of fast flowing liquid lava. Some shield volcanoes can be located in Iceland, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Hawaii.

Anonymous said...

Sheild volcanos are mostly conical shape,and sloped. Knida shaped like a warriors sheild .Sheild volcano-basaltic,lowin sillcaca and dark in color.located - iceland,hawaii.lyndsey roberto

Anonymous said...

@ mackenzie and luke. I didnt know they were in washington. i wonder if the eight graders last year got to see any of them?I didnt know they were in that many places.

Anonymous said...

Also in Oregon,washington which is very surprising.Also as well in many other places.

Anonymous said...

sam keethler-
mount st hellens mount pinatebo south westurn washington and howiey is the locatin of wher shed volcanose are.fuid lava flow is the wat sheld volcanose are

walter burkart said...

shield volcanos look like a mountain or hill with gently sloped sides it is not very gassy lava making the shape the rock it is made out of is called basaltic and are found in hawii