Monday, January 31, 2011

Ohio Earthquakes

Check out the following link.  Tell me about the Earthquake that occured on June 18, 1875.  Where did it occur?  What damage occured?  How about the earthquake on September 19, 1884?  Looking at the seismicity map, where do you see the most Earthquake activity in Ohio?  When was the largest earthquake in Ohio.  Tell me some facts about it.  Look through the rest of the site.  What other facts can you give me about earthquakes in Ohio?

Ohio Earthquakes

Shallow Magma Under Hawaii

Ohio State University researchers have made some new findings about the Hawaiian Islands?  What are they?  Read the article to find out
Hawaiian Islands


We have been studying plate movements and how it relates to volcanoes.  How do scientist know that the plates are moving?  What tools do they use to measure the changes at Yellowstone National Park?  What has recently been happening at Yellowstone?  Is this something new or has it been happening before?  How is this linked to the hot springs and geysers?  Read the article and watch the video to find out.  Give us your thoughts based upon the evidence.

Yellowstone Uplift

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mt St Helens

Research Mt St Helens.  Tell me what you discover.  When did it erupt, where is it located, what devastation occured, etc.  Report any information you can find on it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mt. Etna erupts in Italy

Where is Mt. Etna located in Italy.  What type of eruption was it?    What type of rock was created from this eruption basalt or granite?  What do you think that it would be like to live by an active volcano?
Mt. Etna

Moon Quakes. What does this tell us about the moon?

Apollo-era astronauts left a seismic experiment on the moon. New analysis of that 30-year-old data may give new insights into the lunar core.  What can this seismic data tell us about the moon today and in the past?  What else you like to learn about the moon if you were sent on a mission to the moon?
New (Old) views of the lunar core?

Monday, January 10, 2011

USGS Earthquakes, How often do they occur?

Check out the following link.  Did you realize this many earthquakes occured around the world on a daily basis?  We often don't hear about these, but there are earthquakes daily.  What are your thoughts?

Earthquakes in the last 7 days

Monday, January 3, 2011

Super Volcano

What is under Yellow Stone?  Is Yellow Stone the only super volcano.  What is a
VIE 8?  What does all of this have to do with Plate Tectonics?  How do you think that the US would be effected if there were a super erruption?
What did you think of the video?

Super Volcano

Holiday Earthquake

Did you feel the earthquake Thursday, December 30?  How is it that we could have an earthquake in the midwest?  Where was its epicenter?  What was the magnitude?  What would if be like if we had and earthquake here in Cincinnati?  When was the last time we had one in Cincinnati?

Indiana Earthquake