Monday, May 2, 2011

Tornado Update

Go to Tornado Alley Live and watch the video from the tornados in late April.  After viewing the video then go to the link on Famed Tornado lesson learned.  What did we learn from this disaster?  What is our risk of a tornado today?  What should you do in the event of an impending tornado?  Where should you go in your home?   Have you talked about this with your parents?  Do you have a plan?  What do you think about the events of late April?

Tornado Alley Live


Lamping Ally said...

This is a terrible situation that can occur. We learned that tornados can be highly dangerous! You should go to your basement when a tornado occurs.
Yes both of us have talked with our parents about what is going on in the u.s right now and what to do when a tornado strikes!
DeeAnna was on her way to Alabama the day after there was a tornado and when she was on her way home there was a tornado the day after she left Alabama.
Our plan is go down to the basment or be on vacation when a tornado happens(like DeeAnna:)
we think thE LATE EVENTS OF APRIL WERE HORRIBLEEEE ! (Rain rain go away now! and tornados!)

Lamping Ally said...


Kresser Jacob said...

tornados are dangerous and destructive, both of us have not talked to our parents about tornados simply because we allready know what to do in the tragick event that a tornado would occur. we would both go to our basements and we would get all family members and pets to come down to. we think the events in late april were tragick but were luckey they dident hit us here.

austin kresser

Kresser Jacob said...

@ ally &deanna

did you really make a jingle about tornados??

austin kresser

Kresser Jacob said...

@ deanna and ally

you dont have bragging rights i was first on the other one.

austin kresser

Tyler said...

I would hate to be in Alabama when this happened if i could do anything to help them i would but there is not that much i can do here.

Tyler and Arin

Andrew Gibbous McCarthy said...

David And-rew

we learned that it is very dangerous and can kill. you should always go to the lowest level of the building you are in and stay away from the windows.we have not talked to are parents about this and we dont have a plan.

Rembold,Abby said...

Abby, Megan and Mackenzie !(:

Tornados are very, very dangeruous. And you shouldn't be in a car during a tornado... or under a bridge. If you are caught outside when a tornado hits you should try to find a ditch to hide in while it passes. When you are at home and a tornado hits, you should go to the lowest level.
Yes, we have talked about this with our parents. We have plans if there is a tornado, we go and hide in the basement. We do not like the events of late April.

Rembold,Abby said...

@ Ally& DeeAnna:
obviously, this is terrible situation. We also have the same plans as you two. I think that is what everyone does when a tornado occurs.

- Abby, Megan and Mackenzie (:

Andrew Gibbous McCarthy said...

@ ally and Deeanna

The basements not always the safest place if there is to many winders

Tyler said...

@Ally and DeeAnna

We agree that the events in late April were HORRIBLAH,we are fortunate that it didn't happen here because then it would have involved us.

Tyler and Arin

Rembold,Abby said...

@ David And-rew

You may want to make plan to stay safe and talk to your parents so you know what to do when there is a tornado.

LaGrangeBonnie said...

We learned that tornados can be more disastorous,fatal,and destructive than we thought. We're not postitive, but we don't think we have a risk of a tornado today. You should go to your basement or lowest level of your home. Go to a room with no windows. I personally heard the best place to be during a tornado is holding on to your toilet? weird. In the event of an impending tornado you should stay calm, get everything/ everyone prepared and listento weather updates on the radio. We have talked about this with our parents and we have a plan. We think the events are scary and we feel bad for the victims of the tornadoes.

Andrew Gibbous McCarthy said...

@ Tyler

you can always donate to the red cross to help rebuild

Tyler said...

@ drew and david

Why go to the bottom? it's more fun to at least see it before it hits you.


LaGrangeBonnie said...

By the way that was Jenn too! :)
-Jenn and Bonnie ☺

LaGrangeBonnie said...

@ Ally and DeeAnna
It's a good thing Dee Anna wasn't there during the actual tornado. Our plan is to go to the basement too. Haha or be on vacation
Bonnie and Jenn ☺

Anonymous said...

We learned that tornadoes are very dangerous disaters. And everyone needs a plan for tornados. We dont think that the risk is low because we havent seen any yet. Everyone should grab a blanket, pillow, candles, and a radio. You should go to the lowest point of your house. we havent talked to our parents about what to do during a disater. Yes we have a plan to go in the basement and grab a radio and cover your head. We feel the rauin should stop because we cant go outside to get world fit miles.
Kaylee & Anna :)

Savard, Samantha said...

Tornadoes are very dangerous and can cause severe injudries or even death.
When a tornadoe orrurs the safest place to be is in the basement or if you do not have a basement then the bathroom would be the next safest place` or the middle of the house with no windows.
We have both talked to our parents about what is going on in the us and we both have a plan to go to our basement.

Savard, Samantha said...

Sam and Jill

Anonymous said...

@bonnie & Jen

We agree that you do need to stay calm during a tornado and we didnt know that it would be safe to hold onto your toilet during a tornado. Thats really cool.
Anna & Kaylee :)

Lamping Ally said...

@ Jake and Austin
yes we did it seemed like the right thing and drew and david you are right.

LaGrangeBonnie said...

@ Abby Megan and Mackenzie
Yeah we were at girl scouts over the weekendand it had this tornado preparedness sheet in the lodge we were staying in, although our lodge was tornado safe and had a basement. It said if we were outside to get in a ravine or ditch. :)
-Bonnie and Jenn ☺

Taylor's blog spot said...

we learned that tornadoes are very dangerous! hide somewhere very safe when one acurrs. we have talked to our parents about it, my mom gets scared when she hears the siren

Taylor's blog spot said...

@ ally
i agree, it is a very terrible situation, i would hide anywhere when one acurrs

Anonymous said...

Michael Twilling

If there was an impending tornado i would stock up on food and water and sleep in my basement with my family and dog

Brendan Marchetti

If there was a tornado i would get anything that is valuble and go into my basement with my family and wait until the tornado had passed

Tedesco.Jake said...

Tornados are very dangerous and you should be in a basement or under a table.

I have not talked to my parents about what to do if a tornado happens but I know what to do anyway. I think that the past events of april have been really bad and sad knowing the amount of deaths that happend in Alabama

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tedesco.Jake said...

The last one was
Jake T and Josh G

Smith,Courtney said...

We learned that tornados can be more fatal and destructive than we ever thought.We are pretty sure we do not have a risk of a tornado today. You should go to te lowest level in you house, usally the basement.IF there is A room down there with no windows you should go there....if not go to the wall oppiste of the windows.IF there is a impending tornado you should stay clam and always be ready. Yes we have kinda.... well what we should do.our basic plan is go to the basement.

Courtney Smith & Sydney Polking :)

Anonymous said...

@ jacob kresser
your right we were lucky the tornado didnt hit us i wonder what it would have been like if it did
Brendan Marchetti

Smith,Courtney said...

@ LAmping ally we agree that the weather was horriable in april and hopefully it will get better!
and me and court have also talked to my parents we think everyone should
--Sydney Polking, Courtney Smith--

Greve, Julia said...

i feel bad for those who live in states that are prone to have tornados. we learned from this disaster was when you incounter a tornado, you should go into your basement, away from all windows. Emily has talked to her parents about tornado, though i haven't.

Julia and Emily

Smith,Courtney said...

@ jennifer and bonnie

we feel bad the victims of the tornados too!

Tchase said...

This is Gabbi and Taylors blog post comment thingy. (:

My parents told me that when ever there is a tornado go to the base ment stay away form the windos and pray. -Gabbi
Tornadoes are realllly dangerous! I never talked to my mom about them, but i already know what to do from like it happening before. I know that you are supposed to go yo your basement and stay there until its over. & you should stay away from all windows so the glass doesnt kill you. -Taylor(:
tornado are made by hot and cold chaseing eachother and wind will pick up and cumulis clouds. the more the wind will pick up the more the danger we will be in. -Gabbi
The events of late april were very sad. I felt really bad for the people who went through that. -Taylor(:

Greve, Julia said...

@ taylors blogspot

i would think a lot of people would be too scared of the tornado to actually think of what the right place to go was...

Julia and EMily (mostly Julia)

Sydney,Vest said...

We learned that Apathy, The speed of storms, the time of day and the strength of storms all contribute when and where the tornados will happen.
The risk for a tornado today is very low. We might get some rain but it is very very very unlikey for a tornado.

If a tornado were to come you should go into a lower level with no windows.

Not really, we just go into the baasement when we hear thew sirens

No plan

The events in April were terrible, very scary and sad. I really hope nothing ever happens like thaty again.

Lauren And Sydney

Sydney,Vest said...

I agree with ally!!! it was a terroble thing!!! rain go away.

Lauren and Sydney

Greve, Julia said...

@Tyler and arin

I agree that no one would want to be in alabama when if happened but someone had to go through it its not like the whole city cleared out.

Julia and Emily (mostly emily)

Sydney,Vest said...

I agree with tyler and arin! i would help in anyway possible and really hope it doesnt happen again!!

Sydney and Lauren

hutson,cody said...

this is a terrible occurence. These are veryy dangerous and deadly and have already killed many. We have both talked to our parents about what would happen if a tornado would strike.

hutson,cody said...

@Lamping ally
Deean thats really scary but i guess you got looking.

Garvey, Emily said...

This is a terrible situation that can occur. We learned that tornados can be highly dangerous! You should go to your basement when a tornado occurs. If you are caught outside when a tornado hits you should try to find a ditch to hide in while it passes.

Anonymous said...

Michael Twilling

@ Greve, Julia

I agree with you but i would have left

Anonymous said...

Michael Twilling

@ hutson,cody

What is your plan

hutson,cody said...

@Rembold, Abby We have the same plans for a tornado though about everybody has the same plan.

Cody hutson and Ian cameron:)

Henry Minning said...

Henry And Alec

We have learned that tornades can be more dangerous then they seem. We have a low risk of a tornado today, and if there was an event of a tornado you should go to a place with no windows, like a basement. My parnets have told me what to do in case of a tornado. You should stay calm, go to the lowest level of your house and listen for weather updates. We feel tdrrible for the victims of the tornadoes.

@ Ally

the events that occured in april, we also feel that it was terrible.

Anonymous said...

We learned that tornados can be more disastorous,fatal,and destructive than we thought. We're not postitive, but we don't think we have a risk of a tornado today. You should go to your basement or lowest level of your home. Go to a room with no windows. I personally heard the best place to be during a tornado is holding on to your toilet? weird. In the event of an impending tornado you should stay calm, get everything/ everyone prepared and listento weather updates on the radio. We have talked about this with our parents and we have a plan. We think the events are scary and we feel bad for the victims of the tornados
By:Kylie Gill and Biranna Gall

Zach "Hillshire" Viox said...

This is Reis,Kirk and Zach.

We learned that tornadoes have the potential to be very dangerous. THat tornadoes can cause alot of damiges and can be very powerful

our risk is not a lot

In the event of a tornado you should find shelter and stay down

No we have not

yes we go into the basement.
Kirk and reis have no plan.

We care for the people suffering

Anonymous said...

I agree with you becuase tornados are dangerous and can ruin the envierment.
By:Kylie Gill and Brianna Gall(:

Anonymous said...

this is a terrible occurence. These are veryy dangerous and deadly and have already killed many.

Zach "Hillshire" Viox said...

JAKE Tedesco
SAME here we have do not have a plan. and we agree tornadoes are dangerous

adelly_foshow2 said...

we learned that turnados can do alot of damage. a high risk of a turnado today cause of the thunderstorms. you should lock all doors and windows. you should go to the basement ( a room without windows ). sam has talked to his parents and austin hasnt talked to his parents. yes we have a plan to go to the room in our house that has no windows and lock the doors. the events in late April was teribable there were bad wind storms, bad thunderstorms, and bad turnados.

Austin Deller and Sam Sims

Anonymous said...

sam keethler-
the odds of a tornato are one in a milleon.ive learnd that tornatoes can go really fast i thought they always go slow and were fat thare realy skrony for thare size.if thare was a tornatoe open all your windowes and go 2 your basment

Bader, Lucas said...

lucas/austin benjamin
we learn that the tornado can cause major damage to the community and nature.

Anonymous said...

sam keethler-
i agre with anna sanzear you do need to be calm during a tornatoe and you need to go to youre basment or bathroom

alyssa weber said...


We learned how brainless the chasers are.
Our risk varies from day to day
you should go into a basement of a small space with little aor no windows.
i think it is a tragic and horid disaster.

Anonymous said...

I've learned diasaster can strike at any time and you have to be ready. if a tornado is coming you should go to the lowest point in your house and get out of your car if youre in it. our plan is to just5 go to the basement. `i feel terrible for the people in alabama and what they have been through

Austin breiner and John Dinger

alyssa weber said...


@emily garvey
do you know what to do if you are inside?
Well, if you didn't know, you should go into a basement of a small space with little aor no windows

Anonymous said...

@ lamping and moehoring

What if there is a tornado when your on vacation? just something to think about

wukusick,anna said...

we learned that you should go under something or hold on when a tornado comes. we might have a high risk because are having alot of thunder storms. During a tornado you should head for shelter as fast as u can. u should go in the basement or the bathroom because theres no windows but if u dont have a basement then u should go 2 the bathroom. No we have not talked to our parents but we know what to do. we also do not have a plan but we all know to go to the basement. we did not like all the thunder storms and we think it would have been really scary to live down south.

Anonymous said...

@ tyler and arin

its so weird thiking i was just down in alabama recently for space camp. its scary how this all happened. what do you think about this?

wukusick,anna said...

^^^by anna and monni^^^

alyssa weber said...


Also did you know that you could also go to a basement

Thorp,Jayden said...

This is a terrible situation that can occur. We learned that tornados can be highly dangerous! You should go to your basement when a tornado occurs.
Yes both of us have talked with our parents about what is going on in the u.s right now and what to do when a tornado strikes!
DeeAnna was on her way to Alabama the day after there was a tornado and when she was on her way home there was a tornado the day after she left Alabama.
Our plan is go down to the basment or be on vacation when a tornado happens(like DeeAnna:)
we think thE LATE EVENTS OF APRIL WERE HORRIBLEEEE ! (Rain rain go away now! and tornados!)
katrina Jayden

Thorp,Jayden said...

@Ally and DeeAnna

We agree that the events in late April were HORRIBLAH,we are fortunate that it didn't happen here because then it would have involved us.


georgantonis,pete said...

pete and dacoda
tornados are dangerouse if you are outside when one hits you should find a ditch or if by store try to go inside.

Thorp,Jayden said...

Jayden: Yes we did talk about our parents but it is hard for my mom to talk about it to me she lost her great grandmother she was really close too. It hurts to talk about that stuff but we do talk.
Katrina:no we really dont talk about this cause i get really scared but we do talk about it abut i walk out of the room cause i do not like to talk about thos stuff because it freaks me out a lot.

Thorp,Jayden said...

yes you would have to find a ditch but what if there are no ditch a round then what would you to??????????????????????????????

georgantonis,pete said...

@ all and deanna
its not always safe to o to basement
pete and dacoda

Calderon, Heidi said...

Our risk of a tornado today would be a low tornado risk.

In the event of an impending torndao what would be best to do is to take cover and be ready.
the lowest level (basement) would be best.

Yes we have once, about where to go and what would happen when it comes and to always be prepaired.

Yes to always have a place to be safe and have food and water down in your lowest level of where you go when a tornado is coming.

what we think about the events is that april is really the one ? most season that has alot of rain and tornados and things like that.


cirkovic, daniel said...

We learned that we need to notice tornados as a more dangerous threaat to us. You should stay away from windows and go to lower levels. We have a pretty high risk of having a torando because this is the time of the year they come up the most.No We haven't talked with our parents because we already know what to do. These events have been very catstrophic.

- NIck and Daniel.

Calderon, Heidi said...


We agree it would be hard to talk about that kind of stuff when you lose a loved one in a tornado.


cirkovic, daniel said...

@Lamping Ally

We are very happy that DeeAnna didn't get caught in the tornado. She got very lucky... unlike the other peoople in Alabama.

Calderon, Heidi said...

@ viox

Me and Monica totally agree that we feel the same way that it is sad when the other people have to suffer these things when sometimems they arent prepaired for dangerous things such as a tornado and when it is coming.

gaddis,breanna said...

Kassidy Moore And Breanna Gaddis
This is a terrible situation that can occur. We learned that tornados can be highly dangerous!no both of us have not talked with our parents about what is going on right now and what to do when a tornado strikes.Our plan is to go down to the basement when a tornado occurs.

cirkovic, daniel said...

@Sydney Vest

We all should really get a plan. It would be safer for us all. We and Nick are thinking anout one right now.

Schwab,Izzy said...

we learned that there should be at least one light sleep er in the house just in case. Katie learned that if you dont have a basement then go on the lowest floor in a room in the kiddle of the house with no wiindows. Izzy has talked to her parents about tornadoes but katie hasn'tcause she doesnt care. gosh katie!

Anonymous said...

this is a terrible occurence. These are very dangerous and deadly and have already killed many. We have both talked to our parents about what would happen if a tornado would strike. If a tornado did hit i just wonder whatv would happen to everybody?
Anthony, Erb, Marcus

Hannah Graff! said...

THats a horrible situation!! I feel so bad for those who live down there!!We should go too are basement to stay safe!!! No i havent talked to my parents yet!!
kelsey&&hannah <3

Hannah Graff! said...

@ ally and dee
i would hate to be in alabama when this happened!!!
KEsey&&hannah <3

Anonymous said...

josh parsons/dominic schmidt- We learned that tornadoes can cause serious destruction to life and we should be careful. Our risk for tornado is not that high. If a tornado hits you should always go to basement. YES. No,and i think we will not get a tornado.

Dupont, Noah said...

I learned to of course listen for sirens and that stuff and well it's just horrid.
I should obviously get in a safe room or room without windows in case of a tornado. Yes I have talked about this with my parents. We have a plan. I think the evens were just terrible. D:


Hannah Graff! said...

@ drew
hey i learned that they were ver dangerous and thay can killl!!!! Glad we dont live in tornado ally!!!
kelsey&&hannah <3

Dupont, Noah said...

@Sydney Vest
We too learned about apathy, and yeah alot of what people are saying are 'derpy' meaning obvious XD

Reis, Elizabeth said...

I learned that tornados can do serious damage and that you should go to the basement or cellar, or go to the lowest level, center part of the house. Our risk of a tornado today is lower in our area, but this time of the year, spring, would give it a higher chance. In my home I would go in my basement, or if I couldn't then my bathtub. I have sorta talked about it with my parents, the basement is just i guess the spot we all know we should go. That's the only plan. I think that the events of late April was really scary and at very bad timing with everything else that is going on in the world today.

Reis, Elizabeth said...

@Bonnie and Jenn
Yea hthat's a good resolution just be on vacation when there's a tornado! Hahh I wish it would be that easy. I think it would be really freaky if you came back to your house from vacation and just everything was gone.

Reis, Elizabeth said...

@Abby, Megan and Mackenzie
Oh I forgot about the part about hiding in a ditch. I think that would make it even scarier just sitting alone there for however long. And I would be too afraid to get out incase the tornado was still close.

kallmeyer, bridget said...

We have learned that when you see a tornado coming don't stay were you are head away from it.

The risk of us having a tornado today isn't very good.

In the even of an impending tornado you would want to find shelter as soon as you can(if your out side),and go to a room that doesn't have windows(if your inside).

In my house we go to our downstairs bathroom.

I have talked about this with my parents.

Our plan is to go to our downstairs bathroom.

I think that the events of late April were sad and disastrous.

Andie said...

This is horriable. If you are outside during a tonado, you should find the nearest ditch and wait for the tornado to pass. YOu should go to the basement if a tornado accures. My family has talked about it and we do have a plan.

Andie said...

@ anna and moni
how do you know what to do, if you havent talked to your parent about this?

kallmeyer, bridget said...

@Monica and Heidi
You would also want to be in a room without windows.

Natalie said...

We learned it is not safe to be under an overpass during a tornado. Our risk of a tornado is the same it was when they filmed that video. You should stay calm in the event of an impending tornado. You should go to a basement or cellar, if you don’t have a basement or cellar, you should go to the lowest level, center part of the house. No, I have not talked about this with my parents but if there is ever a tornado warning than my parents always wake us up and tell us to go downstairs. I think the events of late April were scary because we had a lot of close calls.

Natalie said...

@ Bonnie

That is kind of weird. Toilet? It makes sense though because it's connected to the sewer (unless you have a septic tank) which is in the ground.

Natalie said...

@ Lizzie

That would be freaky! Especially coming back to your neighborhood and it being like a ghost town with everyone gone and houses torn apart. I guess that's happened to someone in the world before though.

baxter bryan said...

This is a terrible situation that can occur. We learned that tornados can be highly dangerous! You should go to your basement when a tornado occurs.
we have not talked to are parents about this and we dont have a plan.

baxter bryan said...

ally lamping-ya i agree this is terrible ssituations that have been acuuring.

Anonymous said...

This is bad stituation. and we are lucky we didnt get any just high wind. i havent talked to my parents that much about what to do if a tornado does my fam would go down to the basement. I lreadened alot about tornadoes in science class and from are practice drills at school we do. lyndsey roberto