Friday, February 4, 2011

How are minerals used?

Minerals are found in things you use everyday.  SOme things you may already know, but some of the mierals you use may suprise you.  Check out the following link:
mineral activity
Complete the following activities, Minerals are Everywhere and Mineral Mix-n-Match.
Make sure to select the 'play again with a new set of objects' choice at least 3 times for each activity.
Once you completed these activites post the names of some of the minerals you have learned as well as the uses for these minerals.


Anonymous said...

Limestone, clay and gypsum are used to make cement. Cement is strong,Rigid, it is easy to shape when wet, and is quick to set. We learned that cement is made out alot of things and is kinda intersteing!

Anna AND Kaylee

Anonymous said...

First to post! yess!

Anna AND Kaylee!

Greve, Julia said...

i learned some new minerals. such as gypsum, halite, hematite, and wolframite. i also learned what kind of minerals are put into cars. the main part of the car is made of strong iron materials like magnetite and hematite. and that door handles and badges are a lot of the time coated in chromium

Anonymous said...

Some minerals are glass and quartz. these materials are hard rigid and transparent. Some other minerals are Gypsum and hermatite.\
also what kind of minerals are used in cars most of the car is m,ade of stong iron materials like hermatite.
----Sydney polking-----
----Courtney Smith-----

Anonymous said...

@ anna sanzere

we agree that is interesting too!

Natalie said...

Hematite is used to make steel, caly and gypsum are used to make cement and quartz is used to amke glass.

johnson, allison said...

i learned about light bulbs,it has a very high melting point. i also learned about crockery it is like clay, it is easy to shape when wet. and i learned about steel to make cars and makes door nobs.

walter burkart said...

chormide hemstite chortz

Andie said...

Graphite is used to make pencils. Kaolinite is used to make medicines.
Gypsum is used to make plaster casts.

dacoda said...

the game was very educational i kearned about some rocks called quartz is a rock used to make glass. then there is a rock called sement wich we use to make roads.

martin,katie said...

the game was ok but to easy i think its more for little kids

Thorp,Jayden said...

we use minerals everyday and in buliding.

Dupont, Noah said...

I learned we use Quartz in computers, silver in film, gypsum in casts, and titanium in paint. I also found some things that I already knew, such as limstone in cement, aluminum in airplanes, and copper in pipes.

I kept hoping for my favorite mineral/rock to show up-obsidian- but to no success.

wessels,kelsey said...

well limesstone,gypsumand clay are used to make cement.cement is rigid,easy to shape when wet,quick to set and strong.

Calderon, Heidi said...

Clay is used to make ceramic plant pots.
Gold if flexible and it is also rare but valuable.
Clay is easy to shape when it is wet.
When clay is fired it is very strong and rigid.
We use minerals is cast, cutlery, windows, soda crystals and even light bolbs!

Tchase said...

I didnt even realize minerals were in things you use everyday. Like pencils and paper and also light bulbs. wolframite is the mineral in light bulbs. in pencils, its graphit and in paper it is also made of wolframite.